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Everything posted by QuickLime

  1. -claps- I'm so glad you revised this it's great! Glad to help!
  2. Then what is the point to it if it doesn't help with character development?
  3. Also it should go without saying but there is no "Internet" In Equestria so he can't be a internet DJ
  4. WHY is he picked on and rejected? Is it because of his color? because of his attitude?
  5. No I don't hide it at all, my personal opinion is if it's SO embarrassing to bring it up to the point of hiding your broniness from the world then to me you arn't much of one because you hide it and seem ashamed to admit it/ or embarrassed by it. To me it's like "I have a good friend that makes me happy, lights up my imagination, and is good fun to be around, however my friend isn't what normal people call "Cool" So when I'm around others I never talk about my great friend because I'm embarrassed and afraid they will mock me for being friends with him"
  6. I actully have nothing more to say to her since she seems to fully support art theft .
  7. Your posts are reallly hard to read, slow down and try to watch your spelling please? I can barely understand you...
  8. I drew it, I scanned it in, and I colored it, There fore it is MINE, You stealing it and changing the color/adding to it makes you a theif not an artist.
  9. Didn't you say in the chat that your DJ handle is "DJ Pinkie Pie" ?
  10. -facehoof- He means if something belongs to someone else and you change one small aspect of it it still doesn't make it /yours/
  11. Link me to your art so I can just add something to it and claim your work as mine then please? 8D
  12. I want to grab him and hug him and squeeze him and hold him close to me
  13. EXACTLY! God I could probably kiss you right now
  14. So you'd be perfectly okay with someone taking something you drew, tracing over it, leaving EVERYTHING the same and then adding.. oh say a streak of green to the hair? No it's not your art unless you DREW the entire image from scratch, no tracing "Tweaking" Someone elses art doesn't make it yours .
  15. If it's your work from the get go I don't care if you go back and edit/trace your OWN work XD the problem is when it is someone elses work .
  16. Confound these Ponies, they drive me to terroize bushels of bouncing baby bunnies D<

  17. I have no problem with maybe Vectoring a SHAPE of a pony that you like, and then using your own imagination to draw the tail, mane, cutie-mark ect. The problem lies when the pony is clearly AppleJack and you just stuck Rarity's Mane on her head and made it rainbow XD Wanting to do clean work is fine and dandy, it's not so fine and dandy when you pretty much copy over a screen shot line by line, don't change anything and then claim it's your vectored art XD For my own Ponies I just used the Pony Maker, and plan to try my best to at the least study them enough to color them myself XD
  18. YAY MADDIE! Fryloch is awesome ugh I wish I was as good at writing Applications as you
  19. It's the whole " I copied it therefore it is art" Bit >/ Tracing to me isn't art it's what you do PRIVATELY to improve yourself, you don't trace over someone else's work, change the color and then BAM "IS CREATIVE AN NEW CUZ DA MANE IS NOW DIAMONDS"
  20. Welcome to Canterlot! Though I must admit my feelings on people who do "Vectors" Sorta grind my pony gears but you seem pretty cool
  21. “Thanks it’s my special fall time brew “ She said and chuckled bringing a hot mug of the brew over ot the young Knight in training and sat it in front of her “My name is QuickLime, a pleasure to meet you Miss Kite, what brings you out on such a day like today?” The young knight to be Pony was a little strange looking what wearing such armour and making so much noise but QuickLime was dying for ANY kind of company at the moment, closing the door behind the pony .
  22. “There is no need to be so rude” Quicklime replied sternly “And I’m not being snooty about it either, I know you didn’t mean to that’s why it’s called an accident” Shaking her head so her black and green mane and sighed lightly such a defensive little filly. The next part made her raise a brow “I never run into anypony else here either hence my surprise, you’re friends with Zecora? You seem like a lucky Filly, I’d love to get to know her, she and I do similar work…” Quicklime thought on it briefly “Minus the chanting I tried that once did not end so good… but if your flanks are bothering you I’m sure I could help with that” The little pony proceeded to go on about her cutie mark and Quicklime tilted her head “So you are quite the little runner then?” The little filly’s passion must be running if she thought winning a race would get it for her!
  23. I personally would LOVE to do a Rp with this character when she's accepted
  24. The only problem is that Ponies don't celebrate "Halloween" They celebrate " Nightmare Night"
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