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Bronies For Life

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Everything posted by Bronies For Life

  1. Aqua sat, staring into space, awaiting her order. She did not notice when a new pegasus came in; for all she cared, she could have been Celestia and she would have still brushed her off. Then, suddenly, a huge unicorn charged in. It wouldn't of taken a genius to figure out who this was; he did have the same color's, cutie mark, and size. Aqua took a quick glance at Dusty, then at Hoss, who was pointing at him and telling her to be quiet, then at Shanna who was hiding behind the nurse. She nodded at Hoss, got up, and trotted ever-so-lightly to the waiter. "Get me a glass of water. Fast." she whispered. Before the waiter could say 'okay', she nudged her nose at Dusty. The waiter went behind the counter, and Aqua walked next to Hoss. Into his ear, she whispered; "Keep an eye on him. If he does something funny, tell me, and I'll give him a muffle made out of water."
  2. Fly By looked at the one-winged pegasus. "Some tales don't need to be told. Especially how I know him." Fly By shuddered. "So Dusty, explain the sudden appearance."
  3. As a foreword, I'm currently brainstorming a colt. Fly By Pegasus Mare (Female) Profile Threads Pancake Diner Anything Important; Aqua Marine Unicorn Mare (Female) Profile Threads A Group Of Travelers Anything Important Firecracker Pegasus; One wing got hit by firework, so technically Earth Pony. Mare (Female) Profile Threads Big Times Big Party Anything Important
  4. Fillydelphia. A place so full of ponies it was inane. So many people in such a little place... Firecracker hated it. But she had promised Lightshow, and she wasn't about to go against her word. Turning the corner, she spotted the third party full of people they had found, at just about the same time as Lightshow. Following Lightshow in, she spotted the pure amount of ponies, and just froze. "Erm... Lightshow? I don't like it here..."
  5. Yes, zat other RPer would just happen to be Appliance here. The hook to get her out? Appliances OC she's making right now would do it.
  6. I say people instead of ponies due to her want to not really be around anything. Yes, she is very antisocial. I tend to base my RP characters off of aspects of myself; Firecracker here is my love of making people smile, while at the same time my shyness. Fly By was my narcisissm, though she was evened out by... Well, she doesn't really have an evener. My plan for her RP is that while she doesn't really like social interaction, she recognizes it as essential. It'll bother her, sure; But she has to do it, and she will. You say there isn't another aspect to her personality; I wrote this in first person so I could have her withhold things. You could say I have plans for her... That one friend I mentioned? Another RPer here is gonna be collaborating with me on it.
  7. "Not as often as you'd think. They're turned off by the smell of fish. Speaking of which, its rare a pony'll buy fish. Its happened before, but not often." Aqua looked around. "Noone else here. Strange. Normally about this time this place is chock full." (OOC: Oh look, no inspiration.)
  8. Name: Well, I normally go by Firecracker, but my real name is Flare... Sex: Im a mare. Age: While this is a little redundant, mare once again! Species: Im a pegasus, though I haven't flown since one a my wings got hit by a firework... Pelt Color: My pelt's a reeeeally dark purple! Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: My mane and my tail are all just as poofy as the fireworks! Colors seem like em too, what a coincidence! ...Though the kids back at flight school used to call me Firehead... Eye Color: As orange as my first firecracker! Cutie Mark: Fireworks! I make em, fire em, recommend em, and use em to help out big time stars! Physique: Im a little tall. At least, that's what some people say! ...Did I mention I don't like some people? Some people say im shy... Origin: Manehattan here! ...I left after I noticed how many people there were. Roleplay Type: Mane. Occupation: I build Fireworks, fire em off, sell em, help big stars with their special effects... Though im not one to talk with them. Motivation: I just love seeing so many people smile at my displays! I just don't like the swarm of people afterwards. Likes: Fireworks, Making people smile, Fireworks, Fireworks, did I mention Fireworks? Dislikes: Most social interaction, especially crowds. Character Summary: Oh! Um... They said that they would just be recording my words... No people... Oh! you just want me to summarize myself? Okay... Um... I was born in Manehattan... my dad and my mom both loved me very much... I didn't really do anything until I became an older foal. Around then, I found a bright orange chain of little firecrackers. Not knowing what it was, I brought it to my parents. They went and talked for a bit, then my dad went outside and we set it off together. The little loud cracks, the sudden bright orange... I absolutely adored it. I would keep begging my father to let me go to the fireworks store and buy some more. Sometime during that, my cutie mark appeared. And that sorta went on through my whole fillyhood, heh... Though I should mention the fact that bullies in flight school instantly came up with the nickname 'Firecracker', and it, well, stuck. My real name was Flare. When I had just became a mare, I was flying above the sights of one of my favorite shows, making sure that the airspace was clear of pegasi... Some ruffian decided not to wait until I was done, and fired off a firework. Hit me right on the wing, set it on fire, I came crashing down. Whoever did it was gone when the other people got there. To not be a party pooper, I insisted that I should atleast fire off the fireworks before I went to the hospital. The nurses and doctors all said no; In the end, they left one behind to fire them off. It wasn't as good as it regularly was, when I did it. They had to amputate my wing; Replaced it with some fake one that I can't fly with, but at least I look undamaged with. Powered by unicorn magic. Every once in a while, it loses its charge. Then, it like stiffens up, and I have to use my hoofs to make sure it stays in a good position. And well, since then, I've gotten one friend, I've been shunned by pegasi for not being able to fly, Earth Pony's still love me, and Unicorns just wanna know why im so danged shy. They think it has something to do with the mean people that were in flight school. I really just don't like socialization that much; all those people just get to me. Its weird. Oh so wonderful art made by Angie Cakes. Character was adopted from Angie, too.
  9. Oh, not just him! this is my new all-time favorite MLP-TF2 crossover!
  10. Aqua waved a hoof down the street. "Comeon! in just a little while, they're gonna be packed for dinner!" She began walking towards a sign that said "Fruit of the Sea". Inside the shop, it was obvious through the smell that they were in the right place. Some fishy smell towards the right side of the shop, while the left side smelled more like the usual, vegetarian diets. On the right side, half of the seats were lowered and in the water, as to make sure that the occasional Kelpie doesn't feel left out having to swim around while eating. Left side was seated entirely for ground-borne ponies. Aqua walked up to the keep. "Aye, get me a Kelp 'n' Seaweed salad." "Sure thing." "Whadda you guys want? They got salad, fish wrapped in seaweed, some decent vegetarian meals, and some other things!"
  11. Blasphemy! We all know that in Season 13, Princess Luna will bring all the ponies to the real world!
  12. This awkward smile correctly says how awkward I can be. And its Rarity, so thats cool too.
  13. Why hello, there! Dandy meeting you here. Care for some tea and crumpets? Or perhaps an english muffin? No? (This thread is in no way an attempt to make fun of the British, and is just poking fun at stereotypes.)
  14. I have no reason to feel jealous, as I am a lefty as well! Oh, and I found a hidden talent for insulting people... Atleast it plays into one of my characters well
  15. I feel this avatar captures my awkwardness well.

    1. Appliance



  16. But thats one of the things the mods'll be picky about, due to the fact that it could contradict future MLP canon.
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