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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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"No thanks. I don't need any help." Applejack huffed as she got up and trotted over to Free and Cadence. "What about your conditions Twi- Miss Sparkle?" The orange creme mare asked, trying to keep sound formal. Free nodded as she said this, but huffed as Dopple called him over. "A moment please." Free asked before trotting over to the changeling. "What?" He sighed.

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[colour=#ff0000]"...hmm..." [/colour]She closed her eyes and pondered on his words. After a moment, she'd open her eyes again and addressed both Free and Cadence. [colour=#ff0000]"...you know that I cannot promise a reinstatement, no matter what my opinion was. Despite the end of the Principality, even you must know that the commonfolk would not take kindly to the return of a monarchy." [/colour]Grimacing, she felt a pain in her chest and leaned against her archmage, Chronarch, for support. Curses...maybe she should have postponed the negotiations, at least until she could recover from her weakened state. Twilight recovered quickly, the pain receding swiftly. Taking a deep breath, she stepped away from Chronarch and looked at the old monk, who sat near the entrance.

[colour=#ff0000]"...I think it is time for myself to retire to my quarters, until the banquet this evening. Please, excuse me...it was nice meeting you all, and seeing you once more Cadence." [/colour]Giving respectful nods to them all before trotting over to the old monk, whispering unheard words to him as Gray nodded, speaking a few words. [colour=#a9a9a9]"...down the second hall, first chamber on the right..."[/colour] Twilight moved past him and disappeared down the staircase under the monument.

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"Do you seriously think I do trust her?" Free chuckled, not a hint of humour in his expression. "No, I don't trust her at all. She doesn't want Cadence anywhere near the crown." Free said, raising his eyebrow as Twilight disappeared to her private quarters.

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He laughed "My new friend what she wants is for cadence's head mounted in her throne room. Think of it. We are in an area of her choosing. A spell that stops us if we show agression. How do we know this spell affects them. It could easily be a trap. All of the leaders of twilights enemies killed in a one swoop would certainly turn the war in her favour. She has all the chips in this game."

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Rainbow Dash, having recovered from her ordeal, gazed at Twilight with a worried expression. Three days ago, she had grown sick due to some unknown ailment. However, the unicorn had refused to tell anypony what it was exactly. She was getting better...but still nowhere near healthy. This was bad...very, very bad...if something were to happen, would Twilight be able to defend herself? Sighing, she glanced at Chronarch. Rainbow would have to trust him to watch over their leader. She overheard what Dopple was saying, and growled.

[colour=#40e0d0]"Of course scum like you would suspect us of trying anything treacherous here...get your facts straight and curb your tongue before you ruin everything. Also...next time...keep your 'whispering' further on the down low, 'kay?" [/colour]Spitting in the changeling's direction, she trotted away to speak with the monk who had helped her up.

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She narrowed her eyes, stopping in her tracks and turning on him. [colour=#40e0d0]"What is it? What could you possibly want with me, hmm? I swear, I guess the only thing you are good for is pissing off other ponies." [/colour]Rainbow Dash was in a particularly sour mood...she had just emptied herself of her breakfast, had seen many figures from a past she would rather not remember, and now she had to deal with this idiot?! [colour=#40e0d0]"Make it quick...I have business to attend to."[/colour]

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He smiled and leaned in close to her ear. he liked how angry she was he whispered. "I do not trust you because I know the truth...you best watch your words are mine will end this so called peace....I know Twilight is the Red Fox." He backed away before planting a small kiss on her cheek to taunt her. "Enjoy the rest of the day chancellor I look forward to the meeting"

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Draco had been assigned to the peace negotiations along with Draxis as guards now he along with Draxis were standing guard with really nothing to do. he had not talked with Draxis after the diamond dog clean out.. and his training had begun. he decided now would be a good time to speak.[colour=#008000] "its quiet right now huh sir?"... "what are your thoughts on the peace talks?"[/colour]

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Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the changeling's words, her face draining of colour. He...he knew. That...of course. He was the changeling who posed as Chrysalis at the Citadel...why did Twilight let him live?! Was she mad?! A sudden wave of disgust washed over her at the changeling's kiss, and she stepped back a bit. After a moment, she put on a straight face and nodded. [colour=#40e0d0]"...I will. The same for you, General Dopple-Ganger..."[/colour]

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Draxis was sitting with the newest addition to the force Draco when the youth spoke up, breaking the silence between them. [colour=#008080]"This place feels like a powder keg ready to explode, lots of bad blood in here,"[/colour] He looked over to Draco. The kid had made him proud, he filled the shoes of a guard quite nicely, everything Draxis had been teaching him Draco simply absorbed. [colour=#008080]"Honestly I'd rather not think about it."[/colour] He sighed and looked around the room. [colour=#008080]"Draco, what were thinking when you came into the city that day? You had to have known that you couldn't hide forever."[/colour]


Chronarch looked around the room in indifference, though a few things did catch his eye. The dragon and his strange company stuck out like a thumb on a hoof. Him and Twilight seemed to have history, a story that he'd definitely like to hear at some point. He was jarred away from his thoughts when he felt Twilight's weight fall on his side. More of that mysterious pain she'd been getting. Whatever she did those days ago, it left her vulnerable, and in pain. Chronarch looked back at Twilight and frowned, he couldn't help her if he didn't know the problem. He wished that Twilight trusted somepony enough tell what was going on, Chancellor Dash, Mistress of Shadows anypony.

Twilight eased herself off of him and decided to take her leave of them for now. [colour=#40e0d0]"Contact me if you need anything Twilight."[/colour] He said looking at the the RLF members and the dragon in front of him.

[colour=#40e0d0]"So you're Free, leader of the Loyalists and you're Applejack? Iv'e Heard much about both of you, and you're the one of the leaders of the LEH, They have been pretty low key."[/colour] he said looking at the dragon. [colour=#40e0d0] "Come Let's walk and talk, tell me about yourselves."[/colour] He said politely.


[colour=#800080]"Actually, I'm going to pass on that offer."[/colour] Karrthus said to the White unicorn.

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Having heard about the gathering Chrysalis send Doppel to be there, but after some time she grew impatient. The time Cadence spent in the safety of her hive made her think further about the future and like never before she was afraid to lose her only opportunity to bring some peace between changelings and ponies. Her subjects maybe did not want this as much as she did, but they would learn to enjoy a place between the ponies if she can get her position next to Cadence.

So the queen made her way to the gathering as well and just met Doppel who was telling Dash who was the Red Fox. Obviously he had informed her about this before already. Walking past him she whispered: [colour=#009966]"How dare you speaking like that to Rainbow Dash? We need her on our side!"[/colour]

Walking inside she spotted Cadence first who looked at the changeling queen. Chrysalis actually bowed down shortly for the princess, to show some respect and then walked in. [colour=#009966]"Ladies and gentlecolts - did I miss something?"[/colour]

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[colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill)[/colour]

[colour=#B22222]"As you say." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lypris smirked and made to return to her general's side, but she saw that he was off accosting Rainbow Dash, another familiar face from the Royal Wedding. Wait, did he just kiss her? Lypris wasn't one to question her superior at all, or when she did question him it wasn't to his face, but what the freak was that? She buzzed him angrily through the mental hive:[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"What the heck was that, sir? Are you trying to seduce the enemy or something?" [/colour][colour=#000000]It wasn't bad tactics- not counting the fact that Changelings were generally unattractive to other species- but it was just so out there so as to have the Changeling mage confused and a bit angry. And a bit jealous, even. [/colour]

[colour=#000000]​She was even happy that Chrysalis told him off. Served him right. [/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Princess Cadence did not speak to Dopple. She had forgiven the changelings, sure. But there simply wasn't a lot to say to them, nopony except the Queen herself, perhaps. However, Dopple's words were interesting. When she was gone, she turned to Free, whispered to him:[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"I have to admit, General, I do not trust Twilight either. But I'm frankly not sure why. Do you think we're all being paranoid? Or is there something wrong here?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked about at the monks. She knew this order, they had been around since her auntie's time, and she wouldn't suspect them of being in anyway beholden to Twilight or the GEF. But that wasn't to say that something couldn't happen. Twilight had been the Element of Magic and she had defeated Red Fox. Her power was perhaps great, even in this neutral zone. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"What do you think we should do, Free? If we cannot trust our own hostess?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence beckoned the Queen over when she appeared. Her input would be valuable, as a technical outsider to the affair as a whole. [/colour]

[colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill)[/colour]

Fluttershy was glad that Rainbow was following her. She didn't want to reveal herself to everypony at once, or it might be overwhelming. And Rainbow Dash had been her closest friend before out of their old band. She thought she'd have the easiest time with her. When Rainbow was done with Dopple, she approached, made sure nopony was around to witness, then dropped her hood. She hadn't seemingly aged a day.

[colour=#ffff00]"Rianbow. I'm so glad to see you again."[/colour]

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Turning to the familiar-sounding voice, Rainbow Dash looked at the pony who spoke to her...and her jaw dropped. [colour=#40e0d0]"F-f-fluttershy...?" [/colour]She whispered in an incredulous tone. It seemed unreal to be seeing the timid pegasus again. Looking back at the others gathered, she took Fluttershy by the hoof and went out into the hallway, coming around a corner and then stopping. She rounded on the mare, [colour=#40e0d0]"What are you doing here...? I thought you...we all thought that..." [/colour]She swallowed, shaking her head and offering a gentle smile. [colour=#40e0d0]"Never mind...that is unimportant. Its good to see that you are doing well, Fluttershy."[/colour]

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Kaalia grew bored standing around, he gestured for her Dragoon Knights to follow her she made her way through the crowd. The large armored knights on her side kept everypony a comfortable distance from the her. She hunted her prey, with the skill of an master huntress. Shortly she found who she was looking for, a changeling kissed Rainbow Dash and winked playfully at her. Kaalia had to put a scaled hoof up to her mouth to keep the laughs from slipping out. She trotted over to the Rainbow Dash after the changeling left. It was strange how she towered over her now.

[colour=#ff8c00]"What was that all about?"[/colour] She asked bluntly. [colour=#ff8c00]"Oh sorry, manners,"[/colour] she said with a giddy chuckle. [colour=#ff8c00]"Broodmother Kaalia, Co-Leader of the LEH. But please just call me Kaalia." [/colour][colour=#000000]Her purple eyes stared at Rainbow Dash from under the hood as she presented a scaled hoof for a friendly shake.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Before she could even get a conversation started another mare had revealed herself to Rainbow Dash. Apparantly she was one of the monks. [/colour][colour=#ff8c00]"F-Fluttershy!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Kaalia said as her eye twitched.[/colour]

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Freelancer Agents Nova and Texas

Location: Starlight Hill area, outside the Sanctuary Seal's area of effect...

While the Negotiations were taking place about a mile away Freelancer Agents Nova and Texas were laying silently on a grassy ridgeline that was hidden from sight from the negotiating parties they were observing the negotiations taking place they had initially arrived to the recon position an hour early via a HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) airdrop and set up on the ridgeline lying in wait they had enough supplies to last for as long as the negotiations ended, but their mission was critical in obtaining intel on the warring factions and learning who the key players were in each faction as Nova and Tex were using modified sniper rifles that had mics attached to the scope so they could pick up accurately what each faction member were saying, Nova had removed his helmet due to the heat and didn't need it for now, "Tex you getting all of this?, most of the key players are there make sure you I.D them as well the Director needs this intel." Nova whispered quietly to the mare next to him who was focusing intensely looking through the scope listening into what was being said at the negotiations, "Yeah, I got it Nova just keep watchin' them..." Tex replied calmly and quietly through her helmet as she focussed on the scope she flipped a switch in her visor and recorded the negotiations through her scope, Nova nodded and peered back to his scope again and spotted a new figure storming in "Who the hell is tha-" He cut himself off as he spotted the Changeling Queen in his sights.

"You. There you are..."​ he muttered venomously dark as he realized who it was, the Changeling Queen the one who ordered the executions of his mother "well...This got interesting on a new level..." He remarked softly and smirked amusingly watching the Queen reprimand some scrub who looked like he had an ego too big for it's own good, "Nova focus on the objective, now's not the time for personal vendettas" Tex warned her partner noticing a slight change to his attitude concern he might blow their cover, "Sorry Tex, it's a long story...But I'm focussed on the mission, I've got your back." he smiled warmly at the black armoured mare and looked back into his scope, "Good, let's not screw up this is critical that we succeed in this mission the Director needs that intel to make a proper assessment of the war and I'm making it personal that he gets it." Tex sternly whispered confidently as she observed the developments take place at the negotiations, Nova watched as the Elements reunited he figured they were back in some form but there was one missing...Pinkie Pie..."Now where's the pink one?..." He muttered to himself trying to spot the pink earth pony while all this was going on.

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Quick Scope flew Gilda back over to Baxter after her little "spill". "Serves you right Gilda, you have to learn the art of not attacking everything that makes you angry. I mean so what she got new friends and dropped you, get over it."

Gilda jerked away from the sniper griffon and fell to the floor. [colour=#daa520]"It's not just that. I mean yeah I'm pissed about that, but come on, I assumed she was at least loyal to her friends, and to her princesses. Just what the buck? She's with the GEF... can she pick a side and stick to it? Damnit Dash, who do you really stand by or do you just shift with the wind!"[/colour] She pounded her fist on the floor. She felt played, she felt, she felt like Applejack.

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A friendly "Hi there!" was heard by every being currently on the hill. Knowledge made sure the Freelancer scouts also heard it. "Just letting you all know that Universal surveillance will be taking place in..." at this point flipping pages were heard, "Equstria... For the next few years. Or whenever I get bored. Just doing protocol mares and colts. Have a nice day!" Knowledge then viewed everybo- everypony's reaction to the broadcast. Dis gon b guud

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[colour=#008080]"I'm glad you came in Draco, you know that? Morale has been high since you joined up, you've taken to this like a fish to water."[/colour] Draxis stared straight ahead.[colour=#008080] "That look you had in your eyes during the rescue, knowing you were saving ponies You were in your element. A real pony of the people, you are what I'm not and that's just what the guard needs." [/colour]

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