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Status Updates posted by Pinstripe

  1. Valentine's Day is overrated, being lonely is so much better. FREEBIRD!

  2. Why do I even bother with this forum anymore :l Regardless, I will stay.

    1. ping111


      -_- Really? You've been here for less than four months, and it's done nothing but get better! If you think it's "looking dead", just wait for the new season to start!

  3. Why do short post RPs get so much traffic, when it's the polar opposite with long-post RPs @-@

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SunsetSombra


      People will do what people want to do...there's not really a whole lot else to it - if they wanna take shortcuts, that's their problem, nobody elses.

    3. Halide


      Because mashing F5 counts as additional views on the thread, and shortposters usually check their threads several times an hour, as opposed to a few times a week.

    4. Pinstripe


      That right there, Halide is probably the most valid answer xD

  4. Working on a potential December banner for the site. Painterly style ftw!

  5. wow sendpie noticed me

    1. ping111


      I hope I get to be recievepie one day! P.S. I prefer apple or pot pies.

  6. Wow, my custom desktop looks sleek as heck. @-@

  7. YES! Some guy stole my secret cake slice a while back, and now I found it again.

  8. Yo, check out my new Sci-Fi Roleplay, No Place I Can Be!

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