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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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Aurron wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked to the center of the camp

he noticed a young lady was trying to get him to sit next to her " huh already makin friends" he walk up to wordplay and said "hey"

"Yo. Name's Wordplay." Wordplay slid her shades off the bridge of her nose where they had been sitting for the past fifteen minutes. Cool as they were, Wordplay found people generally responded to her better when they could look her properly in the eyes."I guess I am already making friends. Elements of Harmony and whatnot." Wordplay laughed and threw a glance in the direction of where the camp counselors were beginning to sit. "So what's your name, dude?"

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Licorice nodded, listening. "I felt like that.. Like I needed to get out for some fresh air. I like it a lot here. Everything is just so.... Peaceful. It's a good change.... Sure is taking the counselors awhile to start.."

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"My family thought I should come here so I could have a chance to be closer with the bugs I love so much" Buzz added to the conversation. "But really, they just wanted a break from me attracting bugs into the house all the time" He laughed.

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"Yo. Name's Wordplay." Wordplay slid her shades off the bridge of her nose where they had been sitting for the past fifteen minutes. Cool as they were, Wordplay found people generally responded to her better when they could look her properly in the eyes."I guess I am already making friends. Elements of Harmony and whatnot." Wordplay laughed and threw a glance in the direction of where the camp counselors were beginning to sit. "So what's your name, dude?"

Aurron sat down on the ground and removed his straw stetson " i'm Aurron" " you wouldnt happen to know where the counselors are?"

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Pepper cautiously approached everybody talking and laughing and as she looked around for a place to sit and seen a colt doodling "h... Hey... Whatcha drawing? *before cloud could answer* Oh! I... I almost forgot... M... My names pepperjack..."

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Vox watched, a bit amused by all the people who payed him no attention, it was a nice change. He reclined where he sat and smiled a bit, humming to himself.

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((OOC: Everyone who has posted has been approved, but thank you Fireraven for trying to make sure that everyone is posting correctly. I haven't had the time to post their apps to the camper list. I'm really sorry, I've been so very very busy. T_T

Also, Orientation will start soon! I'm truly sorry for the delay, and I want you all to understand it was because one of our counselors had to step down. From this point forward, I will be permanently be playing Rainbow Dash alongside Twilight, and will be giving up my OC camper because of it (to follow my own rule).

I sincerely apologize for the sudden change, and I thank you all for being patient while I sort through this. The orientation will begin in the morning. ^^))

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((OOC: Everyone who has posted has been approved, but thank you Fireraven for trying to make sure that everyone is posting correctly. I haven't had the time to post their apps to the camper list. I'm really sorry, I've been so very very busy. T_T

Also, Orientation will start soon! I'm truly sorry for the delay, and I want you all to understand it was because one of our counselors had to step down. From this point forward, I will be permanently be playing Rainbow Dash alongside Twilight, and will be giving up my OC camper because of it (to follow my own rule).

I sincerely apologize for the sudden change, and I thank you all for being patient while I sort through this. The orientation will begin in the morning. ^^))

((Aw, you shouldn't have to get up your OC! I don't have plans for an OC, so I can take Rainbow Dash so you can keep Emerath! :D))

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((Aw, you shouldn't have to get up your OC! I don't have plans for an OC, so I can take Rainbow Dash so you can keep Emerath! :D))

((OOC: I appreciate the offer Hinata, but all discussions of this matter should be taken from this point on to the OOC section or our counselor PM, whichever you prefer, and we can discuss it there. I don't want to clutter the RP. But for the record, I actually don't mind giving up my OC to play RD. Playing RD would be more fun to me in all honesty.))

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Cabin 2.

Cloud walked out of cabin 2 after getting settled in, he had his notebook with a bunch of drawings in it. He walked over to the campfire area and noticed the group of campers. He walked over, "Hi guys, what's up? I'm Cloud."

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Entrance - Cabin 1 - Main campfire

"Bye ma'!" Knight called out, as he jumped out of his family's personal carriage. "Don't get in TOO much trouble this time." His mother said blandly, rolling her eyes. "Ya, ya, ya, whatev's." Throwing on his enchanted backpack, running off, knowing he was late. He was in time to check in, but by the time he made it to the cabin, is cabinmates had left. He entered, and by habit, went to the top bunk. He then noticed a bag on it. Screw dat'! He picked it up, and throw it to the ground, and put his bag on it. I'll unpack later.

He heard the announcement for orientation, and ran out to where the people were gathering. He walked over, and sat next to 'some dude with a walked out eye patch'. "Yo' dude, wazzup? I'm Knight." He held up two fingers in a 'V' shape, his way of meeting a new person.

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Vox immediately put a bit more space between them, as subtly as possible. "Vox..?" He smiles sheepishly, immediately uncomfortable with the boy sitting on his blindside. Immediately his right hand went for his necklace and he clutched it gently. "A-Are you new here?"

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"Na, man, I've been here before." Knight responded. He then raised an eyebrow. "What's a 'Vox'? Do you come from Stalliongrad?! 'Cause that sounds like something from there..." He then scooted closer to Vox.

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Vox scoots even further from the boy. "It's a... Like, a radio..." His accent became even more evident, shutting him up quickly. He looks back to the ground, no longer comfortable at all, he was in over his head.

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Knight raised his eyebrow again. "Why would you say the name of a radio? Are you keeping contact with an alien race using a 'Vox' Or something?" Knight scooted closer to Vox. Stay in place, dude!

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Vox moves even further away. "No, it's just my name..." This guy was persistent, he wouldn't be too forgiving, but everything was working against him. His cheeks flashed a light pink and he let go of the necklace.

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"That's your- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Be clear about that next time, dude." He scooted closer, for a final time, to Vox. He smirked as he noticed Vox was almost pushed up against another camper. "So dude, what's with the eyepatch? No judgement, I think it makes you look badass! I'm just wonderin'."

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Clearing (I'm not sure) >>> Cabin 1

Cloud put his respirator back on and started fidgeting a bit, getting a bit hyper being around people. "I-I'm gonna go ahead and take a quick stroll." Cloud got up and ran away really quick looking behind him him being a clumsy foal when he turned around he hit a building face first. He got up and brushed himself off "I'll be fine." He ran away and ran around a bit and thought to himself "Why does excessive social contact equal fidgety and awkwardly hyper again?"

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"Work accident." Vox gave up, he was too close to both campers. He flushed an even deeper shade of pink. He kept his focus on his feet, he knew he was blushing.

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Cabin 1 >>> Camp Clearing

Cloud went into his cabin and found his bag on the floor. "Nonononononononononononononononono." Cloud rushed over to it to check if any of the paint had leaked and spilled over his clothes he stuck his hand in and found pulled it out a gooey brown mixture was on his hand all of his clothes were in there... his eye twitched and he was angry and just about ready to tear someones head off not because of the clothes but because all of that paint took collectively 5 days to make and mix primer in 20 cans all ruined he marched out to the clearing and yelled at the top of his lungs "ALRIGHT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DID IT, WHO HAS THE TOP BUNK IN CABIN ONE RIGHT NOW TELL ME!!!" His face red with rage and his eye twitching in anger he was scary when mad.

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Aurron sat down on the ground and removed his straw stetson " i'm Aurron" " you wouldnt happen to know where the counselors are?"

Wordplay gave Aurron a questioning look. "Yo? I just pointed at them? Well, some of them at any rate." Wordplay leaned back in place, showing no obvious discomfort as she readily defied the pull of gravity with her own stregnth. "Don't know your history my man? Don't worry, I barely know it myself."

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(Ooc: Added on a little more.. I mean, Licorice really should've at least noted that Tag first ran off and then yelled trying to find somepony)

"Well Buzz, it's always a good thing to be able to be around the things you love.." Funny how Licorice was surrounded by her passion at home in her family's traveling carriage, but the way her parents corrupted her passion just saddened her. When they saw how skilled she was in the art that they were pretending to be skilled at, they exploited it greatly. "Mine would have liked me to stay with them rather than coming. I would be doing what I loved back at home, however.." How to put this nicely.. "My whole family does palm readings, predictions, and everything like I do, it's just... They don't exactly... Do things correctly..... But they profit by letting people think that they do.." She blushed a bit, turning away. "It's actually pretty embarrassing for me that they do that.."

....I hope Cloud is okay.. Licorice's ears drooped when she saw how bad somepony had hurt him. ...What could've happened?!.. Wow, it was almost like me sensed that, leaving when he did. Whoever it was, she sure felt sorry for! Tag didn't look happy, to say the least.

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Late! Late! Twilight was running late! She had spent the past 10 minutes pulling together her notes and preparing her speech only to find that she had to get to the orientation so it could begin right now!

As such, with a quick thought, she disappeared from her office and appeared at the podium on the stage in the middle of camp. The bonfire hadn't yet been lit, but it was a bit past dark now. A good time to do so. She looked around at her fellow counselors. All were accounted for... except Rainbow Dash. She gave a huff, wondering exactly what her friend was up to this time, but didn't let it bother her too much. She had a speech to give.

She turned back to the smiling (and somewhat inattentive) faces of the campers who were happily chatting with their peers and enjoying themselves. While this made her happy, she needed everyone to pay attention. She tapped on the mic on the podium to test it, before speaking into it for everyone to hear. "Hello campers! Head counselor Twilight Sparkle here. I need everyone to quiet down so that orientation might begin."

She waited for the chatter to die down, before she continued, "Now, I know that you returning campers have heard all this before, but for all you new campers, we are more than excited to have you here at our lovely camp!" She looked around at all the campers, focusing on different sections as she spoke. "We want you to have fun, and we want you to learn, and be the best fillies and gentlecolts that you can be when you leave. As such, we will be keeping you on a normal schedule."

"Wake up announcements will begin at 6 am, and then campers will have 2 hours until breakfast. After that, campers will choose a counselor to participate in a morning activity with. Then lunch at noon, and an afternoon activity. At the end of the afternoon activities, campers have until 10 pm for lights out. I'm sure in that time, our lovely Pinkie Pie will have plenty of evening parties and dances, so look forward to that."

"Now, all bathroom facilities are located in the main hall, next to the cafeteria. These are communal bathrooms including showers and all the amenities you will need. We please ask that you be kind to each other in regards to the bathrooms. The cafeteria is always open at breakfast and lunch, but seeing as us counselors have to cook the food ourselves, you probably won't have access to food during activity time, so be sure to eat up! As well, all counselors have separate offices where we can be located in the main hall, if we're not around camp. And finally, all access to the forest outside of the central camp is not allowed unless you have a counselor present. This is for your safety!"

She finished her speech and looked behind her. Pinkie Pie was practically about to explode with excitement in her seat. Best to let her go first. She turned back to the campers. "And now, I present you with my wonderful assistant head counselor, Pinkie Pie, who will explain her role in the camp and give you an idea of what to expect." And with that, she left the podium, and walked over to the seats, taking the open seat next to Pinkie.

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