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Status Replies posted by leapman

  1. Sigh... Seems like I'm being ignored on here.

  2. say yay for choclate YAY

  3. I'm back! After about four months... Hopefully, this time I'll get to stay!

  4. I've got nothing to say, Hello!

  5. After a long time of thinking, I'm going to leave Canterlot for a while, and I don't know when I will be back. I'll probably keep updating Neo Reviews, but I don't think I'll be roleplaying for a while now, bye guys.

  6. Can't do the Raffle :( Too many issues surrounding it. (Asked Staff) I'll will find something to make this forum better!

  7. Titan fall! Titan Fall! Titan Fall!

  8. The realization you get when you realize you put up with way too much from a particular someone and decide that enough is enough.

  9. Cool pony creator in 3D With animation! http://ponylumen.net/

  10. MetalBronyATL like that profile pic 8-)

  11. You know what I just love, love, love? Spraining my ankle at work and having to hobble around in pain all day. :D

  12. You know what I just love, love, love? Spraining my ankle at work and having to hobble around in pain all day. :D

  13. Man its gorgeous outside, Dark, Quiet, And not an Iceage!

  14. Is it bad that I get a weird feeling when a Mod/Admin/Well-Respected Member visits my profile?

  15. gaah i want to be productive right now but i'm too lazy

  16. Is it bad that I get a weird feeling when a Mod/Admin/Well-Respected Member visits my profile?

  17. i really need to quit being lazy and become more active in roleplaying here =/ i don't think I've posted roleplay things in a long time

  18. In my last status when I said that people who don't listen to melodic death metal are wrong, I was totally kidding. There is no best music and I respect all opinions. Again, I was joking. Why so serious, guys? lol

  19. Melodic death metal is the greatest music in existance. All who disagree are wrong.

  20. Melodic death metal is the greatest music in existance. All who disagree are wrong.

  21. Who is the best character in MLP? Go!

  22. Melodic death metal is the greatest music in existance. All who disagree are wrong.

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