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Everything posted by QuickLime

  1. -shoves Derpy out of frame- Riiight no clones. I guess I can kind of see where you are coming from with the wings, so I apologize for any hostility, I was mostly just upset with the idea of having to remake all my images over again...
  2. Er in the show don't we sorta constantly see double or triple of the same cutie mark on ocassion?
  3. Betcha the super rich ones have theirs SHARPENED or something... >3>
  4. I'm just sort of afraid this will turn into "Oh yeah that DJ hair? You need to stop using it because only Vinyl has it in the show" or "Oh now your pony needs to be STRICTLY this height /weight because their only this height/ weight" in the show..
  5. I am so relived to hear that, re-finding all those colors for those ponys would be such a pill ><
  6. And again Medic has been changed to the "No Celestia wings" Rule.
  7. First I'v heard of it, I'm changing Medical too but the Unicorns are keeping the pointed horns, they'd be far too much of a pain to recreate...
  8. Her image has (rather begrudgingly I might add) Been changed to fit the new "No Celestia Wings" Rule...
  9. So...I have to go mess around with the Generator and make a new version of my pony identical to my old pony color matching and all just to fix the wings? Even though she's already BEEN accepted exactly how she is..? That's sort of sucky....
  10. No they don't they stay pretty tiny, so if I went by the Pony Gen she'd be a tall lanky pony with stubby wings that would never lift her off the ground. Plus I fail to see how the shape of the wings affects anything, QuickLime doesn't have magical Celestia wing powers from it...
  11. But my pegasus Character has already been accepted WITH her wings exactly how they are, she's a tall lanky pony with wings big enough to support her body....
  12. So wait because some MLP fans are stupid we need to act like "Brony" Is a badge of shame and avoid using it? Yeah no.
  13. To clarify I did NOT make any of these! But for your enjoyment First let us see the dark side of MLP The Ponyta The Tail Flick of Total Rejection The Confound these ponies they drive me to drink Now for the Cute side The Flutter'DAWW And ofcourse Apple Buckin! Enjoy Everypony!
  14. Agate took her sasparilla and sipped it, a smile slowly coming across her face at her sisters idea "Yeah that sounds brilliant Pinkie we should do that.. though Inkie might not be up to it cause I'd cream her so bad" She smirked glancing at her sister taunting her playfully "You'll both be spilling before I am" Agate was glad for a rather fun way to catch up, she was a little nervous about the meeting to be honest, she got along well with her sisters when they were little but she was the youngest so it was sorta hard to be the "Baby"
  15. I approve of this, Maybe want to add his thoughts on her and how he's learned to understand her social cues and such?
  16. Yeah I was thkinking it would be in trottingham due to well that's where most GoLuckies are from
  17. I have a plan for a big GoLucky family reunion! Everypony that wishes to attend this celebration should post here so we can plan, I like the idea of all of them mysteriously getting a letter for the location of the reunion and they all get to be face to face =3
  18. You have the magiks and I feel was just waiting for me to post XD
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