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Everything posted by PyroBlaze

  1. Well, his coat is a bit darker than usual, but still a great strip!
  2. "No arguments here." Tehengu said, looking at Slash for a moment as he waited for the others to be ready. He pulled his bow out and it folded out to it's ready state, pulling the string back and forming an energy arrow as well to prepare.
  3. Tehengu really didn't know why he had agreed to this... Team bonding was important, but Andrea made that very difficult. Besides, he had no reason to be at the dust shop anyways, as he was not low on his supply whatsoever. He ended up just wandering aimlessly around the store after the strange meeting with that girl. When Slash began talking about going to the docks, he walked back over to him, frowning slightly as well from what he was hearing. "You want to investigate this possible connection." He said, more as a statement than a question. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Not that I don't trust that we can take care of ourselves, but this could easily go wrong if you are right."
  4. "Not much, just a rather uneventful flight." Tehengu replied to Midnight, watching her. He then stood up, about to head for the exit when Slash spoke to him. "Sounds good to me." He replied, nodding to Slash before looking to Midnight. "What do you think?"
  5. Tehengu didn't give Andrea more than a passing glance, though he did give Slash a look that hopefully communicated that the two girls were not in a good place as far as their relationship was concerned. After that, Midnight rested her head on his shoulder, making him look at her for a few seconds. He gave a mental shrug and let it happen, looking foreward again.
  6. "That would not be good." Tehengu said, sighing slightly. "Let's just get on the ship and go." He finished, moving to the ship and climbing on, leaving a spot next to him for Midnight to sit in.
  7. Tehengu raised an eyebrow at Midnight's reaction to him speaking to her, wondering what had happened to get her to that point. She was obviously upset, so he remained silent and let her talk about it to him. His eye narrowed a bit when she revealed what Andrea had done, but he still remained silent until she finished speaking. Even then, he simply walked with her for a bit, thinking about what to say to her. "Well, maybe you can convince her to do some sparring and get her back then. Or you could just ignore her. I have the feeling she is doing it mostly for attention." He said eventually, sighing a bit to himself. He was not looking forward to living with Andrea at this point. Hopefully she would get over her pranking sooner rather than later.
  8. Well, you won't be the second one to post anymore, so there's that.
  9. Tehengu sat in his chair as he watched the scene progress. They were going to duel each other? That sounded like a good idea to him, it would give him a chance to assess the people he would be working with. He wasn't sure he wanted to go first though, so he stayed still, leaning back in the chair as he waited for a match to start.
  10. Either way would be good. I would like to continue this as well.
  11. Pyro cursed to himself at the unintended affect of his attack. Well, fire seemed out of the question. With the way his mood was going, it would've been out of the question soon enough anyways. He growled at the monster, facing it down and standing between it and the crowd behind him. "Stay away from them, monster!" He yelled, charging the beast with a battle cry. He had no weapons, and he had to avoid using fire, but he had to do something. As he reached the monster, he began delivering blows with his hooves to keep it's attention on him.
  12. Man... I've been really lazy about posting here... Sorry about that, guys.

    1. tacobob


      Don't worry! For just five bits a day, you can hire me as a 'Remind Ye Not'. When it's time to post, I will arrive at your house and will poke you with a pointy stick until you post!

    2. PyroBlaze


      Umm... Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass...

    3. tacobob
  13. I am back from my trip now! It was fun!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PyroBlaze


      Yeah... You probably should...

      And thanks, you two!

    3. PyroBlaze


      Nevermind, just noticed you already did it. Good job, Derp!

    4. DerpRavener


      Thanks. To be fair it was almost done, I just needed to finish the last bit of it.

  14. I'm probably not going to be able to post until Saturday. I'm going to leave soon to help with a church camp.

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