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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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Draco nodded as he looked towards his female companion [colour=#008000]"Miss.. i need you to pick Draxis up and run after me i will clear the way for you and he as well as rescue that poor filly." he said. "and if i don't make it sir.. it is a honor to help save innocent lives."[/colour] he said as he did a quick salute before running down the hall after that Dog only able to hope that his comrades were behind him. he burst into the room ahead to find that it was a Gem Sorting room except it had horrible misspelled signs like, Ruppes, Emerealad, and Sapires and, Dimeonds. he quickly scanned the room for the Diamond dog and his filly hostage. he did not see them and thought they had continued on when he felt the pump of a shotgun next to his head and heard the dogs raspy voice. [colour=#8b4513]"die GEF Pony thing!" [/colour]he felt the trigger pull and his reaction at the same time he smacked the shotgun up at just the last second managing to make the dog miss. [colour=#8b4513]"ahh Little Pony thing needs to hold still while i shoot!"[/colour] he said as draco jumped away behind a mine cart full of unsorted gems as he shook his head clear from the ringing from the blast of a shotgun he quickly checked his magnums ammo seeing a full six shots he sighed as he called out. [colour=#008000]"Give up and we might be merciful."[/colour] he said the dog laughed[colour=#008080] [/colour][colour=#8b4513]"Ha like you GEF Things usually are! like i believe that!"[/colour] he said as he shot at the cart the pellets ricocheting of the cart. Draco heard the dog walking as he reloaded his shotgun. which doing it while having a hostage is difficult. Draco could not get a shot off without fear of hurting the poor filly. so he waited as the diamond dog kept reloading and firing his shotgun at the cart as he walked closer being a cocky dog. as soon as the Dog got close enough Draco vaulted out of cover into the dog knocking the filly and the shotgun out of his paws. the former of the two crawled away from the two and the shotgun was kicked away by draco as he got up. but before he could detain the dog he was treated to a punch to the face as the magnum fell out of his hand and vision blurred for a split sec as his vision refocused he saw the dog aiming the magnum at him again as the trigger was pulled it was as if time slowed and Draco's wing suddenly grew sharp reflective green scales and he unfurled it in front of him like a shield in which blocked the magnum shot and deflected it back to the dog severing the diamond dogs trigger finger.. effectively stopping him from pulling anymore triggers in this lifetime. the dog fell to the floor howling in pain and screaming curses and promises to gut him like a pig. as he picked up the magnum he looked to the dog with a glare... it would be so easy. just one trigger pull and it was assured this scum would never harm another innocent...but no.. thats not how it works. still it was hard to drum up too much sympathy for the criminal as he slowly walked towards him and delivered a quick gun butt to the face. [colour=#008000]"ahh Shut up.."[/colour] he said as he looked at his wings new scales.

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[colour=#008080]Licorice Black[/colour]

As Licorice followed Draxis through the diamond dog den, she couldn't help but cringe at the sight. Those poor little foals.. Licorice quickly grabbed Draxis, being as gentle as she could in her haste to follow Draco and the endangered little filly. Draco was very brave throughout the entirety of the rescuing of the young pony, but when he deflected the magnum shots with his wings, Licorice became a bit worried. No regular pony could do that! She had no idea that Draco had dragon wings. [colour=#008080]"..Are you alright, Draco? Have you got the foal okay?" I would take her, but I'd better stay with Draxis..[/colour]

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Frost strutted about the RLF base-camp in silence, his hoof steps making little or no noise between the dark tents and small, swiftly-built barracks. Night was starting to come earlier and earlier every day...another sure sign that winter was arriving. Stopping, the RLF warrior gazed up at the stars above, his face emotionless as always. Unlike many of the other ponies and non-ponies here...he hadn't come because he believed the GEF was corrupt, or that it needed taking down. No, he was here because he owed a debt to one of the commanders...and from where Frost came from, life-debts must always be repaid. He wasn't from Equestria, but rather from a distant and chaotic land, ruled by feudal lords and always at war. He had come to this place six years ago, before the Revolution began in order to escape the fighting of his homeland. It was...ironic...that a war occurred as soon as he arrived. Frost stroked the prized sword he had on his flank, for it was the only object that gave him comfort in this world.

During his nightly patrol, he spotted a pony drifting through the camp. Frost recognized him as Striker, one of the aerial commanders of the RLF. Perhaps he should confront the pony...see what ails him. After all, a warrior can't have any emotional distractions, especially in the heat of battle...it could get one killed. Taking caution, Frost approached the pony and began to walk side-by-side with Striker. [colour=#0000cd]"...you appear exhausted, Herr Striker. You should get some rest, for the night has not yet ended."[/colour]

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Free looked over to Gladius, putting on a serious face. [colour=#000080]"I'm really not sure Gladius......... We have to try at least, there's too many lives at stake not to. If a peaceful solution is the best, then we shall have to go for it. And as for Cadence, i'm afraid she will have to stay with the changelings as we negotiate, as the GEF may take a shot at killing her while we negotiate. She is our last, and only chance for a peaceful outcome, and for the monarchy to be revived." [/colour]Free said, but then sighed as he looked over at Cadence slowly, his expression turning blank. [colour=#000080]"She is so much like her mother......" [/colour]He said quietly, not really thinking.

Over in the RLF base, Applejack was walking over into the experimental weapon area. The doors opened with a audible hiss, as the mare trotted in purposefully. She walked up to one of the mechanics, working on the latest of the RLF's weaponry, hidden by a large white veil. [colour=#ff8c00]"How's the Mantis coming along?" [/colour]She asked. "Commander Applejack! Ma'am!" The pony snapped to attention. "The mantis is in the final stages of development. We just need to finish the omega-core processors." Applejack nodded, walking behind the veil slowly. The Mantis truely was a sight to behold. A large mech nearly three ponies tall stood present, pegasus mechanics working on different area's of it. The mech was a perfect union of unicorn magic and modern science, powered by magic fed to it by technician unicorns nearby. Applejack gulped, hoping they wouldn't have to use the monstrosity of a war machine.


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(Only a prototype, when they recieve the green-light from Free they will be mass-produced like a mars bar.)

(In what factory? O.o if the RLF have factories of their own...the GEF would have stomped them flat, don't you think? Unless they were hidden either outside of Equestria or deep underground...but would the RLF have the resources for that?)

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[colour=#008080]Licorice Black[/colour]

As Licorice followed Draxis through the diamond dog den, she couldn't help but cringe at the sight. Those poor little foals.. Licorice quickly grabbed Draxis, being as gentle as she could in her haste to follow Draco and the endangered little filly. Draco was very brave throughout the entirety of the rescuing of the young pony, but when he deflected the magnum shots with his wings, Licorice became a bit worried. No regular pony could do that! She had no idea that Draco had dragon wings. [colour=#008080]"..Are you alright, Draco? Have you got the foal okay?" I would take her, but I'd better stay with Draxis..[/colour]

Draco nodded as he looked towards his female companion [colour=#008000]"Miss.. i need you to pick Draxis up and run after me i will clear the way for you and he as well as rescue that poor filly." he said. "and if i don't make it sir.. it is a honor to help save innocent lives."[/colour] he said as he did a quick salute before running down the hall after that Dog only able to hope that his comrades were behind him. he burst into the room ahead to find that it was a Gem Sorting room except it had horrible misspelled signs like, Ruppes, Emerealad, and Sapires and, Dimeonds. he quickly scanned the room for the Diamond dog and his filly hostage. he did not see them and thought they had continued on when he felt the pump of a shotgun next to his head and heard the dogs raspy voice. [colour=#8b4513]"die GEF Pony thing!" [/colour]he felt the trigger pull and his reaction at the same time he smacked the shotgun up at just the last second managing to make the dog miss. [colour=#8b4513]"ahh Little Pony thing needs to hold still while i shoot!"[/colour] he said as draco jumped away behind a mine cart full of unsorted gems as he shook his head clear from the ringing from the blast of a shotgun he quickly checked his magnums ammo seeing a full six shots he sighed as he called out. [colour=#008000]"Give up and we might be merciful."[/colour] he said the dog laughed[colour=#008080] [/colour][colour=#8b4513]"Ha like you GEF Things usually are! like i believe that!"[/colour] he said as he shot at the cart the pellets ricocheting of the cart. Draco heard the dog walking as he reloaded his shotgun. which doing it while having a hostage is difficult. Draco could not get a shot off without fear of hurting the poor filly. so he waited as the diamond dog kept reloading and firing his shotgun at the cart as he walked closer being a cocky dog. as soon as the Dog got close enough Draco vaulted out of cover into the dog knocking the filly and the shotgun out of his paws. the former of the two crawled away from the two and the shotgun was kicked away by draco as he got up. but before he could detain the dog he was treated to a punch to the face as the magnum fell out of his hand and vision blurred for a split sec as his vision refocused he saw the dog aiming the magnum at him again as the trigger was pulled it was as if time slowed and Draco's wing suddenly grew sharp reflective green scales and he unfurled it in front of him like a shield in which blocked the magnum shot and deflected it back to the dog severing the diamond dogs trigger finger.. effectively stopping him from pulling anymore triggers in this lifetime. the dog fell to the floor howling in pain and screaming curses and promises to gut him like a pig. as he picked up the magnum he looked to the dog with a glare... it would be so easy. just one trigger pull and it was assured this scum would never harm another innocent...but no.. thats not how it works. still it was hard to drum up too much sympathy for the criminal as he slowly walked towards him and delivered a quick gun butt to the face. [colour=#008000]"ahh Shut up.."[/colour] he said as he looked at his wings new scales.

Draxis and Licorice made it just in time to see Draco deflect a magnum round with his wing (his shielding didn't activate, probably shorted from the diamond dogs blow) and take down the dog. [colour=#008080]"Good job Draco."[/colour] Though how you did it was amazing. So this is some of the power the GEF's genetic super soldiers would've had if the project was continued. Draco may very well be the only successful specimen to come out of the entire ordeal. Licorice's expression told a tale of utter confusion, at least she wasn't freaking out. The rescues were going well, but the advancing diamond dog guards were still pushing Draxis' men back. [colour=#008080]"Any other day we'd take him in, but we don't have the time."[/colour]

[colour=#008080]"Fall back by twos down the tunnels, suppressing fire in the rear, hostages between each team. MOVE!"[/colour] Draxis called into his communicator. [colour=#008080]"Draco, in front. Go through this door there should be an elevator that can take us up."[/colour] Guards started to filing into the chamber, about 15 young ponies with them. The sounds of gunfire started to heighten as the dogs caught up with the retreating guards. Draxis got off of Licorice and limped to the front of his guard regiment. [colour=#008080]"Stay with Draco miss," [/colour]He called over his shoulder.

Draxis pressed up against the near the mouth of the tunnel, the last two guards came in. Not even a second after two diamond dogs came through, Draxis jumped behind the first dog, catching the second off guard. Draxis moved like lightning, he embedded his blade into the gut of surpised dog. Before it could even gasp for air he drew his blade across its throat when the dog tried to draw breath all that it received was a lung full of its own blood. The first diamond dog whipped around and tried to rifle butt Draxis, but he daftly ducked under the blow. He looked up to see that the dog had angled his gun in preparation to unleash a storm of lead on him, using his hoof he smacked the gun to the side, a stray of bullets exiting the weapon as it flew off target. Draxis took his blade in his mouth and jumped up, slicing the dogs arm off at the shoulder. When he landed he bucked the dog in the face, knocking him out. He reached down to the knocked out diamond dog and reached down to his vest and snatched off a grenade. The pin dropped to the floor and he tossed it down the hall. [colour=#008080]"Everypony on Draco!" [/colour]

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(I can only imagine the GEF's faces when they see armies of this thing running around :3)

(OOC: Pretty amused since most of them will be rusty scrap before the do any real damage. Funny how stone withstands the test of time better than metal. Oxidization is a b****.)

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Cadence looked at Free, surprised. [colour=#ee82ee]"You knew my mother...?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence had never actually known either of her parents. From as far back as she could remember she had been raised by the Princesses, who had made it clear that they weren't her birth parents. [/colour]

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Draco nodded as he turned to licorice and the filly [colour=#008000]"Miss please make sure that little filly stays with you she has been through enough hell today."[/colour] he said as he ran for the door to the elevator which he swiftly kicked in and made sure no Dogs were hiding in the room waiting to murder them. seeing nopony he ran to the controls and tried to activate it. it being difficult and hold he smacked it in frustration. [colour=#008000]"Come on you hunk of junk!"[/colour] he yelled as the line was slowly pushed back. With a second Smack the Elevator activated and started to slowly rise.. he called out to the defenders [colour=#008000]"ALRIGHT EVERYONE ON ITS TIME TO GO!" [/colour]he yelled as he started helping hostages onto the slowly rising elevator.

(when i mean slowly i mean half life 2 slowly :P)

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(OOC: Pretty amused since most of them will be rusty scrap before the do any real damage. Funny how stone withstands the test of time better than metal. Oxidization is a b****.)

I guess you could say that while making these walkers the RLF were...

*puts on sunglasses*


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Draxis helped push the last filly on to the elevator after that his last man squeezed through the shrinking space. By the time Draxis was ready to board the space was much too tiny for a him to fit in. [colour=#008080]"When you reach the surface, double time back to the precinct."[/colour] He watched the elevator as it went up, then turned back and look at the smoky tunnel. [colour=#008080]"Don't comeback for me."[/colour] He lay down on the ground near the entrance to the elevator.

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Draco pushed against the Crowd as he tried to get to Draxis. [colour=#008000]"Sir! Sir! you can make it come on sir!"[/colour] he saw him lay down and he pushed harder but his new comrades stopped him. [colour=#800000]"We can't! we go down we die!.. we have to go!"[/colour] one gaurd said.[colour=#008000] "But the Captain is Still there!"[/colour] draco said in denial [colour=#800000]"don't you think we know that!... its an honor to sacrifice yourself for the good of the GEF.."[/colour] he said as he removed his helmet in honor. Draco tried to drum up a reason to go back.. but in his heart he knew.. surrounded by his comrades sympathy (and hopefully licorices..) he let a tear go down his cheek. he may have only known him a day.. but it was enough to shed a tear for his death.

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(Well, guys...it seems things are slowing down a bit in the RP, so how about we give it a quick-start and do that 3-day advancement we've had planned? If anyone is not okay with that, please let me know. I'll start it in four hours...plenty of time for you guys to decide amongst yourselves :) )

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(if you could wait for Starstorm to come on and post then we can move on ok?)

(We can move on anyway, but you can Starstorm can stay in your little time-frame until you are done :) . If you want, I can include Draco in the armored caravan that goes with Twilight to the negotiations...which will occur at Starlight Point, located in the southern part of Equestria, about a couple hundred miles away from any civilized city.)

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4-6-9er looked at the ground shyly and crossed her arms sadly as this mare was constantly reminding her of the times during the rebellion and after the executions, "Yeah...I know the feeling...Life's a ****ing ***** ain't it?, you serve them loyally and what do you get?, a pat on the back and a knife's blade driven in it while you're not looking, ****ing assholes." 4-6-9er sourly remarked as she listen to Applebloom's words looking at the cynical mare in front of her, Applebloom could tell these depressed, aggressive feelings were deep seated and bottled up from this mare's usual light-hearted snarky attitude, "I used to live at Cloudsdale, it was always peaceful and calm, now it's a dystopian militaristic prison where no-one is free. My hometown is in such a bad way I...I don't even recognize it anymore...This whole rebellion has destroyed lives, torn families apart and turned friends into enemies...I mean look at what happened to the Elements of Harmony...They didn't survive the rebellion in fact they killed one another for what?...What did that achieve?...Just...Why?..." she ranted passionately after a few minutes then remained quiet afterwards she was emotionally drained and tired as her usually icy blue gaze was just a dim shade of blue.

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Applebloom listened, her gaze locked on the floor. Much of what the mare said was true...but there was always a reason behind such things that were 'wrong'. To the GEF...order had to be achieved before freedom and equality could be made. In some ways, Applebloom agreed with that philosophy...but recently, she had begun to doubt some of the things that her leaders have done. Of course, the GEF wasn't the only group at fault...the RLF was just as bad, if not worse, when it came to psychos and fanatics. Once society was calmed, then the Federation's grip could be lessened...but only then. As for the Elements...who cared about that...? If anything, they were just a symbol of the ever-still Principality...incapable of change, incapable of defending Equestria in its darkest moments. Of course, Twilight's disappearance hadn't aided that either...few ponies knew what happened to her, rumors said she was killed by the NEO before the Revolution began, others said she had left Equestria in fear of what may happen, while others still say that she was later kidnapped by the Changelings and kept as a slave. Applebloom drew herself out of those thoughts, looking up at 4-6-9er with a sympathetic expression.

[colour=#ff8c00]"...y'all just can't understand. Y'all claim you want peace...and yet ponies like you continue this pointless fight against the GEF. Even though everything you said is true...we both know the majority of Equestria have taken a liking to what it has become. They won't accept the return of a monarchy...! They don't want anything to do with the past...I don't want anything to do with it!"[/colour]

(...can you guys feel it? One more hour...and then the Witching Hour will be upon us...and that is when the magic will begin...! :shifty: )

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