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What do the Seattle Mariners have to do with ponies?


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I know this is going to sound a lot like bragging (and it probably is, so PLEEEAAAASE don't take this the wrong way), but I'm WAAAAAY too excited not to share this somewhere... here's what it is:

I'm going to a Seattle Mariners baseball game, and I'm sitting with Madeline Peters, Scootaloo's voice actor, and her family! So if anyone has something you want to tell her, just post it here. :3

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You went to the game and so did Madeline Damn. I had tickets earlier this year and had to cancel when my work schedule changed. No questions, just thank you, hello, and go Mariners!

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Gotta tell her she's awesome! Find a good stockpile of Scootaloo quotes and get a good one to zing, xD

But in all honesty, just tell her how much we, the Bronies, love her. Hope she gets her own episode in S3, too!

And hey, if you are going to the Mariners game tonight.....LET'S GO YANKEES! :blah:

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How do you know you'll be sitting by her?

Well, we're basically going to the game with them... my uncle knows her from college, and when he found out I watched My Little Pony, well... I think you can see where that went.

Unfortunately my uncle is moving away from Seattle in a couple weeks and this is going to be the only time. Still, not going to complain :P

Gotta tell her she's awesome! Find a good stockpile of Scootaloo quotes and get a good one to zing, xD

But in all honesty, just tell her how much we, the Bronies, love her. Hope she gets her own episode in S3, too!

And hey, if you are going to the Mariners game tonight.....LET'S GO YANKEES! :blah:

Lets go Mets :D

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AMAGAD! That is TOTALLY bragging rights right there

Okay... tell her I truly appreciates the work she's done with the show, her voice acting and expression is PHENOMINAL. That I hope that you, her, and her family have an amazing time at the game. Aaaaaand tell her that she voices (based on my observations) the most popular crusader in the fandom.

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