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Camp Whitetail [Private/Apply in OOC Discussion]


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"It's so fun! It's like, supposedly, all of life is a projection by your mind, and everything is a part of it. And when you sleep, you have a dream WITHIN that dream! So that means this camp, you, him, that art, the music, is all part of my mind! I CAN'T COMPREHEND THIS!!!!!" He yelled. "Then there's this one where our lives are actually these guys working together to write a story-like thing, acting like different people and stuff like this. That means I'm a character in some peoples fantasies!!!!!" Conspiricies really gets him going.

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"Huh?" Knight snapped out of his conspiracy daze. "Sorry. I can be a bit crazy..." Knight scratched his head. Thinking of all of those conspiracies gave him a headache. "So, what're you doin' here? As in, what activities?"

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((Hold on.. I missed the entire last page.. Don't count this as a real post yet..))

((...Oki, I've patched it up nao.. So sorry guys ^^))

Licorice watched Tag's performance with a faint smile. He's kind, a wonderful artist, and now he can sing, too?! She walked back over to the punch for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she had left her glass over there before returning Gummy! And secondly, she wanted to congratulate Tag for doing such a great job, and for not being so quiet like earlier. It's a rush up on stage.. She maneuvered her way back over to the punch, coming in on all of the black widow talk. "..Could I be concidered a black widow? If I marry in the future and my spouse dies?.." She overheard Knight's psychotic women comment. "..Then it's a good thing I'm not too psychotic.." She laughed, throwing a kiddish look at Knight, all in good fun. "..My name's Licorice. Licorice Black, is why I say that.." Her joyful expression turned to one of concern. "Umm.. May I see?" She gently took Knights hand, studying it carefully. This one's life line doesn't look very long at all.. ((Palm reader)) "..Yeah.. I think we should suck out the venom.. Just to be safe.... Buzz could probably do it best." She looked up at him with a smirk.

seeing a new face. She decided to ignore it.. for the time being. "Hey Tag! Great job up there.. You really do have quite a voice." She smiled at him, hoping that he wasn't TOO much enticed with his own little world to hear or see her. She poured herself some punch, turning to the new face. "..Who's your friend, Buzz?" She was looking at Knight, more expecting an answer from him than anyone else. She lifted her cup to take a drink of the punch, but the dribble glass had fooled her. Red punch poured down over her once-blue shirt, causing her to back-leap with a high pitched squeak. "......Well I didn't see THAT coming.." She blushed as red as the punch. Funny how her confidence had gone from a solid ten to a two in a matter of seconds.

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Knight flinched when Licorice appeared, then went into gentleman mode. "Hello there. I am Knight." He said, returning to his Canterlot accent. He gave a small chuckle when the dribble glass tricked her. "Completely understandable. I, myself, am ALWAYS fooled by those."

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'That Word chick' had split off from most of the campers, drifting over to the set up of punch drinks. They were singing karaoke- mostly rock, which Wordplay didn't have the voice to pull off- and having a good time. Wordplay idly wondered if she could find any songs more up her alley in the machine, but then again there would always be more parties. For now, some 'ground rules' would have to be established. Knight had been pretty clear- Pinkie was a prankster- and Wordplay would have to do something pretty sneaky to let everyone know that she wasn't just easy prey for the pranking. She eyed the punch cups with some trepidation. Knight had specifically mentioned these. She wondered... Wordplay took a cup into her hand, being sure not to drink a single drop, then she walked over to wherever Pinkie was.

"Yo Pinkie! I can just call you that, right? I gotta say, you've really made this party beast. How do ya do it?"

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"Thank you, Knight." She was embarassed, but still smiled at him. What a gentleman! Knight was so nicely dressed and high class.. Could this guy BE anymore perfect?!... Well.. Appear it to Licorice, anyway. "..I take it that the accent means that you are from Canterlot? Nice place up there.." Cloud handed her his hoodie. "Thanks, Cloud.." She accepted it. "..Excuse me a moment, gentleman.." She quickly made her way around a corner, just out of sight.. Probably.. Regardless, she quickly removed her shirt and dawned the punch-free garment which Cloud had given her, returning to the group.

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Knight was at an impasse when Buzz told him to apologize. [colour=#B22222]Darn. Do chicks dig apologies? Or is it refusing to apologize? Well, she seems to like my Canterlot Gentleman... [/colour][colour=#B22222]"Er... yes." [/colour]Knight moved his head closer to the spider. [colour=#B22222]"I... Apologize, mrs. Spider." [/colour]He then turned to Licorice, making sure apologizing to a spider didn't turn her off. [colour=#B22222]"What is your name, madame?" [/colour]He said quickly, so he had an excuse to look at her without looking like the creep he is.

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Rarity finished a cupcake, then looked over and noticed how dirty Fluttershy was, as well as how she was on the ground. Being the fashion lover she was, she couldn't leave her like that. She walked over, ignoring Cloud. "Fluttershy, dear, are you alright?"

Knight was slightly annoyed as Buzz spoke to him again. "Prove it later!" He snapped at him angrily. He wasn't failing because of another person. He turned back, awaiting Licorice's response to him asking her name.

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Rarity finished a cupcake, then looked over and noticed how dirty Fluttershy was, as well as how she was on the ground. Being the fashion lover she was, she couldn't leave her like that. She walked over, ignoring Cloud. "Fluttershy, dear, are you alright?"

"I-I guess... But I got my sweater AND my skirt dirty..." Fluttershy sighed. These were her favorite articles of clothing, and she didn't know what she would do with them.

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"I-I guess... But I got my sweater AND my skirt dirty..." Fluttershy sighed. These were her favorite articles of clothing, and she didn't know what she would do with them.

"I could clean those for you, darling." Rarity offered. "In fact, I can make you a new sweater and skirt if you wished!" Although dresses were her MANE (lol c wat i did thar) interest, she had experience in making other articles of clothing. She even made the clothes she was wearing now. "But that's only if you want it dear, I won't force you into it."

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"I could clean those for you, darling." Rarity offered. "In fact, I can make you a new sweater and skirt if you wished!" Although dresses were her MANE (lol c wat i did thar) interest, she had experience in making other articles of clothing. She even made the clothes she was wearing now. "But that's only if you want it dear, I won't force you into it."

"Oh, you don't have to do that.... I-I can clean them myself..." Fluttershy stuttered, not wanting to bother Rarity.

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