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Ginger Mint

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Everything posted by Ginger Mint

  1. You could have fooled me, it doesn't look apathetic.
  2. Its a good thing ponies have sticky hooves, otherwise that would a really scary way to travel, especially with dangerous wind currents.
  3. hi hi Thanks for the heads up, I went ahead and made that little change to her cutie mark story. I'm keeping my hooves crossed.
  4. hi hi I guess if I was making a "horrible substitute teacher," story, I'd try to fit in two lessons. Someone doing things differently doesn't necessarily make those ways bad, and sometimes adults make honest mistakes too and there are good and bad ways for kids to handle it. I'm with Rosewind on the whole villaining inside the chimney thing. (Yes, I verbed it.) There's plenty of stories that revolve around villains that go "Rar! We're bad!" but one of the things I've enjoyed about Friendship is Magic is that even the villains have character and motivations, and we as the audience can even feel remorse for some of them when we think about how they ended up that way. Part of the magic of the series, in my opinion, is that it takes many of the perpetually intractable problems of our own world and tosses them aside, showing an example of a world that (while not perfect) can get along just fine without them. Equestria doesn't seem to be a land where Good and Evil must exist together in some sort of crazy cosmic balance. Friendship is explicitly stronger than its foes. That being said, there's some precedent for natural disasters in the show already, not even counting the ancient blizzard from the Hearth's Warming pageant. Rainbow Dash talks about snow production being messed up and causing a drought, so its not hard to imagine that some kind of mistake causing a big problem. Doesn't really even need to be malicious. A spat between the Princesses could be a great lesson for getting along with your peers. Any kid who goes through school is probably going to be stuck in a group project with someone they're not getting along with at some point. You could have an episode where Princess Celestia gets called away and Luna requests Twilight and her friend's help with some tasks that she's having trouble taking care of by herself. The mane six could then meet all sorts of ill tempered ponies and try to figure out some way to resolve their differences, or even just in being taken seriously.
  5. hi hi Cheerilee gets sick and has to call in a substitute teacher... of doom!
  6. hi hi Chrysalis has no room in her heart for Shining Armor, or possibly anyone. I'm pretty sure that was consistent with the themes in Canterlot Wedding, being that she was using him and didn't care about him at all.
  7. hi hi Thank goodness I can count on you Lerian and my good Sir Shadowdeath, this dance off is turning out to be tougher than I expected, but I'm confident that with all of us together, we'll win the day. (and maybe the door prize too, if we're lucky.)
  8. hi hi I'm not sure I follow. Earth Pony magic is super relevant to my interests. (or if you prefer to call it something else, I would also mean whatever the vital characteristic is that they have unique to them.) I've been gobbling up every bit of information about it that I can, like Nightmare Moon gobbles up little colts and fillies, and as near as I can tell Earth Pony magic has only ever been implied in the show before.
  9. hi hi I saw that bit about the Princesses not having any Earth Pony in them, and honestly, unless it comes up in the show I'm not going to believe it. Just like I'm not going to believe that Applejack's Farm Truck is canon unless it shows up in an episode. (Also, Octavia may have only shown up in Canterlot, but Vinyl Scratch was in Ponyville for her first appearance.)
  10. Everyone was wearing their mane's like that at the time.
  11. Ginger Mint


    I'm digging how much expression you're getting out of so few brushstrokes, very cool Her smile is my favorite part.
  12. On the white background, it sorta looks like she's being carried by the balloons.
  13. Those little eraser marks around the edges sort of make it look like she's moving. Neat little effect if you ask me.
  14. Nothing wrong with the color blue. For a first attempt, this is pretty good. I could see that face being used for a real pony in the show (assuming all the mares didn't use the same head. )
  15. Another option might be to put bows and things in her hair.
  16. Ginger Mint


    I'm imagining that she's not quite sure whether we're joking or not with that expression.
  17. That is soooo awesome! And freehanding it with a mouse? I mean, this isn't just good for freehanding it, this is legitimately good in its own right. The colors, the way her mane and things flow... very neat.
  18. Oooh, I remember seeing some of these before. I don't remember seeing Gale though, but that doesn't mean I just didn't forget in the meantime. I would like to think I'd remember such a neat character design if I'd seen it.
  19. Its always refreshing to see traditional media in use, I can't say I ever appreciated how much of a mess chalk pastels made, but I like the results.
  20. This very cool, definitely saving this one.
  21. hi hi When or if we ever see Applejack's parents, I bet a lot of people are going to cry foul, no matter how they're introduced.
  22. hi hi What's this? It looks like we've caught up to them, but in doing so, we've sailed right into a trap! Get ready maytees, because I think we're in for the party of our lives. The fate of the gala... neigh, the fate of Equestria might rest on our sweet dance moves. Arm the party cannon! Unfurl the streamers! Fire up the cakes and break out the frosting, if we don't throw this party, its gonna get thrown at us.
  23. hi hi *gasp* Somepony has pilfered the Summer of Pony! Who would purloin a perfectly punctual periodic phenomenon? We're going to have to do something about this, ponies. We're going to have to set sail and track down the stolen session X. Lucky for us, I have a compass that always points in the direction of the episodes, so so long as we can find ourselves a ship, we should be able to catch up to them.
  24. hi hi How awesome is it? This awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DoEAnb_bWY
  25. hi hi I can't really put these in a linear order, its hard to really judge one emotional moment above or below another. So in no particular order: • The Return of Harmony was just a roller coaster of emotions for me the whole time, but I think the part that struck me was when Twilight was discorded. That was a dagger in my heart. • Sisterhooves Social, the part where Rarity actually looks at Sweetie Belle's drawing and sees what she made and realizes her mistake. • Hurricane Fluttershy, the part where Fluttershy breaks down was hard on me personally. It hit really close to home. • Celestia scolding Twilight was like a slap in the face, its true... but I feel like even that was just a setup for the B.B.B.F.F reprise that followed shortly after. • A Friend In Deed, during the Smile Smile Smile song, the part where Apple Bloom is feeling left out, tossing her jump-rope to the ground in defeat. Makes me misty eyed just thinking about it. • The Last Round-Up, Applejack's "Every color but blue," bit.
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