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Breaking the bronie news


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I think I've found that it's best not to make a big deal out of it. I guess it's kinda like if they walk in on you watching porn or something. I guess the following is the best display of your reaction should be to their discovery of it:

true, recently my mate said he watched ben 10 on the train, my other mate responded by repeating " hey guess what jack watched on the train" i said "what" he replied "ben 10" he expected me to react and make fun of him but i simply responded "he can watch what ever he wants to watch". if anything like that happens i'm just gunna react like that in hope they will react the same way when they find out i'm a brony.

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Mine's kind of started in a weird way...

I had actually rented this game from GameFly (MLP: Pinkie Pie's Party - Fun game BTW). I send it back after like 45 minutes of playing (its short...) and about two days later, I get a letter from GameFly saying they never got it back. I sent them an email saying I returned it along with another game I rented. They only got the second game. They said they would figure everything out and left it at that.

So like a dumb-colt XD I showed my mom the email I sent them (it was a pretty funny email) and I happened to mention Pinkie's game by full name! She was reading it out loud so my brothers heard it to. They all looked at me:

OpoQQ-1.jpg(Seriously...Pinkie Pie's PARTY?)

And I'm just like.."Oh crap, they're going to ridicule me, tell all my friends on XBL (Xbox Live) that I watch ponies, make random comments every day that I'm a wuss, etc.)

In the end they just moved on and never say anything about it. I do show my mom and brothers my pony art on occasion, they don't really have a problem with it. I think it was easier for them to accept because I'm not the typical person where I live. While eveypony is is watching football/sports and goes out to the movies with friends...

I prefer to stay inside and watch anime. I guess they were thinking, "Eh, its just an L.M. thing"

On the flip side, my youngest brother who is twelve has showed some interest in MLP. :3 Brony in the making. His favorite is Rainbow Dash. (Jerk...)

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Just to let people know GX550177 is my old acount, didnt like my name so changed it to a name i frequently use :D

Multiple accounts aren't allowed. I'd contact an admin to sort that out post haste.

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You can change you name from your profile settings under "Display Name", by the way.

There's no reason to make another account...

Name changes is a privilege given to Donators only.

By creating a new account because you want a new name not only violates our rules (and our trust & respect) but is also an insult to those that have donated to help this site out.

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Name changes is a privilege given to Donators only.

By creating a new account because you want a new name not only violates our rules (and our trust & respect) but is also an insult to those that have donated to help this site out.

Oh yeah, forgot I donated and that we get certain privileges. Thanks for correcting me.

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