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Status Updates posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Roleplaying should only happen in designated RP forums. Not all over the board... For example, not in your Introduction and your Profile. We are real people here dear, it's not all RP all the time. :)

    1. PrincessCadenceGal
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Right then. Maybe want to edit your profile. Could give the wrong impression. :)

  2. Seems like I've been messing up a lot lately...

  3. Did you make that pie on your profile? O_o

    1. Talex


      Sadly, I did not. You may thank google images for that pie. It will change shortly

  4. HAHA! I have gone through all 228 Notifications! Now for the 13 pages of posts. D:

    1. Tenkan


      Someone give Tales a medal!

  5. Yeah, didn't get to those Notifications yesterday. 224 Notifications, 13 pages of New Content. Yeah.

    1. Haseo


      That's a crazy amount of content to check! You'll catch up in no time though, I know it ;)

  6. Dude, digging the avatar.

    1. FermataTheBasse


      Thank you very much! It's a LoL champion ponified.

  7. Hi there, welcome to Canterlot! :) Since you never made an Introduction, I couldn't welcome you there.

    1. PIJIN


      I didn't know you could skip the introduction. :/

  8. Inbox down for maintenance. Leave a message.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      If you CAN send me a PM, feel free to. For those who can't, that's why.

  9. 800+ Skype messages, 79 Facebook Notifcations, 59 Canterlot Notifications, 11 pages of new topics, new episode. Also, sick with a sore throat. Yep, my day is cut out for me.

  10. So sleeping. I just kinda did that for 12 hours.

  11. That awkward moment when you derp around on Facebook and Like 99 (new) pages.

  12. PM box out of commission. Add me as a friend and use the chat feature!

  13. Derpin' around the site!

  14. Whenever I make references to online things, my family has the reaction of Claudis.

  15. Mom: *Notices the spoon in the frosting jar on the counter.* "What are you going to put that on?" Me: "My tongue..." >_>

  16. I think I threw out my back at work.

  17. What else will I mess up now?

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