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As Texas Tech Alumni who went to nearly every home game for five years, I am bound to mention that we beat you last year, at your house, breaking your home game winning streak and knocking you out of the number one slot.

But now that I got that out of the way...

Hey! Good to have more Big 12 bronies around! Is this your first year there? I've got plenty of friends that had a blast, and got fine educations there. Also, as a Detroit Lions fan, it is good to have picked up so many of your fine players.

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As Texas Tech Alumni who went to nearly every home game for five years, I am bound to mention that we beat you last year, at your house, breaking your home game winning streak and knocking you out of the number one slot.

Quoted for truth. The sad thing is that Tech didn't win another game after that. They were 5-2 after arguably the biggest upset in Tech football history and ended up not qualifying for a bowl game. :wail:

Though I'm starting to think it's more likely I'll go to Baylor. Or MIT. Or Williams. My dad got a bachelor's in business from Texas Tech and my older sister is an English major at Baylor. I have several friends who are considering OU, though. And I have some who attend rival OK State. Right now, I'm waiting for my senior year of high school to start and hope I get everything together that I need to apply. I'm hoping there are some bronies I can meet wherever I go to college. Certainly, there are some at Williams or MIT.

Besides, the Dallas Cowboys also have OU to thank for DeMarco Murray.

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That feel when you get all excited for this thread even though you're no longer going to the same university because you might have a chance to meet some local bronies...

And learn that it's not Ottawa University, like you thought it was :P

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That feel when you get all excited for this thread even though you're no longer going to the same university because you might have a chance to meet some local bronies...

And learn that it's not Ottawa University, like you thought it was :P

Most of the time, OU with no context is going to be Oklahoma. Still, I was cautiously optimistic opening the thread the first time.

Yep! this is my first year there! :D

I'm hoping to find some new friends (whether brony or not) to hang with

Even if you don't like football now, try to get into it. And go to some games because your school has an argument for the best fans of college football.

But don't forget all the student organizations! That is the best way to find friends, and the school likely has hundreds so you should have no trouble finding some that are interesting.

College was the best five years of my life that I never want to repeat. Complete your degree quickly, get lots of social interaction, and try to escape with as little debt as possible.

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