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Ginger Mint

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Everything posted by Ginger Mint

  1. hi hi As a professional who's doing professional work, it is important to make sure that your own little fun things don't interfere with work. Imagine if bankers did fun little things like adding in random smiley faces into their account balances or if steel workers pressed funny shapes into their I-beams. There's certainly a line you can cross where those little things will start reducing the integrity of the final product. (Scratching your initials in may not make a difference, but stamping heart shaped cutouts into the flanges will.) There's also the matter of spending time and energy as a resource. While it is true that having some time to goof off is beneficial, it is always possible to go too far, and if someone is thinking up ways to put in funny references for their own sake at the expense of making the scene as solid for the intended audience as possible, then you can have problems. Perhaps one of the most important lines to cross in FiM is the line where a reference feels like it doesn't belong in the setting. That is a great way to dispel the suspension of disbelief.
  2. hi hi Good shooting! Direct hit to their water cooler. But wait, what's this?! That Pink Pirate is drinking it down in one gulp, is there nothing that can stop her? Keep at it me hearties, I can only hope that we can hold them off until the cake is ready, but Celestia help us, even that may not be enough.
  3. hi hi The show got its start without having any nods to the fans, because there weren't any fans of the show before it began. As long as the nods to the fandom don't get in the way, I'm ok with that, but its not why I like the show. As much as I disapproved of Hasbro's handling of the Last Roundup controversy, it really would have been better if they'd left the shout-outs to the fandom out of it in the first place. So it is my sincere hope that they won't do anything so glaringly meta in season 3... but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Keeping an open mind is important to being able to enjoy new things.
  4. hi hi And now, have some of my favorite Zecora pictures. And after going through my library of Zecora pictures, I've come to the realization that she needs more fan art.
  5. hi hi I think its safe to say that Zecora is best zebra. Seriously though, Zecora is one of my favorite supporting characters. Smart, wise, and for some reason she always rhymes.
  6. hi hi Looks like this summer of pony pirate is tougher than I thought, the dance off was a draw and now we've got to fall back and bake us a cake as fast as we can. Good call on the cider barrels, that'll keep em busy until we're ready to frost these cupcakes, just make you aim right for their breakroom tables, otherwise they might not notice it.
  7. I kind of imagine this is what Rarity might have looked like in highschool.
  8. I'm guessing he's a zebrasus? Though its kind of hard to see the stripes.
  9. I love the cute little shapes you used for her ears and wing. They look like little raindrops.
  10. Highlights as in the highlights in his eyes? I didn't notice anything strange about them right off the bat, although often times the biggest white blob is opposite the lightened gradient. (indicating the direction of lighting)
  11. "Objection! There's no evidence that my client actually stole the corn cakes, and given her special ability to predict the future, her knowledge of the thefts cannot be used as proof of guilt."
  12. That's an interesting pose and background, it kind of looks like she's taking a step forward, but at the same time with the way the horizon line is so high, it also looks like she's standing in perspective between her two hind legs.
  13. Whoa, its really easy to get lost in all those stripes. (I'm not sure what the cutie mark is, but it looks like some sort of a flower or maybe a heart.)
  14. I hope you take this in the nicest way possible, but I think your leg proportions are getting more consistent, which is good. They all line up real nicely here.
  15. Totally worth the wait. I'm not sure which one is my favorite, but I think I might be leaning towards that red pony with the hilarious little scrunchy smile and the goofy glasses.
  16. She looks like a pony who can really move, perhaps that's why her mane is so messy? Wind blown from all the dashing around?
  17. Aww, this is super adorable. I like the messy mane, though its hard to tell in this picture whether or not its just blowing in the wind or its a case of bedmane, but I think it works either way.
  18. You've just activated my friendship card! Now I will attack your friendship problems directly.
  19. I hope we get to see more of this in the future. (and maybe we'll get to see more of the frame as well? )
  20. I'm imagining her humming a jaunty tune while "cleaning" up a big pile of rubbish with her "sweeper." or something to that effect.
  21. hi hi I'm up to Applejack right now. I'm enjoying it quite a bit, even though it is incredibly simple.
  22. hi hi I think it'd probably be more of an age difference than a race difference. Twilight is a grown mare, and Spike is still just a baby dragon. They may be good friends now, but its hard to say if they were really peers back then.
  23. hehe, her glasses do make for an exceptionally convincing disguise, but I think without the pants, her cutie mark might still give her identity away.
  24. hi hi I should point out that in early greek mythology, Tartarus is a realm below Hades where the Titans were held prisoner. Also, on the topic of the four riders of the Apocalypse, I can't help but notice that there were four stars that helped Nightmare Moon escape her prison. I'm not sure why Discord would need to control Twilight, I mean other than the fact that he kind of already did in Return of Harmony 2. Maybe its just me, but he seems to have just about all the power he could possibly want, outside of those meddling elements of harmony turning him to stone. I wouldn't mind a Scooby Doo villain, where they pull off the evil creature's mask and reveal old Mare Whatshername who would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling foals.
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