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Ginger Mint

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Everything posted by Ginger Mint

  1. hi hi Wow, its going to be hard to top Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows... No joke...
  2. hi hi These are great! Their designs are clever, and not just the art aspect (which is very nice by the way) but the character concepts themselves. The feel like they've got lots of personality.
  3. hi hi I'm too poor to own a car... or at least, own a car and provide insurance, maintenance and gasoline. So I bike it -or hoof it in the winter- three miles to work and three miles back each day. Saves a bunch of money, though I suppose I could probably get a car if I squeezed my budget a bit. Last car I had was a five cylinder 84 Audi 5000s that broke down on a bi-monthly basis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sEl4Uz08GQ
  4. hi hi Little kids always draw without a care in the world if it looks exactly like what it is supposed to be. CherryRei is right on the mark, practice practice practice. Exercises are a great way to improve, even if you're just drawing a bunch of circles over and over again.
  5. hi hi You might consider calling him simply "Tails," or alternatively "Tales," as a play on words. Perhaps "Tall tales," would suffice, since he's got a long neck?
  6. hi hi 1. I didn't really have much of a reaction to the title. I was looking for something specific in the episode as it was linked to me, so it didn't really matter what the title was. 2. There is a lot of violence, cynicism, fear, mistrust, selfishness and apathy in our culture these days; so it is nice to watch a show that reminds us about the better angels of our nature, bravery, honesty, kindness, empathy and trust. It is a counter-example to a world view that is black and white, self vs others, one or the other; giving expression to something a lot of people felt was right, but didn't have the words for. It is humorous. It has complex characters that are not defined by the clothes they wear or the items they possess. It covers a variety of subjects both simple and complex. There is a certain amount of "forbidden fruit," effect that draws in male viewers initially. 3a. You can work together, reach greater heights, and still be uniquely you. 3b. Some stories feel like they are left unfinished. 4a. This question is hard to answer, each of the mane cast has a trait that I wish I had in greater abundance myself. Twilight has the kind of diligence that I wish I'd had when I was younger, she doesn't hesitate to help when its needed and she's good at solving problems. Rarity has the kind of self confidence that I only wish I could muster when I make art myself and she can recognize the worth of others when I might be too quick to dismiss. Applejack can finish those difficult tasks and does not get disheartened by the hardships that come along the way. Pinkie Pie is outgoing in a way that I can only dream of being and doesn't fear getting to know anypony else, or letting herself be known. Fluttershy, with the exception of the last episode, has a sort of patience that I wish I had at least once or twice a week. Rainbow Dash has a style of bravery where she can be herself without fear of judgement that I feel that I greatly lack. 4b. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Bullies are bad news. I wan't to be angry with the two of them, but then at the same time I feel a tug of empathy because I realize that at that young age, there's probably something missing in their lives. So I get upset in two different directions. 5a. While I still have my ups and downs, as I'm sure anyone does, some of the downs have felt a little bit more cushioned. Occasionally a song will pop in my head and brighten my day a little bit. When I read the news, I know that not everyone is as greedy/corrupt as the people that are steering the ship. 5b. Most of my friends already considered me to be somewhat eccentric, so I don't think there's much of a change there. 6a. I come from a family where a lot of the traditional gender roles didn't apply. My mother has a box full of gold medals under her bed from various sports while my dad was always the one who cooked dinner, for example. I guess I identify more with female lead characters because they more often than not lack many of the traits that I find annoying in your average hollywood male action hero, but these aren't traits inherent to their sex, rather they are mass media stereotypes. 6b. If the writers could do the same job they're doing now of avoiding stereotypes, then I don't think the show would be much different at all. They've hit upon things that everyone can relate to in this show. It'd probably have the popularity of Adventure Time, if it was freely available on youtube.
  7. hi hi Celestia needs to make a piece of abstract art using her free flowing hair as a paint brush... What!? I'd buy it.
  8. hi hi Show stoppers wouldn't have been so painful to me if they'd let Madeleine Peters sing the song not so horribly. But even so, it wasn't my least favorite episode. I might have said Owls Well That Ends Well, but the scene where they're all standing there watching the meteor shower totally blew me away. I still tear up when I watch it... I guess the "honor," falls to Bird in the Hoof... It felt like they had rushed to get it out the door or something. I dunno, it wasn't horrible or anything, just lacked a certain polish I guess.
  9. hi hi "Drawn with the Wind." "Cutie in the Sky with Diamonds." "Eponymous." "Apple of my Eye." "Rainy Daze." (I just realized that there's an episode called Feeling Pinkie Keen, and a pony called Peachy Pie... I don't know what that makes some kind of weird sense.))
  10. hi hi Its a tough call. I can't fly, so that rules out Rainbow Dash's home, even though it is pretty darn awesome. Twilight's tree is my favorite though, I mean come on, its a tree!
  11. hi hi While I dig Winter Wrap Up... Pinkie Pie's Evil Enchantress song holds a special place in my heart.
  12. hi hi I'd like to play this game, and so I might be able to help out with some models/animations/textures here and there. The other project I'm working on has to take priority though, but if you have a issue tracker or task list, I might be able to sign a task out now and again.
  13. hi hi I know that a lot of the side characters won't be returning for season 2, but it might be nice to see some of them in the background here and there just so's we all know they're alright.
  14. hi hi If they are going to put in flutter ponies/sea ponies, I wonder how that will mesh with previous statements about Princess Celestia possessing traits from all the different kinds of ponies she rules over. Will sea ponies maybe be part of a different country all together? Arrr, so many questions...
  15. hi hi I'm in the process of drawing a comic that contains my take on why her mane changed color -among other things. The way I see it, Celestia's crown, collar, shoes, as well as Nightmare Moon's old armored crest are/were infused with magic that amplifies their magic power, thus enabling them to raise the sun and moon. Their larger size and billowing hair is a side effect of the amplified magic. (they also amplified emotions, which is why Luna's jealousy turned her into Nightmare Moon, and why she turned back into Luna when the armored crest was destroyed.) At least, thats my take on it.
  16. hi hi I always find it funny when Royal Crown cola consistently wins over Pepsi and Coca Cola in scientifically conducted blind taste tests. Just goes to show the effectiveness of advertisements. Anywho, not much of a fan of carbonated beverages, pop, soda, or what have you, but if I had to choose something from a typical fast food self serve dispenser, it would probably be some kind of lemon/lime drink. Sierra Mist, Sprite, etc. If I had to choose from anything in a grocery store, I'd probably buy Squirt.
  17. hi hi Maybe her mane is purely an illusion of the mind, and everypony who sees it does so from their own perspective, so that it is never in her face when she's talking to anypony.
  18. hi hi I see that Rarity really has been collecting her very own line of "My Tinier Ponies," toys.
  19. hi hi I get the feeling that most everyone at the gala was probably not putting forth their normal attitude. Everypony has snapped at least once anyway. I suppose its possible that most of the time Prince Blueblood is quite amiable, just like Rarity is generous most of the time, except for when Princess Celestia drops by for brunch and she's wearing her best dress. But I suppose we may never know. In most of the cases, Blueblood wasn't any worse than Rarity, at least as far as what was expected out of the other. Thats why I'm not sure I buy the "higher class," explanation. My guess is that he was trying to maintain an image, just like Rarity was. I think there's a couple of main differences between them. First is a matter of which direction their expectations were pointed, which was clearly demonstrated when they meet Applejack. Rarity went to the Gala expecting everything to be wonderful, even though it was a new experience for her. Blueblood tastes the apple fritter, but rather than giving it a chance, he spits it out because it is common fare. Essentially Rarity was expecting the best, while Blueblood was expecting the worst. Second, when it came down to it, Rarity proved that she was the bigger pony while at the same time demonstrating the difference between volunteering and being volunteered. After doing a little bit of cursory research on the various historical origins of the term "blue blood," however, I have come up with another possible explanation. The Prince could have a disability, like hemophilia, or some like condition that makes him prone to injury or a host of allergies that make him particular about what he eats. Or he could just be a jerk, who knows. Now, I'm just going out on a limb here, but suppose his special talent is math, or accounting or some kind of royal record keeping. That means he'd spend long hours indoors, without many real social skills to speak of. Or maybe he gets so tired of every mare around trying to court him that he purposefully maintains an unlikable reputation.
  20. hi hi I've got to agree with therainbowtroll here, that little macintosh is absolutely adorable. Nightmare Moon's entrapped ponies was a hilarious and also ingenious marketing strategy. And the custom Granny Smith was a nice touch.
  21. hi hi The trick with pie is in the crust. Once you put the wet ingredients in, you've got to touch it as little as possible. No stirring, no kneading... the more you mix it, the more it produces gluten chains, which make the crust doughy instead of flakey.
  22. hi hi Technically, human genetics don't strictly determine male or female genetic expression. Hormone levels during pregnancy directly determine expression, though those are usually controlled by genetics. Occasionally there are some females that have a Y chromosome, for example. But yeah, those are mostly outliers and not particularly here nor there... Anyway... what I intended to come here to say was that in the next season, I want to see more of Twist. She was Applebloom's friend, or at least was nice to her and supported her at the beginning.
  23. hi hi I think this is kind of like the difference between working on a team and working on a committee. Lauren was part of a team, so just because she didn't get everything she wanted, doesn't mean she didn't know what she was doing. The team will be lessened without her, and it'll probably take things in different directions than it might have gone otherwise, but I think whatever they do decide to make will probably be good all the same. On a committee, you get your way or don't based on procedural rules, but on a team, ideas get worked through by merit and sometimes you have to fight for a good idea when nobody else sees it. George Lucas clearly got too much credit for the original Star Wars movies, in my own opinion. In the newer ones, he didn't have anyone to tell him "no, thats a bad idea." But even the best writers have bad ideas on occasion. When you've only got what is already in your head to go by, ideas can get stale. I think FiM would have been great with a plot arc, different yes, but still good. There's more than one way to bake a cupcake after all. The problem with Lauren leaving isn't that they won't have a chef, rather that their cooking staff will be less diverse by one. The article seems to frame it as an issue of "Genius Creator" vs "Talented Team" but I don't think that is a very accurate way of looking at it. Maybe that was the case in Star Wars, I don't know, but that would be an example of bad teamwork. When you've got a good team, the creator is an integral part of the team, rather than being two separate entities.
  24. hi hi Bride gossip is awesome. (Though I think if you wanted to an episode poll semi-scientifically, you'd want to make a poll for each episode and have people rate them on a scale of 1-10 on their own, then you would look at the distribution.)
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