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About Myself: Hi! I'm a chick. I've been Role playing for about 6 years online but I took quite a long hiatus, so I apologize if I'm rusty. I live in the beautiful pacific north west and I love the ocean.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google, yo.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I started watching it on Netflix and became addicted.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
I'm a huge AJ fan. She reminds me a lot of myself, her stubbornness and her work ethic. I'm gonna go ahead and apologize again for how rusty I am sure to be when I get out there haha. I've made a total brony out of my coworker. I look forward to getting to know you all! Thanks a heap sugar cubes!

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So you are proof that Netflix recommendations DO actually work! Brilliant! Excellent work Netflix! Strengthen our army further! Soon... very soon... the world will be OURS! And love and tolerance shall be laws of the land! WAR WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Sorry about that... It is so rare to see a plan for world domination work...

Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Star Swirl, the resident mad scientist.

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So you are proof that Netflix recommendations DO actually work! Brilliant! Excellent work Netflix! Strengthen our army further! Soon... very soon... the world will be OURS! And love and tolerance shall be laws of the land! WAR WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Sorry about that... It is so rare to see a plan for world domination work...

Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Star Swirl, the resident mad scientist.

Hi, welcome! Don't mind Swirly! He's loopy, but we love him.

We need to enable Plan #16-BZ next.

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Well thank you all! Willow wing, the PNW doesn't really have beaches sadly. The dad coast does but that's like 3 hours away. I live in a really awesome navy town and I'm a short drive away from a viking town! It's awesome!

Vikings? o3o Like...real vikings? That's freaking awesome! :-o I approve of your town!!

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