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Everything posted by kal413

  1. Good. Ponies have helped me overcome stuff as well. If it wasn't for FIM, I don't know where I'd be right now.
  2. Hmm, I've never actually seen this movie (I know, I'm a failure) I feel like I need to, since it looks so good.
  3. I have overcome every hardship that you have thrown at me, from low funds to the place in which I was born take that society.
  4. The very first game I played? That was so long ago. I want to say that it was some sort of NES, or perhaps Winning Eleven.
  5. Stalliongrad sounds like a place in Soviet Russia (or whatever the pony deviation is) Hosstraliia doesn't sound too bad, although I don't know how it relates to ponies, exactly.
  6. I've acted in several plays. Does that count? That's the closest I've gone to RPing. I can't believe I still haven't done anything in this considering that's like a main thing.
  7. Imageshack.us is better. It's free and has no bandwidth limits. Plus, it's so much easier to view everything.
  8. It's Wall Street Journal, of course it's going to be good. I think that was like the most bought newspaper for a while
  9. I have done both, and I enjoyed every second of it, so don't worry about it. lol
  10. Well, it adds more of an edge and importance to the characters Like the Doctor.
  11. The only pairing I know of is with Vinyl, which is really really adorable!
  12. This was the best episode of the season in my opinion (Save for Episode 2, but I kinda still consider that first). It actually had a plot, the character development was great, and the overarching theme was just what this show is about. Plus, I can relate very well to Rarity in this one. Even though Sweetie was just trying to help, it can get very frustrating sometimes, especially in that short period time. It's a wonder that Rarity didn't explode earlier. I kinda wished that Sweetie would compromise as well, but I think the main reason she was persistent in this one was because her parents left and she really wanted to spend time with Rarity. In Stare Master, it shows that she can actually listen to Rarity when it comes to unrequited help, so she can back off. She's still small, so what can you expect on consistency? Hopefully they continue these slice-of-life episodes. Another reason I loved this episode was because itt did not focus around comedic exploits unlike the previous two. Very well done, indeed.
  13. I really don't want to, but I feel like I need to read Cupcakes eventually
  14. I beg to differ. A lot of ponies were frustrated.
  15. While I still think this is not real, the fact that people would do stuff like this is irritating. This is beyond MLP. Why do must we make other's lives miserable just because they believe something else, or have different preferences. Are we that insecure about ourselves? Sometimes humanity just astounds me in the way that it can bring itself down so low. Stuff like this is definitely what contributes to that. It's your own flesh and blood, for crying out loud. At the very least leave them alone. Sometimes:
  16. Try this one, then: http://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/name-the-planets.php
  17. It does make sense. I guess I never thought about it back in season one, mostly cause I don't that much attention to detail.
  18. They're the same guys that did the season one marathon that one Saturday right? I thought they were all right.
  19. No, don't worry about who likes whatever. Do what you like.
  20. I think I'll just use this to write, regardless of the limit or certificate. I'm not looking to get anything published at this point anyway. Besides, I'd still have to edit. Anyway here's what I wrote for National Pony Writing Month, if anyone is interested. Be warned, though. It is not edited. I think that I write well enough on my drafts, but there's probably some mistakes. :https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zTPd5PHq5XrxRbul_FFu4Q5XSKVYep58jCx9MD8RmS4/edit It's about a young alicorn trying to survive in a totalitarian society that's bent on destroying Equestria ruled by a being from a time long past. I took out the prologue because it was too long, 10,000 words. If I make a prequel, which I had originally planned, that's where that would be.
  21. It is perfect for spreading ideas and experiences, but that's not used not by the vast majority of people, which is sad. This is my favourite documentary of all time:
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