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Status Replies posted by Sailu

  1. playing guitar over pinkies brew remix by tombstome!

  2. Soooo, there's this writing competition in my school where one can win 325 bucks. I feel intrigued <_<

  3. *Shakes server violently*

  4. Sorry about the downtime, everypony!

  5. There was the sound of a million head-canons crying out in pain. And then, silence...

  6. Yep. Pretty sure season four is going to be amazing. :D

  7. Life on Canterlot shimmers! Life on Canterlot SHIIIINES! And I feel most absolute certain! That Season 4's certainly fiiine!

  8. what time does mlp come on the west coast so i can be prepared for season 4 (i'm in waashington state btw :))

  9. I'm so ashamed right now. I thought people would be nice around here, but I guess not.

  10. I don't Know why, but for some reason i want to RP Pony-fied versions of everyday life during "Historical times in real life"

  11. My posts count is over 3,000!

  12. okay after watching dog and pony show rarity is officially my fave pony ever

  13. Curse you Rosewind... CURSE YOU!!!

  14. Curse you Rosewind... CURSE YOU!!!

  15. To say 'lol' is a way to acknowledge one's, often poor, attempt to express something amusing. The difference between 'lol' and 'LOL' is fairly major since 'LOL' displays a great amusement, such as bursting into laughter. 'lol' on the other hand, is more comparable to a chuckle. Still are the both of them representing the same thing, 'laugh out loud', and I find the whole thing silly.

  16. something that has been on my mind for a while is..after season 4 with faust still continue with MLP or will her rain come to an end with season 4?...i hope not!

  17. OMERGAWD!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! Happy B-day to me!! I wuv myself :)

  18. Huge season four spoiler!There's gonna be ponies...I never said it was a good spoiler.

  19. Huge season four spoiler!There's gonna be ponies...I never said it was a good spoiler.

  20. add me on skype: Fluttershy is Mine

  21. Pretty sure a Star Fox RP is in the near future

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