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Good evening everypony


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About Myself: From Ohio, USA. Born in Texas and raised as a redneck. I'm a gamer as well, love Xbox 360 and computer gaming. Roleplay off and on video games, love doing it.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google'd "MLP"

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My little brother's lady friend got him to start watching the show, so I figured to myeslf, "You know what, there is no way my brother would watch a show like that unless it's genuinely a quality program." I then started watching the show and just can't get enough of it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
Evening everypony, or rather "good morning" as it just passed over into Monday for me. I'm new here, as you can obviously tell (lol). As I mentioned in the form above (above for me, I don't know where all that I just filled out will be once I submit this) I'm new to the Brony life, rather enjoying might I say. I'm a senior in high school at the moment, can't wait to graduate, but I'm trying to enjoy every day before I move out into the "real world" Lol. I look forward to meeting some interesting people here, I'm pretty hyped to get into some RPing. All around, just excited to be here.

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Thank you for the song TheInvisiblePony! lol!

And it's so-so being a redneck/brony. my grandpa just makes it a rule, when we're on the boat, keep the ponies back at home. Lol, he's cool though. My lil bro just watches the show. He's not big on fan art, or any of the websites or anything of that nature.

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Being a redneck pony may not be so bad... just think about applejack! xD Anywho, welcome to Canterlot, and don't forget to just take things easy. Theres lots of awesome ponies here and even when your not on "the boat", you can still come on back to the awesomeness that is Equestria :)

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