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Malware? (user experienced a report from Norton Antivirus)

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Hmm, it could be a malicious ad or something.

That would be my guess.

Only Google AdSense is used on this site. Nothing else. And as I found out, getting your own advert out via google is a pain in the backside as they come and inspect your site and the advert you're submitting for use. I highly doubt google have let any malicious ads out there (just images and the odd flash).

If you experience ANYTHING other than a google adsense advert (look for the little blue triangle in one of the corners) your browser itself may be compromised.

Check any installed scripts and plugins as there are PLENTLY out there that modify website code as it comes into your browser. Some may even replace site's google adsense code for their own to cash-in on what you browse.

So don't ignore your Norton just yet. Keep in mind that 3000+ people have signed up with the site and only you have come across this problem.

There may just be be something lurking on your puter.

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.

Alternatively... you could simply tell us WHICH page it was so we can go there and see what dodgy links you folks have been posting to cause an antivirus to have a panic attack.

EVERYONE: if you provide vague questions and explanations, you'll NEVER get the answers you need.

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