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When You Wake Up... (open.)

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As our Princess Celestia slowly lowers the sun, and Princess Luna raises her moon, all ponies in all of Equestria look up to the sky. Some stay and watch for awhile, watching the sky change before their very eyes. Others go inside to go on to bed. Though, after some time, all the ponies are too tired, and all of them go to sleep. Even the princesses. Even monsters that lurked around the Everfree Forest that day. Even the tiniest of insects. Everypony is sleeping, safe and sound. Or, maybe not...


Passion Fruit, a young mare always woke up early. She did shopping every morning for fruit. It was all she really ate. Fruit, fruit, fruit. She was a master with it, know all about it and what to do with it. She knew a lot about herbs and such, as well. Anyways, she had to wake up and go to the market. Make sure the cabinets were full. Though, when her sleepy eyes started to open, and her body started to start up again, she realized she was cold. Her bed was as hard as stone. She rubbed her eyes, and pushed her long, unruly powder blue mane out of her dark purple eyes. Once her eyes adjusted, she sat up, in complete fear. "W-w-what...?" She said, the light purple pegasus was obviously confused. She backed up into a corner of the completely blank room. It was very, very large. She didn't even see the end of it from her end. Her eyes finally caught on to something... another pony. It was still sleeping. She feared waking it up. With how large the room was, she wondered how many ponies were really in here. The room, however, was completely blank. The walls still white. The floors were made up of tan tile. She saw no doors. No windows. No escape.

(( passion fruit at the bottom. ))


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I stretch my eyes open, baggy and tired from a large party the night before, my mane still in front of my face as my entire body smells of a mixture of tacos, Fruit Punch, Whiskey, and other fluids and stains.

My once white coat was now a coffee stained grungy yellow, and my chin covered in grit and fuzz.

Dear Celestia...never doing that again...

A faint voice mutters as he stretches awake, Disco Dancer knowing never to go to Filly Mercury's again.

I see the purplish pony in the Blank white room, still stumbling from a hang over.

Oh Celestia...hey...Sorry for what happened...this kind of thing usually happens when I get like this... I'll just leave, and refund all the food I probably ate and couches I ruined...

Catch you later.

I walk forward and realize there is no actual way to leave as my nose colldes with a wall.

Hey...what gives?

I look around confused and dazed at the goings on, just wanting some coffee.

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It's Cool little lady...just a little...hung over is all...and please, if she had anything to do with this, I wouldn't have this head cracking headache.

I cradle my head in my hoof as I stumble about, shaking off a night of wild Canterlot partying

Hey...Ow...They Call me Disco Dancer. I'd show you why, but this headache is leaving my legs weak and my neck weaker.

I don't know where we are, but you got any coffee?

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"Daddy!" a little voice said. "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Gleam felt tiny hooves nudging his shoulder and sighed inwardly. He cracked one eye open and saw his daughter's dark purple eyes gazing at him with tears in the corners.

"Shimmer, honey, it's too early in the morning to have a meltdown," he groaned.

"My beddy wan away," she whined, nuzzling her snow-white horn into his soft grey side.

"What?" Gleam said, confusedly shaking the sleep from his head and sitting up. They appeared to be in a dimly lit room with no visible exits. There were two ponies talking softly a little ways away.

"Hey, what's going on here?" he demanded, running a comforting hoof through Shimmer's silver mane. His own white mane was sticking out in all directions.

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Oh...for the love of...kids.

Disco Dancer was not born to take deal of kids. Especially Hung over Disco Dancer.

Tell me, do you actually have any coffee hidden in this insane asylum color scheme? I just need to sober up a little more and I'll be out...

I say as I cradle my head hearing the outcry of the small filly.

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Red Comet Awakens from what could be assumed as a great slumber. He remembers falling asleep in his cottage in Canterlot, but where he was now, was unknown. His crimson coat was pristine, and his hair was wavy as usual. His vest remained on, although he remembers taking it off prior to falling asleep. He gets up, examines the room, and sees no obvious exits. There are other ponies in this stark white room. A grungy looking pony, a Father and his daughter, and a Mare.

Rather than panic, he trots his way over to the Mare. "Excuse me miss, do you have any Idea where we are?

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Passion, however, was very startled by the appearance of many other ponies. "Why, I just don't know where we are. I don't know any of you either." She shook her head, trying to regain thoughts. She went to bed early, as usual. So, why didn't she wake up in her cozy bed, jump up, get a basket, and race off towards the market? How come she was trapped in a blank room with ponies she didn't know. She closed her eyes, only for a short while before opening them, excited. "Oh, yes! You see, if there is no escape... how did we even get in here?" She turned, facing the ponies, proudly. "There must be one around..." Though, she suddenly frowned, "Unless... it happened to be unicorn who trapped us..." She said, looking at the ground. "Well, we can look around, still, though, yes?" She asked, looking at them all with wide eyes.

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Gleam glared at the hung-over pony complaining about Shimmer, but decided it wasn't worth his time to make a scene. He nodded at the other pony's explanation. "There has to be a way out," he repeated, thinking. "This might help to start." He lit his horn and cast a glow around the room. Not much to see, really. Just the same white walls and the group of ponies looking around. He thought again.

"Well, I have one more trick up my sleeve," he said hopefully, looking back at his cutie mark (a round paned window). He focused his horn's energy on one of the walls, and slowly, a watery opening appeared, allowing them to see through (though not get through).

Disappointingly, it was another room adjoining theirs, too dark to see anything. He shrugged and dropped the spell. "Shall I try the other walls?"

((OOC: This was legitimately his special talent before this thread, haha. :P ))

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"Hmmm. That's an interesting power." Passion told the unicorn, who had just shown us his special talent. Her talent with mixing fruits and such wasn't helpful, as there was no fruit to be found in the room. Passion sighed at the thought, and looked back to the unicorn, "Well, I don't see any harm in trying it out on the other walls." Passion said, though now her eyes trained on the foal. She wondered how long they'd be in here. She'd rather have the foal to be elsewhere, as she shouldn't have been pulled into this mess. She shook her head, thinking of how the foal would have to stay with.

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So let me get this straight.

We have no way out of here, and apparently there's no coffee. Fantastic. Nice power though, I have a brother up in Manehatten who could use some new windows. If we get through all this, you want his card, or vice versa?

I walk around the room, passing back and forth, well, that would be too organized. More accurately, he wiggled and waggled, and stumbled and wandered all over the room in which any way his legs desired to go, as if they had a plan of their own. Unfortunately, the thick frame of Disco Dancer, got in the way so they were forced to reconsider. Many. Many times.

Unfortunately, I don't have a talent for window making. I'm more, the artist, shall they say.

I turn a surprisingly smooth 1280, and rebalance myself noticeably and quickly.

Your trick gave me a good idea there...if we can't find a real door. We make one! And I think you,

pointing at the Red Stallion who I propositioned for Coffee earlier,

should be the one to start!

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"First of all, they're not actually windows, you... you sot," Gleam said, looking the hungover pony up and down with contempt as he stumbled around the room. He knelt down to allow Shimmer to scramble onto his back, and as she wiped the remainder of the tears from her eyes she whispered, "What's a sot, daddy?"

"Tell you later, Shimmy," he whispered back. "And B," he said louder, "We should find out what's on the other side of a wall before we rush through it heedlessly, don't you think, miss...?" He smiled at the purple mare.

He lowered his horn again to a second wall, and with a bit of effort, the watching ponies were able to see a smaller room full of soft red light and shadowy furniture.

((OOC: TasteTheRainbow, how much do you have this planned out and how much is improvisation? I don't want to hijack your thread. :) ))

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"None of you know what's going on here, do you?" Came a dark and sadistic voice from one corner of the room. A pure grey pegasus spoke from his curled up sleeping position in a far corner of the room.

"Well, nethier do I. But apparently we're all here, so we will just have to make acquantiances. I'm Darksteel. I am a pegasus who lives in the Everfree Forest. My wings are as sharp as blades, giving me a fair advantage over the silly kitty manticores in there." Darksteel still hasn't opened his eyes yet. When his mouth was closed, one would think he is still sleeping.

"Now because I refuse to open my eyes, pray, tell me. Does anypony see a unicorn who has a mane of golden silk in here?"

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"Of course you can sew, your name is Stitches." Darksteel rapped, still looking like he was sleeping. "There's a bad chance she's in here, because she never sleeps, but could you check around a bit? With all this whiteness she might be able to blend in."

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Darksteel opened his eyes, and looked deep into Stitches's eyes. Darksteel's name referred completely to his eyes, unlike how other ponies' names referred to their special talent. Darksteel's eyes were a solid grey. There was no pupil, or the white around the eye. Both of his eyes were entirely grey, like that of the metal called darksteel.

Stitches felt as if he were being torn apart. his mental sanity begun to tear, and the world seemed to crumble around him. Darksteel closed his eyes.

"One would rather have a staring contest with a cockatrice." He muttered. "Literally. My gaze is worse than anything imaginable. And I can travel perfectly without my eyesight."

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