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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Mud Pie backed away slightly. "Just playing... My family is visiting my grandparents around here somewhere, but they're at the store right now, so I went out to play. I'm no mud monster." he said warily, then sighed. "Do I have to get clean to prove it?" He seemed annoyed and disgusted by the thought of washing off. "I-I can, uh, leave if I'm a problem." he added shakily. Was this mare absolutely crazy?! He may have been caked with mud, as always, but most could clearly see that he was a pegasus. This was one confused mare, he concluded.
  2. Mud Pie grinned and fluttered down. "I'm always muddy. It's lots of fun." he said, splashing in one of his mud puddles. "So, uh... Who's this?" he added warily, gesturing towards Honeydew. "Thought I was some kind a' monster." He fluttered closer to get a better look at the paranoid mare, the flapping of his wings spattering mud everywhere. His green eyes were focused as if to remember every feature of the mare's face, then the filly's. He shook his messy brown and green mane out of his eyes again and grinning. "Ya both seem nice." he remarked.
  3. "What do we do?" Creepalina said, seeming to be beginning to panic. Her horn glowed red and she emitted a stream of hissing sounds.
  4. How is the name Quicklime related to a deadly gas? My brain cannot science in summer sometimes.
  5. The muddy little colt hovered upside down for a moment and stared at Honeydew. Mud pony? The center of the world? He was confused, but rathered not to be Pony-Fu'd. He sat atop his cloud again, peering out from its dirtied fluffiness. "Uh... I'm Mud Pie. Just a pegasus." he murmured unsurely, just loud enough for Honeydew to catch. "Who are you?" he added on a more cheerful note, cautiously fluttering down to meet the mare. He shook his floppy, messy mane out of his eyes, accidentally splattering Honeydew with more mud.
  6. Fright Night was beginning the walk home from her job tending to the graveyard. The orange unicorn paused in front of the silvery shop and grinned, as a lot of her friends lived there now. A few still lingered in the graveyard, though, so Fright was never too lonely. She hadn't talked to the stallion who ran the shop in a while, so she decided to drop in for a visit. "Hello...?" she said in her usual far-away tone as she entered the shop. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything..."
  7. Creepalina stared at Abundant Harvest, poking him a bit. "He doesssn't look too good, doesss he?" she remarked, seeming concerned.
  8. ((Uh, stormchaser, she didn't toss him, she dragged him. That's what 'lugged him to safety' means. She dragged him to a safer place.))
  9. I don't think there are rumors like that about gingers in Equestria, just here on earth. As you can see in the show, they really don't judge each other based on mane or coat colours. Nopony's going to be avoided simply because she has a red mane and tail.
  10. ooc: Mind if I jump in? The mare and filly didn't seem to notice the brown pegasus colt, or the oddly coloured cloud he was standing on. He hadn't really noticed them underneath him either, though. His family was visiting some relatives around here, and he had gone out to play for a while. As usual, he was dumping bucketfuls of mud into the cloud he was standing on. He decided that the cloud had enough and set the bucket down, accidentally kicking it off the cloud and onto the mare below. And then he began to mud storm. He jumped on the cloud a few times to get it started, then darted underneath it as a downpour of mud came down.
  11. Ah, okay. Don't you forget about me!
  12. (a wild awkward non-rph appeared!) I think he looks alright. A bit brief at points, but good.
  13. Eraser button's not working either. That or my computer's being REALLY slow.
  14. Whoops, I think I'd better switch this to FFA.... This is my only talent/cutie mark idea for her.
  15. Gah, having a bit of an issue with the boldness... It won't turn off. However, I made the titles bolder than the rest of the text, still. I hope this is okay... Honestly, I have no idea how to fix it anyways. Gah, or not. It looked like the titles were bolder in the editor.... Help?
  16. They all stood up and began to trot off towards the festivities, but Necro stopped in his tracks by an alley piled with rotting wooden crates. He stepped up and peeked behind them, only to find another pony. "Ugh, another one? Well, come on, follow me if you want to get out of here." he said with a frustrated sigh. "I'll have to transform you first. Don't worry, it's only temporary."
  17. "Okay!" Crystal said, trotting after her with a slight limp.
  18. Fun person with an adorable little signature thing there. ^
  19. We're always accepting new players! Jump right in!
  20. D'aaaaaaaaaaaaw! What an adorable art style!
  21. Crystal stared around at nothing in particular. "Hmm... I don't know. Better explore the whole train." she said with a little grin.
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