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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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Striker's formal military demeanor was suddenly replaced with irritation. [colour=#FFA500] "If I must, sir, but honestly the very thought of fraternising with the enemy makes me want to shoot myse--- OWW!!! Oh right... that damned spell..." [/colour]He shakes his head of the pain and returns his focus to his CO. [colour=#FFA500] "I will try, sir, but don't expect me to talk to that traitor, Twilight... Rainbow Dash is the most I can tolerate... Ms. Loyalty, my plot..." [/colour] Just the mention of their names makes his blood boil...

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Twilight wiped the tears away, nodding in agreement and looking up at Spike's new large form. She offered a small, sad (and guilty), smile up at him. "...yes, I think we should." As she watched him move toward the exit, she gulped, and spoke out once more. "I...I'll explain everything once these peace talks are over, Spike...if there is anypony who doesn't deserve my lies, it's you. If I may ask, though...who exactly is the dragoness with you? Heh...is she your girlfriend?" The last sentence was said as a joke, but she couldn't keep the tinge of sadness out of her voice.

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"Frost Hawkeye an honor to meet you.. yes Project Goliath. I figured it was some sort of super weapon in progress....What are you suggesting?" Dopple was suprised at the pony for both his accent and his tactics.

Frost frowned, snorting a bit. Superweapon...indeed. "...I'm afraid that I do not know much on it, but the name Goliath rang a bell. There was an old mare's tale I was told when I was a foal...but I seriously doubt it is the same thing..." In all honesty, if it was the same Goliath he was thinking of...then Equestria truly did have something to be frightened about. The very thought of what any creature could do with Goliath made Frost's spine shiver...and few things could frighten him...very, very few things.

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Spike smiled back at her. He was glad she trusted him enough to not push that farce of a tale off on him as fact. [colour=#800080]"Girlfriend?"[/colour] He let out a powerful laugh that caused caused the cavern to rumble a little. [colour=#800080]"She's my wife. I'M HITCHED TWILIGHT! Whodda thunk it!?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said stupidly as he slipped out of the room.[/colour]

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Spike smiled back at her. He was glad she trusted him enough to not push that farce of a tale off on him as fact. [colour=#800080]"Girlfriend?"[/colour] He let out a powerful laugh that caused caused the cavern to rumble a little. [colour=#800080]"She's my wife. I'M HITCHED TWILIGHT! Whodda thunk it!?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He said stupidly as he slipped out of the room.[/colour]

Twilight's jaw practically hit the floor upon hearing that. Her Spike...the dragon she had raised...was married?! What the hay?! A small amount of sorrow filled her at not being there for his wedding...and also a bit of resentment, which was ridiculous. How did he, who should be a teenage dragon, get married before she did? She blushed a bit when she thought about how long it had been since she had intimately been with a stallion..."Well, why would anypony want to have foals with the evil Red Fox?" Twilight thought to herself bitterly. Drying herself with the towel, she put her violet robes back on, covering the tattoos and exiting the hot springs chamber.

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Free nodded, chuckling slightly. "I'm not expecting you to enjoy it. Just cozy up to them a bit." The stallion finished, returning to his state of brooding from earlier. His thoughts quickly turned to the Mantis program the RLF had set up. An army of near-indestructible war machines, that would be able to swiftly turn the tide of any battle. That technology he had gained from his deal with Freelancer had proved to be invaluable....... But maybe too much so. If the other factions heard of even the slightest rumour of Free's plans for Mantis, they would all vie to get their hooves on it. Free shook his head, hoping it wouldn't come to that.

Applejack stepped back and frowned as Chrysalis interrupted her conversation with Cadence. The mare grumbled under her breath as she trotted away slowly, before looking over at Rainbow Dash. A sharp twang of pain hit her insides as she remembered times before the war, when the rainbow-maned Pegasus had been a good and honest mare. Sighing, Applejack nearly looked away from the scene, but then saw another familiar face. "Fluttershy........?" The mare whispered under her breath.

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Baxter remained quiet the entire time. Project Goliath...what was it, he'd need to report this back to the war council and see if they knew anything about it. In the meantime he would have Tech hack GEF comms and archives wirelessly to see what he could find with Gilda and Quick Scope on alert they would be sufficiently protected should anything be traced back to them. "Sorry, I spaced out there. Baxter Swift of Alpha inForce, Nice to meet you Frost Hawkeye."

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Striker salutes his CO and reluctantly obeys the order. [colour=#FFA500]"Yes, sir..." [/colour]The scarred Ranger walks over to "Chancellor" Rainbow Dash first... to get this **** out of the way...[colour=#FFA500] "You are Rainbow Dash, I presume? I see that your status has profited greatly from the war... *as well as the suffering the GEF has caused...*" [/colour]he tries to comment. His tone appears polite but obviously forced. He can't help but be angered by this flying lie before him... some Element of Loyalty. Striker has more loyalt in his trigger finger (again, assuming anthro) than she has in her whole body.

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Draco looked at the floor looking deep in thought. he considered his words of his captain. his thoughts expanded to what war was and his definition of war criminals and war heroes... he looked to Draxis. [colour=#008000]"Sir... if i may.. but a killer is just a war hero from the enemy's perspective.. you grew up during a time of war... i did not.. so i think you can be forgiven."[/colour] he hoped his words help him.

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Rainbow excused herself from fluttershy with an apologetic smile, turning around and fixing Striker with a blank stare. "...profit depends on the viewer's opinion, I suppose. I simply took up my duty to Equestria...any pony would have done the same, knowing the consequences. If anything...I consider it a burden, having to safeguard Equinia from...rebels and terrorists." Rainbow didn't say the RLF's name directly, but her point was obvious.

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[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Oh yes, that would be lovely!" [/colour][colour=#000000]With all of the stress of the preparations for the negotiations, all the things she'd had to get herself up to speed on in the three days she'd had, she hadn't really been talking on more casual terms with a lot of the ponies of the REF. All work and no play made for a sad mare, or at least a very stressed one. She might have an easier time speaking if she just unwound for a bit with some good conversation. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"So what have you been up to since-?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence's first question was interrupted by Chrysalis making herself known. Not that Cadence really minded. But she was surprised... and what the hay, was she a bit intrigued? By the proposition of a private talk with the Queen... well she was a very charismatic- wait, why was she suddenly thinking like this? [/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"Wait, Applejack! We'll talk later, alright?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence didn't want to put off a friendly face, not after so long and definitely not after the friendly face she had been looking forward to seeing most was suddenly her greatest fear. Cadence leaned in toward the Queen. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"So, uh... lead on? What is it you need to tell me?"[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Lypris entered, kept an eye on the general proceedings, a bit amused by what she knew was Cadence falling hooves over heels for her Queen's powerful charms. Even if Chrysalis didn't mean it, it was hard to avoid it. The hive mind was spoken through once more, with Lypris talking to Dopple:[/colour]

[colour=#b22222]"You're looking conniving, Dopple. What are you up to now?" [/colour][colour=#000000]It was a question asked out of amusement, not genuine concern.[/colour]

[colour=#ffff00]Fluttershy (Starlight Hill, Outside)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Fluttershy was a bit taken aback, that her reunion with friends was being interrupted by business. She glanced about, saw Applejack, waved a hoof at her. She had been meaning to speak to Applejack after Rainbow. The farmer mare, wherever her life had taken her, would probably still be trustworthy and honest as always. She then turned back, considering the conversation between Rainbow Dash and Striker. Her training and natural empathy came together, and she read the implicit meaning behind their words as clear as day. Stoically, she chose to interrupt with a bit of her own monk's wisdom.[/colour]

[colour=#ffff00]"Rainbow Dash? Sir?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy looked between the two, a polite smile on her face. [/colour][colour=#ffff00]"My Order taught me that there is no such thing to consider as intent. There are only the consequences. It goes back to the old saying, I suppose. That the road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions for everypony." [/colour][colour=#000000]She politely stressed the word 'everypony'. [/colour][colour=#ffff00]"Now, if anypony here wishes to speak of anything besides... this topic, please feel free to speak with me. Otherwise, I must return to my Brothers and Sisters." [/colour][colour=#000000]Fluttershy turned tail and began to leave into the depths of the Hill. If there was one thing she would not do, it was be dragged into the mess the GEF insurrection had created, on either side. She loved her friends, but she drew the line somewhere.[/colour]

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Rainbow Dash looked over at Fluttershy's leaving form. "S-shy, wait..." The pegasus monk didn't seem to hear her words, and the Chancellor gritted her teeth, turning on Striker, she narrowed her eyes. "...are we just going to poke at each other here, Mister Striker, or are we actually going to speak of business? I know of your reputation...your hate for the Federation, me, and Twilight. I don't expect any of you..."Loyalists"...to understand our actions. Whether you are too blind to see it or just don't care, Equestria is better off without the Princesses' rule!" After the outburst was out, she began to calm herself, releasing a deep sigh and looking away from him. "...forgive me, this whole thing is rather stressful, despite these weird monks and their crazy magic..."

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[colour=#FFA500]"Sure... look around now days and keep fooling yourself... that is your problem. I'm done with you and by the way... you know nothing of why I truely despise you... yes you killed my dear princesses who I failed to protect but you also..." [/colour]Striker stops. That is none of their business. [colour=#FFA500] "Nevermind. Pray that you won't see me on the battlefield Ms. Dash... you didn't show my men mercy... don't expect any from me... tis a shame since I used to respect you highly as the Element of Loyalty... traitor"[/colour] With that and a growl, the Captain swiftly turns and walks away. Curse that darn spell otherwise Striker would have laid that pegasis traitor out with one blow. Then Striker notices Princess Mi Amore Candenza nearby. He has been waiting all this time to talk to her. He rushes over to her and salutes on of his princesses. [colour=#FF8C00]"Princess Mi Amore Candenza, mam! It a great relief that you are still amoung us."[/colour] He says formally with a hint of joy.

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[colour=#ff8c00]Broodmother Kaalia[/colour]

[colour=#ff8c00]"Then perhaps you shouldn't be in such a tizzy all the time!"[/colour] Kaalia called out to Rainbow Dash. The cloaked Broodmother trotted up to Striker and the Chancellor like she owned the world, but then again she was larger than Cadence and was flanked by two equally large armored and cloaked stallions. [colour=#ff8c00]"Really now, this is a time of negotiation if you want to pummel each other you should settle upon a wager duke it out for the prize."[/colour] Kaalia giggled into an orange scaled. She look over to Striker and eyed him up and down, years of evaluating soldiers had somewhat broken her inhibitions.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Ah, a fine stallion. No doubt an excellent soldier and a mare pleaser."[/colour] She looked between the two ponies and gave them a small bow. [colour=#ff8c00]"Allow me to Introduce myself. I am Broodmother Kaalia, Co-Leader of the LEH."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Before she could finish her introduction full Striker darted off to talk with Cadence. Turning back to Dash she stared at the pegasus, her purple glowing eyes burning from under her under her hood.[/colour][colour=#ff8c00] "Rude much?"[/colour]

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Draco looked at the floor looking deep in thought. he considered his words of his captain. his thoughts expanded to what war was and his definition of war criminals and war heroes... he looked to Draxis. [colour=#008000]"Sir... if i may.. but a killer is just a war hero from the enemy's perspective.. you grew up during a time of war... i did not.. so i think you can be forgiven."[/colour] he hoped his words help him.


Draxis offered Draco a small smile.[colour=#008080] "Maybe."[/colour] He pretended to let Draco's words calm him, but everything the pony said was misinformed. Yes he did grow up in a time of war, but war and conflict where commonplace for the changelings. In their society you fought, killed, and back stabbed your way up the ladder, those who held high status' were either bred into the of carved a path to blood to their goal. Draxis was a Hivelord, a powerhouse of a changeling, bred and trained to do the heavy lifting should Chyrsalis fail, die or go AWOL. Bloodshed was almost a part of his DNA. He was there during both invasions of Canterlot, during the wedding he was one of the few Changelings to eviscerate a pony instead of subduing them, and when the Changelings helped NEO he wrote his name in pony blood across the battlefield...war hero was I title he would NEVER deserve.

[colour=#008080]"I turned tail on my queen and most of my kind, I d face to doubt they will be in a forgiving mood if we meet face to face."[/colour]

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"Knoledge is power. I am knowledge." he said to the Mistress. "Now I can't tell you much more than that. If you want to comprehend Universal guardians, stay around for a while. Other than that I'm entitled to my vacation, Mistress. And while your name is of no concern, please do tell Twilight AKA Ms. Fox I mean no harm." With that the empty space he was went somewhere else, such as to the location of a certain director.

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[colour=#ff8c00]"Look at the manners on you, you flatter me General Dopple-Ganger. You aren't bad on the eye's either, and the way you carry yourself just screams loyalty."[/colour] She said cheerily. [colour=#ff8c00]"Kaalia, and I do say, it is a pleasure to meet you. I had almost forgotten that Changelings sat at both ends of this conflict."[/colour]

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[colour=#ff8c00]Broodmother Kaalia[/colour]

[colour=#ff8c00]"Then perhaps you shouldn't be in such a tizzy all the time!"[/colour] Kaalia called out to Rainbow Dash. The cloaked Broodmother trotted up to Striker and the Chancellor like she owned the world, but then again she was larger than Cadence and was flanked by two equally large armored and cloaked stallions. [colour=#ff8c00]"Really now, this is a time of negotiation if you want to pummel each other you should settle upon a wager duke it out for the prize."[/colour] Kaalia giggled into an orange scaled. She look over to Striker and eyed him up and down, years of evaluating soldiers had somewhat broken her inhibitions.

[colour=#ff8c00]"Ah, a fine stallion. No doubt an excellent soldier and a mare pleaser."[/colour] She looked between the two ponies and gave them a small bow. [colour=#ff8c00]"Allow me to Introduce myself. I am Broodmother Kaalia, Co-Leader of the LEH."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Before she could finish her introduction full Striker darted off to talk with Cadence. Turning back to Dash she stared at the pegasus, her purple glowing eyes burning from under her under her hood.[/colour][colour=#ff8c00] "Rude much?"[/colour]

Rainbow Dash's teeth grinded at the stallion's words. Oh, how she wanted to...! She halted the thought before she could vomit again, simply shaking her head and turning her back on Striker's direction, and she mumbled under her breath angrily. "...why be loyal to the very ponies who allowed those massacres in Manehatten and Stalliongrad take place...?" She bit her bottom lip, stifling her rage. In Rainbow's mind, she had remained loyal...loyal to her friends, family, and to Equestria itself, rather then the murderous Princesses. The massacres of the protestors before the Revolution...how easily those RLF jerks seemed to forget it. Why, the Federation had even made the date a day of mourning for those who lost their families and friends that terrible day. The sixth anniversary would be here soon...and maybe everypony would finally understand, if peace was achieved.

She heard Kaalia's voice, and looked at the Broodmother warily. Rainbow was terrified of dragons...ever since the time she kicked that one dragon in its nose. However, this one seemed somewhat familiar, and she couldn't tell why. "It's...nice to meet you, Broodmother. I am sorry for that little...display...but one can't expect the fanatics or psychos that comprise most of the RLF. However, unlike the RLF...I respect what the LEH does. At least your methods are peaceful...non-threatening. Back when the Red Fox still ruled, there was a vote to try to...well...I am sure you can guess." She looked a bit ashamed, but gave a weak smile to the looming creature. "...I was one of the Chancellors who voted against it. You've helped those whom the Federation has been unable to...so let me personally thank you for that service. Not to the GEF, but to Equestria."

When Dopple-Ganger came over, her face paled a bit. She was surrounded by potential enemies here, and dragons...this room was certainly fraying her nerves.

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[colour=#ff8c00]"Don't be so quick to write him off miss Dash, perhaps he just lost somepony extremely important to him?"[/colour] She offered the pegasus a weak smile, though Dash wouldn't be able to see it. At the mention of the dragon hunts Kaalia's head drooped a little, silent mourning for those killed unjustly.

[colour=#ff8c00]"You refer to the dragon hunts. They were, reasonable, Many dragons are petty, mindless, dangerous, beasts who would sooner burn and slaughter then tend to a delicate rose bud. Few of the dragons killed were from my brood anyway. My kin are all civilized."[/colour] Kaalia placed an orange scaled hoof on the Chancellor's shoulder to show her that he held no grudge for the GEF's actions.

[colour=#ff8c00]"When the rebellion's started so many ponies were lost and scared, a lot had lost everything they had. The LEH use to be just some petty terrorist group out to spite the you ponies, but under the control of Karrthus and myself we've turned it into quite the peace force. Fighting isn't the answer, I'm sure that you agree with that sentiment."[/colour] They actually have a real conversation, not just a one sided: Do this squirt, hey look at this, still my biggest fan sort of deal. Hopefully the conversation would continue to flow naturally, if that could happen perhaps these talks would end favorably.

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[colour=#B22222]Lypris (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#B22222]"As you say, sir." [/colour][colour=#000000]He was definitely doing a better job of finding receptive ears. Lypris kept focused on her side of events then, silently making sure nothing went awry while her superiors were occupied with their conversations. Many of the active conversations had the expected air of mutual hatred, but that was alright. As long as blows weren't exchanged- not that it was even possible with this sickening spell over them all- nothing would need her intervention.[/colour]

[colour=#EE82EE]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill, Inside)[/colour]

[colour=#EE82EE]"H-hello." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence was startled by Striker's appearance. She had assumed that nopony would approach her when it was clear that she was conversing with the Queen of Changelings. Not that she really minded, but Chrysalis might have been miffed by the rudeness. [/colour][colour=#EE82EE]"I'm flattered, but I'm conversing with Queen Chrysalis at the moment. If you'll please? I will speak with you later, if you wish!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She tried to say it as nicely as possible. She didn't want to drive away any potential supporters.[/colour]

[colour=#AFEEEE]The Mistress of Shadows (GEF Caravan)[/colour]

At first the Mistress was rolling it's eyes with this whatever it was and his conceitedness. He sounded like a condescending know it all... kind of like the Mistress itself was, but it ignored the parallels. But then it was shocked by what Knowledge said about Twilight. Shocked enough to blow up the television she had been watching the volleyball game on with a burst of magical power. She refused to let Knowledge go, kept her magical anchor to him strong.

[colour=#AFEEEE]"Y-you! Explain yourself! What do you mean Twilight is the Red Fox?! That's not possible!" [/colour]


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Its a pleasure miss kaalia amd yes we changelings are well involved in the war. But i could not imagine how such a stunning dragon as yourself should be involved in this horrid fight." he looked at Dash with a small grin. Now thats how you make friends. "its such a shame some ponies have no understanding of manners no?"

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