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About Myself: I am an Oklahoma brony and have been since April 2011. My hobbies include MLP stuff, videogames, and reading. I like to collect manga and currently am in possession of over 500 volumes. I am starting college at OU this year and I'm hoping to have a good time. I enjoy playing TF2 and L4D, so if anypony wants to play with me just message me.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I saw the hype around it growing but didn't give it much thought until I was flipping through channels and saw it was on. I watched the first episode and was hooked!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
Hey Everypony! I hope to have a good time on the site! I don't RP a whole lot but if you want to include me I'm up to the challenge, although I'll be a bit rusty.

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