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Passion Fruit [FINAL]

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Roleplay Type:

World of Equestria


Passion Fruit







Eye Color:

Dark purple, usually dull.

Coat Color:

Lavender, or just say a light purple.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

Unruly powder blue mane, just a little below her head. Tail, is also powder blue, and is just as loopy and curly. Reaches a little lower than the middle of her hind legs.


Rather tiny, with more rounded features. Maybe a little taller than average, but not too noticeable.

Cutie Mark:

Three fruits, making a happy face. The smile is made by a banana, the right eye made by an apple, and the left made by an orange. Got her cutie mark after mixing two fruits for something better.


Passion is from Cloudsdale, and goes to many places before moving back to Cloudsdale.


She now moves boxes, even though she has no interest in it.


Her motivation is mostly her parents, and the thought of going back to Ponyville. You can guess her relationship with her parents! She also likes to know she will be with her childhood friends once again.

Likes: (optional)

The color teal, new friends, blending fruit, foals, gardening, outdoors, smaller creatures, and talking.

Dislikes: (optional)

Shy ponies, most gossip, broccoli, ponies who know more about plants, hot days and scary stories.

Character Summary:

Passion was an only foal, who lived with her mother and father. She was born in Cloudsdale, the place most pegasi were born. Flying was more difficult for her, as she was easily distracted from anything she happened to be doing. The fact that she passed flight test was the mere fact that no birds had happened to fly by in the distance.

Passion, also, seemed to be very picky at first, but in a couple of years, she ate about anything. By then, she had grown some more, and she liked to call herself a 'filly,' but she wasn't there just yet. Her parents were still happily together, as always. The thought of how they stayed so close was maybe because they ate dinner at the same time all ate one table and talked to each other. Or, maybe, they were having problems, but hid these things from their sweet little foal. Whatever the reason, they stayed tightly knitted together. Well, sometimes a thread or a few would break loose, and a young foal would run off to see her friends.

Passion's friends, however, weren't much of friends, but teachers. Passion, being the youngest of the pegasi, was the only one who could not yet fly just quite right. "Wait, no, go that way." "Just look forward!" "Oh, darn it! You were so close. I told you to go that way!" All the shouting for the pegasi really knocked her off course. Though, she did suppose she wasn't really training her eyes on the goal. She did wonder how those birds just jumped out of the nest and started to fly. How she wished she were a bird. Who could fly....

Passion, one day, was walking around, trying to find a particular bush. All the bushes held berries, but there was one that would bare many plumb red berries, that tasted very good. They were also safe to eat, so they were the best! There were also some blue ones that could be eaten, but today Passion wanted the red. Her friends stopped by while she happened to be eating them. They all sat down and decided to eat some with her. One of her friends, however, could not choose which color he wanted. Passion soon got an idea, "I'll be right back!" She said, running to get a bowl. She came back with one, and dropped some red and blue berries in the bowl. She used a rock to mash them up, and gave the bowl to her friend. As soon as the bowl touched the ground, however, Passion gained her cutie mark! It was an odd sensation, and he friends pointed at her, "Your glowing, Passion!" The told her, and she soon gained her happy face cutie mark. She loved it, with its banana, apple, and orange. She realized then, that her talent must be blending fruits together!

Now, after passing her flight test, which wasn't as difficult as she had imagined, her whole family celebrated. Her grandparents stopped in, along with her Aunt Clown Fish, who Passion might had liked a little more than the others. Her Aunt was more energetic for an older age, and loved to play with her, unlike her parents and grandparents. That day was great, and it felt like her relatives were walking out the door without the day being done just yet. Though, the day was done, and Passion was rather tired...

Getting older meant being a filly! How soon it seemed to have come! Passion was absolutely bigger. She had grown quite a lot, really. Though, her parents were now getting older, and she needed to find her own place. Of course, she stayed with them as long as possible, which was half a year. Though, she had to move. She thought about staying in Cloudsdale, but she didn't think out upfront personality would fit. Many pegasi were shy, and it was hard to communicate with them. Of course, Passion could be shy at times, but not all the time! She found it rather annoying. She had heard of a place named Canterlot. It was were the Royal Equestrian Sisters lived! She headed for the place after packing and saying her goodbyes. She was just excited to see how wonderful the place must be.

Getting to Canterlot was amazing. Though, as soon as Passion's hooves touched the ground, she felt so odd, and it felt weird walking. The ground wasn't soft like the clouds. Passion, however, got use to this whole, 'ground' thing, quickly, though. She soon was greeted by a mare, who noticed her landing and trotted over, "Why, hello, darling! You must come from Cloudsdale, I can tell by the funny way your walking. I'm Open Light, a resident here in Canterlot." Her voice was so 'posh' and Passion's was just, well, normal. She didn't think she'd fit in. Looking around, ponies walked around, all wearing something fancy. They looked tight and itchy, and Passion didn't want that. Passion, of course, went with Open Light on her tour, though. Passion would always remember that flash of color on Open Light. Her fancy teal hat sitting lightly on her head. It helped Passion realize her favorite color was teal. Passion, sadly, soon left Canterlot, hearing about Ponyville. Ponyville sounded nice and cozy, and when she got there, she soon found it was.

Ponyville was the place for Passion! One of the first things that wanted her to stay was a party just for her, celebrating her arrival. It was thrown by a bouncy, pink earth pony, who told her many things, including that her name was Pinkie Pie. Another was a make over that Passion never did keep. Done to Passion, for free, by a fancy pony named Rarity. Even so, she wasn't like those Canterlot ponies. Passion liked the make over, but... well. It just didn't work out. Passion had to stay. How generous and friendly these ponies are. She'd fit right in! Passion happened to be right. She got a nice little cottage, but the only bad thing was... well, she needed a job. It took a week or three, but she found one. Passion's first job! She excitedly rushed to her parent's house, to tell them about her new job.

Passion's new job was simple, as all she did was grow plants, really. With lots of other workers, she helped water and fertilize plants. Keeping them healthy and growing. Doing this job, reminded Passion of growing up. Her childhood. Now she felt all grown up. A job, a home without her parents, and she even when shopping for herself. Well, there was also bills, but she didn't like to think about them. Even though she missed her family way up in the sky, she felt so happy here in Ponyville, and that's what really mattered, right? She was happy. She had also made a friend. Her name was Flash Photo, and loved taking pictures. She was shy at first, but became really talkative. She works with her, but only for a little while.

However, Passion only lived in Ponyville for a while. She left Ponyville when she heard one of her childhood friends, Saw Dust, to be exact, was tragically injured when moving some heavy boxes. At least, that was all she knew. He, however, lived in Cloudsdale. So, Passion packed for only a couple nights, because she knew she'd stay for a little while. When she got there, she realized her parents were getting older, and also didn't make much bits. This made her move back to Cloudsdale, buying her own house with the bits she got from selling her old one back in Ponyville. This also meant she had to give up her job, which was devastating. She soon found another job, which was moving boxes. She doesn't like it too much, but most other jobs already were crowded with Pegasi. So, she sadly had to take a job she wasn't interested in. Those boxes were really heavy, too. Well, she was lucky to get in. It was all because of Saw Dust, who did make it through the injury and returned to his job of moving boxes!

Passion now still has the job of moving boxes, and her dream job is still to run a smoothie shop. She misses her friend and old job in Ponyville, but easily forgets about it, being with her childhood friends once again. She visits her parents very regularly, so you can say their relationship is very strong. She would also like to live back in Ponyville, and has considered maybe going to Appaloosa or Dodge Junction, instead. Though, for now, she stays in Cloudsdale, moving boxes and making sure her parents are okay.




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I believe you may have some trouble since they tend to want characters away from Ponyville- it's a crowded place!

I considered that, as I've seen many posts about it. Though, I felt she wouldn't fit in at Ponyville, and I'm not exactly sure what Manehattan, Las Pegasus, or Fillydelphia are like. Help on those places or much anything about any other location would be nice!

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I considered that, as I've seen many posts about it. Though, I felt she wouldn't fit in at Ponyville, and I'm not exactly sure what Manehattan, Las Pegasus, or Fillydelphia are like. Help on those places or much anything about any other location would be nice!

Manehattan and Fillydelphia are generally just played as big cities with characteristic influences and Las Pegasus is the Las Vegas equivalent.

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