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Everything posted by knight

  1. Nyx is pretty friggin' adorable. TPBM thinks Nightmare Moon is 10x cooler than Discord.
  2. yfw you first saw FFVII: Advent Children. More specifically, the fight sequence between Cloud Strife and Sephiroth.
  3. I love to read, and I love my nook...so...yes, yes I am. TPBM frequents this site but doesn't RP.
  4. I don't do CoD. yfw you see an asian driver about to cross four lanes in front of you. Without a turn signal.
  5. GAWSH, no. I love me my animal flesh. TPBM is presently fighting a cold.
  6. That is so true. I love me mah apples and bananas! TPBM has never been intoxicated. (alchohol)
  7. Greetings, fellow furry! No need to defend your furrity! :3 We're all pals here, and none of us believe you to be a puppy-phile! Nor am I a puppy-phile! While I am not an 'active' fur, I am not 'in the closet' either, and am more a fur artist than anything....um...totally not about me here, sorry. n.n' Welcome to Canterlot! Hope to see you out on the boards! Play it safe. ;3
  8. yfw you see that gentlemen eating his tea and crumpets on your local park bench
  9. I'm okay with this, because PinkieShy could still happen in the same fic universe. XD
  10. I. LOVE. Pinkie Pie, so you sir, are incorrect. TPBM thinks PinkieShy is a cuteship.
  11. Holly gave an amused chuckle at the cute little bird as it apologized to her, "Well, Ah suppose Ah can furgive him." She smiled at the cute little bird, and with a wink said, "But only just this once!" She kept her smile as she turned from one conversation to return to the first, the griffon once again being the target of her attention, "Well, as far as Beakbreak goes...." her eyes glistened, and a shadow briefly cast itself across her face, "Ah...well, Ah left it all behind me. When Ah discovered mah talent--fruit, that is, Ah decided that Ah needed to get outta that place--it was...rotten. All bad." She downcast her eyes, and rubbed one arm with a hoof, "Too many bad memories..." Her face brightened as she pushed the nasty memories away, and she smiled, "So, Ah decided Ah was gonna make a livin fur mahself, and struck out as a fruit vendor as soon as Ah was through school!" "...but 'nuf bout me, what about Cloudsdale?!" Her eyes glistened and gleamed, "Ah've always dreamed of selling mah fruit there. And Talonopolis? Oh, Ah've always wanted ta visit!" She rested her chin on her hooves, looking up at the tall griffon with gleaming eyes expectingly.
  12. Your face when you see a 70 year old pregnant woman.
  13. I...don't get it? I am now controlling my breath rather than breathing subconciously? No. No, I am not. TPBM thinks Fancy Pants is best male pony.
  14. Actually, I did. It was the first thing I looked at in your post. n.n' TPBM loves shipping ponies!
  15. I'm addicted to PinkieShy. Also, despite my hatred of RD, I love Spitfire/RD pairings. I just love spitfire....so.....I love shippings. Though....I also really, really, prefer my fics to have a plot....and it's often hard to mix plot-stories with intended shippings, without it being totally OOC....so....*shrug*
  16. Nah, I'm cool with it. Reversed gender ponies are interesting. TPBM thinks Batman is one of the greatest series in existence.
  17. I have, and in doing so, discovered my phobia of riding horses, and cried like a newborn until someone pulled me off the horse. TPBM has a close relative who is pregnant.
  18. yfw you've just seen the animated version of 'Cupcakes' on Youtube.
  19. FALSE. There is nothing on earth that I hate more. TPBM collects pony toys.
  20. ....wut? I still don't think Brony refers to females, just because... well, thinking of it as the word is without 'ny' it's just bro. And bro refers to 'my brother' or 'my male friend, who I consider to be on par with a brother' and, in the most commmon phrase I've heard said with the word 'bro', (bros before hoes), there is a VERY definite difference between men and woman, and the status the 'lesser gender' falls under. So....in a pony phrase that would be 'bronies before ponies/pegasisters/mares' I think just calling females ponies doesn't make sense, nor does calling females mares. Both are actual creatures--a pony a living breathing animal, and a mare the definition of a female of the equine species. (okay, MOST equine species) So....I guess I lean towards pegasisters, despite it being a mouthful.
  21. We just went to a playground and the mall! XD Fun photos can happen anywhere! We are taking them to a con, too....but....it's fun to Cosplay just...wherever. ;3
  22. "A sparrow....?" Holly looked outside, and saw a little bird attempting to weasel its way into her magically sealed cart. It didn't worry her, as she knew her fruit was safe, but she assumed by the brown coloration and the rather....tame...appearance, that that was his bird, "Like that one?" She pointed through the window to her cart, "or....Ah guess Ah don't know birds very well...maybe that's not a sparrow." She blushed a little bit, and dismissed it, leaving the pegasi to either take her suggestion or turn it down, and returned her eyes to the Griffon, who had renewed his interest in her accent, much to her delight, "Ah was raised way up in Roughrider Ridge, in a little town called Beakbreak. Ya mayuv heard of it. Lotta rough and tumble Griffon folk live way up there--lotta outlaws both pony and non-pony alike there, too, cuz it seems ta be outta Celestia's hooves....." she paused, thinking on it, "Ya never realize till ya leave how ya pick up such things. Hard to believe Ah even went to school up thar, huh? Mosta mah friends were griffons." She smiled as she thought about it, "It's almost weird...when I came down outta the Ridges......there was so much PONYFOLK! Ah mean, sure, Ah'd seen 'em here and there....but the population in Beakbreak was heavily Griffon....hard to believe in Equestria, Griffons are the minority....well, through most of it, anyway..." she tapped her chin with a hoof, "So uh....what about you? Ya say yer a map maker? Where ya from?"
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