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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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Cadence shuddered when Chrysalis started to clean her. It was odd, but the touch of the changeling queen reminded her disturbingly of the touch of her husband... Cadence looked uo while the ash was being rubbed off her flank, realized that her horn was slightly going. Empathetic magic... perhaps Chrysalis still had some of Shining Armor's love in her? [colour=#ee82ee]"Uh, Queen?" [/colour][colour=#000000]​It was odd, calling a former enemy with a title of respect. The last time she had ever given anypony a title of respect had been... the Princesses. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]​"Before we leave, please tell me. On the day of my wedding, what exactly did you do with my husbands love for me? Uh... beyond using it to try and take over Equestria, I mean." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence was able to crack the smallest grin. It had been so long since she had made a snarky comment. [/colour]


[colour=#800000]"Yes sir!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Lypis was glad someone had said what was doubtless on many of their minds. An ambassador he might be, but that only meant he was fraternizing with the enemy to a dangerous extent. However, Dopple seemed a bit... off kilter. He was doing crazy things with the troops. [/colour][colour=#800000]"Uh... sir?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Due to her obligations to him, she couldn't say anything. She just hoped the unspoken question was apparent. 'What the heck are you doing?'[/colour]

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"Hmmm?" He looked at Lypis curiously. "We have to be prepared Lypis if the Queen is gone that means were on our own and if we are on our own we must show that we are still a strong force capable of surviving." He knew he was probably overreacting and would hear of it later, but still if the worst has happened they had to be ready to respond.

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[colour=#009966]'Yes! Yes!'[/colour], Chrysalis thought, happy that Cadence at least forgave her the wedding - she did actually not believe she ever would. At the end they got together but she was messing up her wedding so badly and holding her prisoner in the old crystal mine, which is in fact not a nice place.

[colour=#009966]"Well I used a bit to beat Celestia - I would apologize, but well"[/colour], Chrysalis looked ar the ground, her grin fading for once, [colour=#009966]"I cannot anymore. The major part of it is still inside of me - I refused to use any of my power to help the GEF, but I might use it to bring them to fall again - I feel betrayed by them. Noone messes with me, not even the Red Fox. I might not be able to kill him alone, but with joined forces we will make the GEF bleed."[/colour]

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The Equestioner had calmed down somewhat. At the expense of a few specimens of wildlife. He was pretty sure he wouldn't cause anypony in his group harm.

That is, if he had actually paid attention to where he was going.

Realizing he was lost, he did something not many other ponies other than the Equestioner would do. He took out his dagger and began polishing it. He was sure somepony had seen him storm off, and he calmly waited for rescue. Getting back to base was not his job anymore.

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[colour=#008080]"Draco, hmm..."[/colour] He stared at the pony in front of him like he was a museum exhibit. [colour=#008080]"I am, Guard Captain Draxis, "[/colour] He dropped his cover and revealed himself to draco in his natural form. Green insectoid eyes pierced into the dragon winged pony, seemingly staring through him and not at him. Draxis jagged horn rose up from his off black exoskeleton. His horn looked more wicked than the blade he twirled around his perforated hooves. [colour=#008080]"It gets so tiring to have to keep up appearances you see."[/colour] He felt that giving Draco a little ammunition against him would help the pony open up. The ammo was of course worthless, but he doubted that Draco knew that.

[colour=#008080]"Tell me, do you know your exact origins? You know that the GEF is xenophobic, so why come here to the capital of all places?"[/colour]

Draxis had seen creatures like Draco before, but they had all been "disposed" of. How did he survive, and where had he been hiding? Were their more of creatures like Draco hiding out that the Federation needed to know about, and most importantly was Draco dangerous?

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Draco had jumped away in surprise he had never seen a changeling before and he was a bit intimidated but he sat down and now was visibly shaking and listened carefully as he asked his questions.

[colour=#008000]"i uhh do know of my origins... back in old Equestria when my mother was pregnant with me she was approached by some scientists.. and paid to be experimented on.. genetic experiments.. and when i was born .. well i had these.. instead of Pegasus wings. sadly mother died during the birth .. and.. dad pulled me out of the program.. and as to why i came here... well this is the only place not destroyed by war... i was looking for work to buy food" [/colour]he said as he looked down sadly at the memory of his mother

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High above the Equestria, hidden by the cloud cover, an advanced prototype aircraft circled the nation at speeds that would make Spitfire's head pop. On the side of the aircraft about its left turbine a symbol of power was branded: A griffon claw grasping a flaming winged sword, The symbol of Alpha inForce. The United Griffon Nations had been negotiating with the RLF for a while now, but finally enough was enough. They were tired of mistreated, brutalized griffons being deported back to Aquelia, and they would no longer stand for the threats or ultimatums that the GEF assaulted them with. Alpha inForce was sent to the RLF as a sign of cooperation between pony and griffon.

Alpha inForce now sat in the hanger of the craft, all members on standby, ready for any event that would call for their them to take action, or for the green light from Command.


Four griffons sat on the cots in the hanger bay of the aerial behemoth, each strapped in for stability. The griffons all wore high altitude pressure suits, oxygen masks, and a backpack. Most of their features were covered by their gear. The griffon on the furthest cot to the left sat with its back to the wall, slouching its head forward, so that most of its weight was supported on the massive sniper rifle the bird coddled. The griffon on the middle cot fumbled with some sort of small device, causing sparks and smoke to flare out of the device periodically. Every so often it would shift slightly to adjust one of its wings. The griffon near the cargo door had a collapsible missile launcher strapped to its back and wore a bandolier of large anti armor shells across its chest and had several grenades strapped to a belt around its waist, the strangest thing about this griffon was its right wing. The natural appendage was absent, instead folded on its side, was a clockwork mockery of a wing with a glowing blue gem set into it. The final griffon stood firm in the middle of the cargo hanger, other than his backpack all he had was a rune carved sword strapped to his back and a large magnum dangling from his waist. He too was missing a limb, his left arm to be precise. Just like the other griffon he had a mechanic clockwork extremity; his however, had three gems set in it, a blue one, a white one, and a yellow one.

The griffon with the clockwork arm stared down at the ground a let out a muffled sigh. He clawed a little at the metal floor of the plane and shifted from left to right.

The griffon with with the mechanical wing carefully trotted up to the griffon with the false arm.[colour=#daa520] "I'd have thought you'd be a lil more happy about this Commander."[/colour] it said in a feminine voice.

[colour=#000000]"Happy, no. What we do should never make someone happy, I may settle my score, but we are helping these ponies throw themselves into another civil war."[/colour] He made an annoyed huffing noise. "What about you, don't you have someone-rather somepony to settle something with?" The commander said as he looked back at her. "And stop with the commander stuff."

Even through the mask one could tell that he face had scrunched up at the mention of her vendetta. [colour=#daa520]"I'm not worried about that flip-flop, if she shows her ugly rainbow maned head, I'll deal with her, hell she wan't even loyal to the princesses, whose to say that she'll try to stop us in the name of this "Red Fox"."[/colour] She grumbled.

[colour=#000000]"Says Gilda, but we'll see. Last I checked you got run out of town, but I digress. As long as you do what I need you to do, feel free to your problems as you see fit."[/colour] The commander chuckled lowly at his subordinate's expense.

[colour=#daa520]"I already planned on doing that Baxter."[/colour] Gilda said smugly.[colour=#daa520] "P.s. you're an ass,"[/colour] she said as she walked away from him.

"But you love me though...Right...Right!?"



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[colour=#008080]"Ah, as I suspected. Tell me, did you know that most of the other 'experiments' were terminated?"[/colour] Draxis listened to Draco's plan to work for food, somewhere inside the changeling this seemed to suggest that Draco thought that the GEF guards were morons. [colour=#008080]"You didn't really think you could work right under our noses and never be found out did you!?"[/colour] Draxis yelled as he slammed slammed his blade into the table, leaving the weapon jutting upward in the furniture. He narrowed his at Draco, and glared daggers at the pony. Urgh, i'm doing it again...bring it back in line captain. [colour=#008080]"Um, sorry about that. It sounded as if you were insinuating that my guards are fools and wouldn't notice of a dragon winged pony. When you call my guards stupid, you call me stupid. and I don't take too kindly to that."[/colour] The changeling cleared his throat before continuing. [colour=#008080]"Just continue to behave and I may be able to help you with a job and food ok?"[/colour]

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After several long moments of intense, awkward silence, the Red Fox stood up from its chair, causing the other chancellors to watch it wearily. The unicorn moved over to the window, gazing at the moon high above the clouds. Waiting a moment, the Red Fox finally cleared its throat.

"...you all have been loyal to me since the day our Federation was created. I do not own the sole credit for our success...for you seven have helped build Equestria from the ashes of the Revolution... I think it is time for me to reveal myself to the nation, for the time is right."

The chancellors, one by one, began to protest against such an action, the only chancellors being silent were Rainbow Dash and Moon Scryer. Raising its hoof high into the air, the Red Fox silenced the chancellors, who fell deathly still.

...I have made up my mind. How can I expect the loyalty of my soldiers and nation if they do not even know my face...? From this on...the Red Fox will be cast aside, for it is no longer needed."

Suddenly, the unicorn's horn began to glow a brilliant blood-red, as the magic encompassed the red clothing around the Red Fox. With a single jerk, it was torn away from the Red Fox's body...revealing the pony underneath.

Rainbow Dash and the others gapped at what they saw...and Dash began to shake. How...how was that possible?! The pony was a mare, that much was certain...her mane as black as midnight and her coat as gray as ash. However, those weren't the features that made the pony before them recognizable...it was the cutie mark. On the mare's flank had a few sparkling stars, which seemed to have their own illustrious shine to them. Yes...there wasn't any doubt... Rainbow Dash's mouth went dry and the blood drained from her face. After what seemed like forever, she finally grew the strength to speak, but it was cracked and weak.

"...Tw-twilight...?!" The name made the other chancellors gasp, and the mare before them turned around, fixing Rainbow Dash with calm eyes and a warm smile.

"...not what you were expecting, was it, my dear old friend...?"

(The mystery is finally over! I've been struggling with deciding which pony would best fit the Red Fox...and eventually decided that the one who would bring out the most of the RP and the most over-all sense would be Twilight herself :) )

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Draco jumped back shivering in fear!

[colour=#008000]"no! no! i did not ... and no i did not know.. why? they said the research was helping all.."[/colour] he asked a bit surprised at all this but was reassured

[colour=#008000]"i never called you stupid.. i just need some food to survive.. and.. i was wearing the cloak to be treated like a normal pony..and your guards stopped me for just looking suspicious."[/colour] he said [colour=#008000]"but i had done nothing .. i had just arrived in town." [/colour]

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[colour=#ee82ee]"... Bleed?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence shifted the weight on her hooves, suddenly nervous. Years, an entire childhood, of her aunt Celestia telling her how important it was that she never raise her hoof or horn to inflict pain upon another pony or sentient creature. It had been that idealism that had perhaps destroyed the Royal Family. But that idealism was one Cadence believed in, from the bottom of her heart. It was why she had never taken one step against the ponies who had slaughtered her family, separated her from her husband. Because death called for death, and she could not call upon herself to do that. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I can go along with you. If that is what it must come to."[/colour]


[colour=#800000]"Dopple, you're scaring me. Do you question the ability of the Queen to return to her hive?" [/colour][colour=#000000]That was a question that would give most changelings pause. Questioning their loyalty to their higher ups. Of course, Lypris was playing a dangerous game here. If Dopple called her out on her bluff, she would be beholden to him, as she was his subordinate. Darn, Changeling social life was so confusing. Lypris occasionally wondered to herself if it would have been better to be born a pony. [/colour]

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Free looked over at Cadence sympathetically. This was against everything she had been brought up to believe in, so it must be hard for her. "Cadence, trust me, we tried to settle this peacefully long ago. But the Red Fox has done terrible, terrible things to Equestria." Free gulped and a shiver ran down his spine as he remembered those insidious deeds. Entire villages razed in seconds, foals lying lifeless on the cold ground. "The only way to win this and bring back the monarchy is to take the fight to the Red Fox. Think of what your mother and aunt would want." Free's voice nearly cracked as he said this, painfully happy memories of his time with Princess Luna flooding back to the present. "Now come on, we need to get going. It'll be daylight soon, and I doubt any of the guards would let us pass. Gladius, do you know the quickest way to get us out of the city and over to the highlands?" Free asked his old friend, a stern look on his face now.

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[colour=#009966]"I am sorry that Free is right, but Cadence, you don't have to kill anypony yourself, nor do you have to command somepony to hurt or kill somepony - not yet and maybe not even in the future"[/colour], Chrysalis tried to make Cadence smile again. She was raised in a happy world, without much cruelity or other terrible happenings - you cannot throw her like that into leadership and make her decide the death of hundreds or thousands of ponies.

Chrysalis knew this and she will take the burden of giving those commands, even if she has to kill people herself until Cadence' mind changes and she is able to also fulfill the less pleasant duties of a ruler. Nevertheless, for the case Cadence never gets to that, Chrysalis had a plan - just as secret as her real plan, because it is basically the same with a little detail different. [colour=#009966]"We cannot waste more time my Princess - Galdius, lead the way."[/colour] Her short look to each of the stallions with the serious expression let Free and Gladius know that they are supposed to just grab her if she doesn't come along by herself - but the guards will surely search this area soon after Chrysalis performance.

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[colour=#008080]"The research was suppose to help the GEF, but you see most of the other subject turned...um, violent."[/colour] His eyes soften as much as they could, though vicious, Draxis couldn't help but feel a little tug in his chest at the pony's plight. All of his life Draxis had been a part of something whether it was the changeling hive or the GEF, but now here was this creature in front of him who was confuse, frightened and had no where to go. Causing fear was somewhat part of the changelings job, but not like this. Draco was already bad off.

[colour=#008080]"Look, I know I said that I don't care, but I might be able to help you survive. Ponies have seen you and word will get around to the Red Fox. It all depends on you making yourself worth keeping around, and the Red Fox's generosity. Are you willing to listen?"[/colour] He had as close to a genuine smile as he could muster.


The guards that Draxis sent out to investigate the shots stumbled on a house hidden in the back alleys of the city. The place had an awkward aura about it, how had no guard seen this house before? The two guards scanned the area and determined that the house had a perfect vantage point, there was a large chance that the shooter was inside.They two guards trotted up to the door and got into position.

"Equinia Guard open up!" One of the guards yelled as he knocked on the door. The unicorn to the right of the door nodded to show that he was ready for anything.



Chronarch's eyes widened at the Red Fox's revelation, but he soon resumed his half lidded expression. Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's own pupil, element of magic and friend of the royal family was the great usurper Red Fox. He was honestly surprised and when you can peer through time, that's saying something. He probably would've known, but he was never allowed near any of her older personal possessions, but he had seen older pictures of her and in them her coat was lavender and her mane carried an interesting feature, one he would need to talk to Red Fox about.

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Gladius listened intently during the conversation they were having with the princess as he waited on the other side of the hall. Dragging Cadence into another bloody civil war...it was madness, but the best he could do for her now is be by her side. They were throwing so much at the poor mare...it tore at his insides that he was about to condemn another princess to her death. Trying not to dwell on that part of his past, his resolve hardened. No...no, she won't die like the last time.

"Now come on, we need to get going. It'll be daylight soon, and I doubt any of the guards would let us pass. Gladius, do you know the quickest way to get us out of the city and over to the highlands?"

[colour=#4b0082]"...yes, in fact...one of those passages I spoke of lies underneath this very building." [/colour]He pressed a hoof against a spot on the wall, as it sank into the wall, revealing a pressure plate. The next moment, a part of the wall began to sink below the ground, revealing a staircase down below, lit by green-fire torchlight. [colour=#4b0082]"I discovered the system four years ago, and decided to make my own entrance to it.[/colour]

[colour=#009966]"We cannot waste more time my Princess - Galdius, lead the way."[/colour]

[colour=#4b0082]"Of course. Follow me." [/colour]Gladius turned and entered the secret passageway, descending down the stairs quietly, his horn glowing with a light purple glow as torches further ahead were lit by the same strange fire.

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Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight, her body shaking and her teeth clenching. So...the friend she thought she had lost forever...the friend whose disappearance started the rift between the six of them...was in front of her all along? Twilight was the Red Fox?! It...it was too much to take in. So many questions rose up in Rainbow's mind... Why didn't Twilight shown herself sooner? Why didn't she ever come back? Why was she with the rebels during the Revolution...hay, why did she betray her beloved mentor and friends?! It didn't make sense! Getting up from the chair slowly, Rainbow Dash approached Twilight, her eyes hidden by her rainbow-colored mane. When she finally came face to face with Twilight, she did the unexpected...and slapped the "Red Fox" across her face. The action made many of the other chancellors gasp in horror, a few jumping from their seats, prepared to apprehend the pegasus when suddenly Twilight raised a hoof, silencing them all as they froze in place. Rubbing her face, Twilight looked back up at the pony who hit her, only to see those blue eyes gazing down at her with a mixture of pain, anger, and grief. A couple of tears dropped on her mane from the weeping pegasus, and for the first time in five years...her heart felt sorrow.

[colour=#ffa07a]"...why...why?! What could have possibly...why didn't you...curse you, Twilight! Why did you never tell me?! Why have you put me through all of this, making me think that all my old friends were dead or gone...! I don't care about everything else, but why?! Did you simply not trust me...did you just not care?" [/colour]Rainbow Dash struggled with saying those words, her voice cracking and constantly shifting from a low murmur to a high-pitched shout. Twilight kept her eyes away from the distraught pony...the first time the Red Fox's calm manner broken with the pony's revelation.

[colour=#ff0000]"...I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I simply couldn't reveal myself until the time was right...I know what I did to you was cruel, and I don't expect you to forgive me. The..."Red Fox" persona became my life for the past five years. There...there was nothing I could do. But I promise...I won't lie to you again." [/colour]Standing up, Twilight fixed the other chancellors with a dangerous glare. [colour=#ff0000]"Well? Quit gawking, and begone from this chamber! You have your duties, and right now you are shirking them! Return to your districts and cities...now!" [/colour]The words frightened the chancellors, as the doors to the chamber flung open and the ponies rushed out of the room, heading down the hallways in separate directions, eager to avoid their leader's wrath.

The room was silent for several more moments, the air feeling intense as Rainbow stared at Twilight in silence. So many feelings welled up inside her...conflicting with each other. She couldn't sort out which was which...it was a jumbled mess inside her heart. Anger and pain at what Twilight had done the past half-decade, happiness and joy at finding out that she still lived, and confusion and turmoil at what caused Twilight to do everything she did. After what seemed like an eternity of inward struggle, Rainbow wrapped Twilight in a tight embrace, sobbing into the other mare's mane, her voice a whisper of its normal self.

[colour=#ffa07a]"...D-don't ever leave me again, Twilight...please..."[/colour] The sudden hug and admission surprised Twilight, the mare unsure of what to do after having little physical contact with anypony in so many years. Finally, she returned the hug, and whispered back to her old friend. [colour=#ff0000]"...I won't, Rainbow...I promise."[/colour]

(OOC: Le gasp! The dreaded Red Fox actually has a heart and feelings?! :-o Who could have guessed?! Let's see how this plays from here...and how Equestria and the Federation will react to the revelation of their Leader.)

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Cadence still wasn't sure. They were sympathetic to her, at least, she had expected them to be harsher about having to perform her duties. What would her aunties want? And her mother... well, Cadence had been raised by Princess Celestia, so she didn't know her mother. She had always thought there would be time to search Canterlot's minor nobility for the mare and stallion who had sired her, but now... And why were they assuming she was going to command anything? Cadence hadn't been trained for that, ever! How the hay was she supposed to command anything, violence or otherwise? So many questions that had been raised, and no time for any of them. Cadence just nodded, began to follow Gladius.

The dimness of the underground chamber unnerved Cadence, reminding her of the bleakness of the ghetto of Equina. She asked a question, so as to distract herself:

[colour=#ee82ee]"Uh, Glad... you served my family at some point, I guess?"[/colour]

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Dopple stopped everything he was doing and looked up in disbelief. Did she just really say that. "You question my loyalty to our queen?" He waved his hoof and the Changelings exited the room "Lypis my position and rank is because no Changeling in the hive is as loyal to the Queen as I am." He took a deep breath. "I am doing this because if she is gone we are on our own. Five years ago we had just one enemy. But after this Revolution...." He hissed at the word. "The number of factions in this land has grown and so has their cruelty. This has left the populace with a certain...Unease. I hate to admit it but this mysterious Redfox has me...scared. But I can't show it fear is a weakness Lypis you need to understand this." He looked at Lypis with sincere eyes hoping she understood his words.

A changeling quickly walked up to them Dopple could quickly identify him as a messenger. He had a message from the Queen. he read it aloud. "Dopple-Ganger please come to Canterlot at once it is very urgent - Your Queen" Dopple quickly flew out the window and made his way to Canterlot.

((Scythe wants this so nobody be mean to me please))

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The elder stallion nodded solemnly, his eyes remaining locked on the stairway beneath his hooves. [colour=#4b0082]"...yes. I was a former soldier in the Royal Equestrian Army. For a couple years before the Revolution, I worked as a mercenary. However, when the rebellions started to appear...I returned to my home town of Ponyville and began to organize a militia. So little that helped...Ponyville was still destroyed. It wasn't a complete tragedy, because we only had a couple casualties, but when I made sure that the townsfolk were safe, I rushed to Canterlot to help in the fight against the NEO's army...and we all know what happened from there." [/colour]Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, Gladius prepared himself for whatever might happen once he told Cadence of his role in the Princesses' deaths.

[colour=#4b0082]"...when the rebels broke through the magical barrier and the walls, I convinced the Princesses to make a last stand, because I was certain that they would be able to repulse the rebels easily. However...I was wrong...so wrong. Before that day, I only heard of the Red Fox through rumors and distant battle-stories...and when it arrived, its very presence seemed to make the ground beneath our hooves shake, and the sky overhead turned a dark red. I couldn't believe my eyes what came next...the Red Fox, by itself, managed to suppress both of the princesses with ease! Never...never had I seen any unicorn with that much pure magical strength. When it stared at me with those piercing violet-red eyes...it felt like my soul was being stabbed at with a thousand, hot iron pokers." [/colour]He shuddered once more at the memory. [colour=#4b0082]"...for my actions against the NEO, the Red Fox condemned me with the worst choice it could have given any pony...you see, it found the citizens of Ponyville whom I hid away...and I was given a choice: act as the Princesses' executioner...or watch as my family and everypony else was massacred before my eyes. At first, I couldn't do it...but then...Luna and Celestia begged me to do it." [/colour]A few stray tears fell from the old unicorn's face. [colour=#4b0082]"...they didn't want any more blood shed on their behalf...so they begged me to be the one who would end their lives, a last service to the ponies they loved. So...I did the only thing any loyal pony could have done...I followed their wishes, and raised up my halberd..." [/colour]His voice broke near the end, and he went deathly silent, still going down the stone staircase.

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It's about 2:00 hours and Captain Striker was on the outskirts of Baltimare ready to assault a GEF munitions depot. With him is a platoon of his rangers from the 2nd Ranger Battalion, Echo Company. They jumped into the forest about about an hour and 45 minutes ago, about 4 kilcks west of the target. He lies in wait, observing the facility witch is about 200 meters away from the treeline.

[colour=#008000]"Overlord, this is Hunter 2-1. We are in postion at point Bravo and on standby. How copy? Over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies all, Hunter 2-1. Predator drones reveal target is fortified with concrete walls and counts 4 guard towers. Visual reports also show enemy armor within the complex. No data regarding anti-air. Recomend an assault on the main gate for surpression as a squad breaks through the east wall. Over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 copies. Do we have any air support? Over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Hunter 2-1, we have an AH-64D Longbow, callsign: Pegasis, and a AC-130U Spectre, flight 04, callsign: Stalker, are enroute. Over."[/colour]

[colour=#008000]"Overlord, Hunter 2-1 copies all. We will be on standby until support enters combat zone, over."[/colour]

[colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies. Good hunting Hunter 2-1, over and out."[/colour]

Striker and his men lie in wait until their support arrives. He gazes out to his target and his itch for battle begins to grow. [colour=#008000]"Oh, you *******s are gunna get some now... hooah." [/colour]Striker quietly growls.

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he shivered and he was fearing for his life Draco had just wanted some food now he was worried his life was going to end soon.

[colour=#008000]"but i'm not violent.."[/colour] he squeaked as Draxis asked him to listen. he nodded slowly but was hesitant.. he was not sure he wanted to be part of a group that discriminated against anything that was different than a pony.[colour=#008000] "i will listen.." [/colour]he mumbled as he tried to calm himself

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Chrysalis was the last one to go downstairs. Mainly because she did not intend to go downstairs at all, but Gladius story was interesting to her, especially when she heard what he had been through. After a few steps though she stopped and saw that the others looked at her, wondering why she is standing there all of a sudden with a sad expression written all over her.

[colour=#009966]"Excuse me, I have to make sure the GEF believes they have Cadence in their hands - if I survive... we will meet at the Neighagra Falls, from there it is my country and you should be save. I sent a message to every changeling that you are our guests and they shall do everything you say."[/colour] Obviously not everything, but she was concerned of their well-being once they are there, and of course quite a bit more before that.

Chrysalis was scared and one of her weaknesses came to life now. She could see it in front of her eyes: Walking towards the castle, with a fake Cadence in her magic grasp, the Red Fox revealing the feint and killing the Changeling Queen for her treason ... or worse.

The doubts were nibbling on her strength, but Chrysalis cunning was not broken yet. She had ordered Doppelganger here and weaved a security spell that consumed quite some power. The task was simple, Doppelganger was supposed to change to Chrysalis and turn over the changeling positioned here, who is going to change to Cadence. The security spell will teleport Doppelganger out of trouble. Both - the disguise of the changelings and the security spell were counterable, especially with magic of Red Fox strength, thats why she is not willing to risk the best chance to beat the Red Fox - herself - for a small feint like that.

After Chrysalis went out of the tunnel she moved the pressure plate up with her magic, the wall closing in front of her.[colour=#009966] "Goodbye my friends and goodbye my dear Princess"[/colour], grining she turned around and changed back to the guard she was before, walking out of the house and towards a different house. In the basement she met the other changeling and she waited for Doppelganger.

(It sounds a bit badass, but believe me - if we want to play this real canon (aka Twilight has by far the strongest magic) then it is this way - I explain later why.)

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