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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open)


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(self heroism time :D)

Draco ran with Draxis looking for survivors until he heard a screams from a nearby collapsing building without a second thought he rushes forward into the blaze as the shotgun on his back fell to the ground he jumped over burning rubble and under a collapsed beam his fire resistance usually helped he would occasionally reach into a campfire to rearrange the the logs... scaring everypony in the area while doing it but this was different he ran into a room seeing the mare who was screaming before she passed out unconscious and scooped her up and headed for the door when the part of the burning ceiling collapsed her instinctively shielded the mare with himself taking the brunt of the burning materials before useing his wings to clear himself of dangerous things as he runs for the exit hoping nopony else is in there... the last part of the building collapsed as he got out it was obvious he was hurt he was now favoring a side.. before he would just be singed but this time his scales had taken the brunt and mostly were blackened but fine.. but his coat.. there was a part on his side anyone could see it was badly burned and when some newly arrived soldiers ran to help him he gave the concussions mare to them and turned back ignoring their pleas. [colour=#008000]"lives are dependent on us!"[/colour] he said as he ran ahead!

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Dopple looked at twilight with sad eyes... "i know your people need you Twilight but i have something i want to show you at the hive..the other factions are handling the situation and well it's important..just trust me"

(OOC: He isn't gonna magically reveal Twi's adopted foal, right? Because I have plans for our darling little Azure... >:3 )

(OOC2: Yay! 500 posts! I'll have to come up with something special for all of you! <3)

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The Equestioner was aching... everywhere. He tried to open his eyes but smoke clogged his vision and stung, so he closed them again. He told himself he was alright, but in reality he had just woken up from a blow to the head. He didn't know what went wrong in the city, but he knew that somepony had to find him. With what little breath he had, he let out a call for help.

[colour=#daa520]"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" [/colour][colour=#000000]He screamed.[/colour]

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Twilight weeped for a little longer, before pulling herself together. She let go of Trixie and wiped her eyes, nodding. "...you're right...The Federation still needs me, now more than ever...I'll find my son...I know I will! Once I find whoever did this horrible act...I will make sure they wished they were never born!" She stood up, her face a mask of anger and determination...no longer that of a mourning mother. "...summon the Shade Corps, and send out distress calls to the other Chancellors from each Precinct. Tell them that Equinia requests aid...and that they had better hurry, or else they will deal with me." She turned to the two white-clad Shade Corps guards who watched silently, and narrowed her eyes. "You two...gather the Moon Shadows. We're going to find out who has done this...atrocity...one way or another. Any RLF or Freelancer or whoever you find...bring them to me." The tone in her voice offered no objection, as the two saluted and left immediately through the exit opposite of Striker. When she saw Chronarch, her eyes widened in alarm and concern. Turning to Trixie, she gave one last command before leaving. "...take care of my ancestor, Trixie. He dies, then many more will...he's too important to give up just yet." With that, she rushed out to help the ponies still trapped in the Citadel.


With that Striker's gaze became hard and cold... so her true colors have revealed themselves... he knew all along that the traitor would never seek peace. The Captain stands behind a raging inferno as he marches toward Rainbow Dash and the others... [colour=#008000]"So... the witch hunt begins again..."[/colour] His eyes burn with hatred.

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Dopple turns toward striker with eyes burning as angry as his. "you dare!" he flies straight into his face "YOU DARE!" hes practically screaming "NOT only has her kingdom been destroyed her way of life! But she just lost her own child! Do you Have ANY IDEA WHAT THATS LIKE!" he roared the last part. "im either going to kill you or report you to your CO for your words. You can choose which one!"

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(Again, assuming anthro since noone said anything.)

Captain Striker punches Dopple in shoulder hard enough to bump him back a meter or two. [colour=#008000] "I don't take orders from you..." [/colour]His eyes glare with hatred and he begins to get angrier by the second... [colour=#008000]"... and you have no right to ask me that... YOU DON"T KNOW ANYTHING YOU ROTTING PARACITE!!! GET OUT OF MY FACE!!!" [/colour] Striker growls malevolently... Usually the visions of his dead love bring him pain but that pain is being drowned out by rage. He stands ready if this Dopple wants a fight. The fires around reflect in his eyes... the smoke and fire in the darkness only further accent the fury that stands before Dopple.

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[colour=#008000]"You have no place to lecture me on the subject of disapline... disapline, honor, and duty are my code. Again, you prove you know nothing."[/colour] the Ranger angerily replies to the Changeling. The Captain then notices the hostile stance that Dopple is in with his fangs beared like a rabid creature. He grunts at the annoyance. [colour=#008000]"Neither is going to happen... and if it is a fight you want..." [/colour]Striker draws his combat knife from his chest harnest sheath and hold it upside-down in a defensive stance ready for his enemy. [colour=#008000] "... then bring it on..."[/colour]




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"no not here not now...this isnt the time for that. But remember the two factions that youve just angered and free WILL here about this and im sure he wont appreciate that. And i will be waiting for the day when we get to fight. I'll make sure to be hungry." he turns and walks away. The pony needs to learn that he is only a captain and needs

To respect all superiors if there is to be peace

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Twilight strided through the ruined gates of the Citadel, searching the debris for any sign of life. When she had left, she had heard none of Striker's vehement words, nor Dopple's defense of her. On the inside, she burned with a searing pain...one of lost and regret. Had she caused this to happen...? Were her sins finally being punished by some unknown god? She couldn't tell...all she knew, was that she had to come up with something to fix these matters. First thing that needed to be done was rescue whoever was still alive...second, question any RLF found in the city. She knew she wouldn't do anything to them...she still wanted peace...but if they were behind the attack, then the peace she'll achieve...will be painted with blood. Once the questioing is over, she'll orchestrate a massive rebuilding of Equinia...and make it better than it was before. This whole experience had given her new insight on these matters, and she intended to follow that insight.

Suddenly, she heard a raspy coughing from behind one of the broken pillars of the former Citadel, trotting over as she saw a guard laying there, blood oozing from his side. With a tender face, Twilight sat down to inspect the wound...and whimpered slightly. The guard wasn't going to make it...no amount of healing could save him now. At her touch, the pony's eyes opened, and he looked at Twilight with guilty eyes. "...L-lady Twilight...I...P-please forgive me...us...we did ev-everything we could...to defend the civilians...we failed...we failed you..." Twilight hushed him quietly, looking into his eyes as she gently caressed him, to ease his pain. The guard gave a weak smile. "...y-you know, Milady...I al-always found you quite be-beautiful...it's a sh-shame that I could have t-told you now. Of course...wh-what would you have s-said, to a simple g-guard like me?" Twilight whimpered once more, a tear streaking down her face for the dying stallion. "...milady, please...d-do not weep for me...I g-gladly die in my service to Eq-questria...and most of all t-to you...please, take care...of the others for m-me...I...am honored...to have s-served you these past few years..." Twilight nodded sadly, keeping her eyes locked on his as the last bit of light faded from his eyes, his chest ceasing its movement. A few streaks of tears went down her face...for she recognized the young pony. His name was Gale...and she remembered him often trying whenever he could to catch a glimpse of her, even before the Revolution. With a shuddering breath, she closed the stallion's eyes for the last time, standing up and moving away.

Without a doubt, she would cry many more tears over the next couple of days.

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Dopple saw this..he actualy felt pity and alot of it..."twilight please the hive u need a rest and i need to show you something"

(Wow, he must be the fastest changeling there ever was :P quicker than almighty RD! Lol)

Twilight looked over at the changeling with a hollow look in her eyes. Why didn't he understand...? She couldn't rest...not now...it simply wouldn't be right. "...I'll rest when I am dead, Changeling General Dopple-Ganger. My nation needs me...and the ponies here as well." Making her intention clear, she continued going through the gigantic wreckage of the Citadel, letting the changeling help her free whoever they found, carry them to safety, or treat their wounds. Such a gory, bloody mess this was...this wasn't war. It was something far worse than anything war could produce...this was terrorism of the highest degree.

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Striker puts away his knife and just stare coldly at the Changeling as he leaves. He is so naive and ignorant. Both the GEF and the Changelings have tained blood on their hands. The only crimson that stains the Ranger's hands is the blood of his enemies... the slayers of his friends and only love. Vengence will be his...

Striker turns to the Citadel and begins to make his way there over the smoldering rubble and charred bodies. It doesn't phase him... he was born to be a soldier... a righteous killing machine bound by duty. His lover however... she was so much more than that... she was the opposite. She tried to save lives... but that only got her killed...

As he mourned for his love he lost track of time as he walked and found himself at the gates of the blackish citadel... it's very presence chills stallions to the bone. He draws his Beretta M9 pistol, pops the safety, and sneaks inside.

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Trixie had gotten the attention of a praetorian and a dragoon with he plea for help. She didn't stay long enough to recieve a response, but what was there to say? They darted off after the mare. Intent on doing whatever they could for any survivors.


(I'll save Equestioner!!)


Fire, smoke, and cooking flesh...a terrible odor, one that Karrthus wished he wasn't so familiar with. Soaring over the devastated buildings, the hellkite scanned for any signs of life. His keen senses picked up a wail as he passed over a smoking building, somepony was alive down. He landed on the rubble and focused on blocking out the sounds of the crackling flames. *thump, thump* A heartbeat, he reached down with his claws and started to remove crushed stone and burned wood. [colour=#800080]"Can you hear me?!"[/colour]



[colour=#ff8c00]"Excellent, just tell me what to do."[/colour][colour=#000000] Internally Kaalia released a breath of relief, she had just saved dash from sacrificing herself, but if the magic backfired someway both of they could die. She looked down at the burning city and watched the flames lick at the once beautiful structures. The fires danced a beautiful number, they always did after the annihilated everything; however while fire was natures greatest destroyer it was also an engine of birth. From the ashes of the ruined city Kaalia had no doubt that something even more splendid would raise, eclipsing this dark day and banishing it to the history books.[/colour]

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As Striker enters he can hear Twilight's voice from the courtyard as well as that damned Changeling. He moves quietly toward them until he takes cover behind a pile of stone debris. He listens in very carefully. Twilight appears a mess... maybe that backstabbing b**** actually has a heart... Striker shakes his head. NO. She is the enemy. She also killed the target of his vengence sealing his chance to directly avenge his love. He cannot feel sympathy for her. Striker steels himself as he listens in gathering intel.

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[colour=#afeeee]The Great and Powerful Trixie (Equius, The Citadel)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Trixie was relieved when she looked back and saw two dragons following. If there were really two hundred something survivors somewhere in the compound she'd need all the help she could get. She landed on the ground, sent out a pulse of magic, searching for the signs of life. As she did, she noted a powerful source of magic close. Unless it were the enemy, there was only one mare that could be... what was Twilight doing here?[/colour]

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[colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Starlight Hill)[/colour]

[colour=#ee82ee]"I find it strange, my Queen. That you would tell one of your former enemies to help her people who were once also your enemies..."[/colour] Her smile was gone, she was serious now. Whatever awaited them on the other side, her heart would be steeled, ready.[colour=#ee82ee]"At your leisure."[/colour]

[colour=#009966]"You are wrong"[/colour], she replied with a serious look, mostly due to the Queen regreting her past, [colour=#009966]"they were never my enemies, you were never my enemy. I was foolish to believe so and I was naive to think I could rule all of Equestria alone."[/colour] It was time to tell Cadence a story about her past and the hive.

[colour=#009966]"My mother was a very strong ruler and unlike me she reigned through fear. Her subjects feared her, I feared her. Once she died I tried to carry on her legacy but after the wedding and my horrible failure I saw that there were greater powers than fear. In the last five years my hive learned to love me. They still fear my magic - for a reason, but they also love me for promising them a future and trying everything to make it true. I want ponykind to love me as well, instead of fearing me."[/colour]

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(self heroism time :D)

Draco ran with Draxis looking for survivors until he heard a screams from a nearby collapsing building without a second thought he rushes forward into the blaze as the shotgun on his back fell to the ground he jumped over burning rubble and under a collapsed beam his fire resistance usually helped he would occasionally reach into a campfire to rearrange the the logs... scaring everypony in the area while doing it but this was different he ran into a room seeing the mare who was screaming before she passed out unconscious and scooped her up and headed for the door when the part of the burning ceiling collapsed her instinctively shielded the mare with himself taking the brunt of the burning materials before useing his wings to clear himself of dangerous things as he runs for the exit hoping nopony else is in there... the last part of the building collapsed as he got out it was obvious he was hurt he was now favoring a side.. before he would just be singed but this time his scales had taken the brunt and mostly were blackened but fine.. but his coat.. there was a part on his side anyone could see it was badly burned and when some newly arrived soldiers ran to help him he gave the concussions mare to them and turned back ignoring their pleas. [colour=#008000]"lives are dependent on us!"[/colour] he said as he ran ahead!

A mare was trapped under a massive pillar, but the steady raise and fall of her chest was more than enough incentive to get Draxis moving. Bracing himself against the ground, he placed his back hooves on the stone pillar and started to push. As a changeling he was much stronger than a pony of his size would be. His powerful legs flipped the pillar over freeing the mare. Draxis draped the pony over his back a took her back to some of the soldiers that were just arrive.

"Get the medical teams set up in that building, spread out search parties of three, one pegasus, one unicorn, one earth pony."

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(phone post)

Applejack neared a burning building, banging on the door and yelling, "Anypony in there!?" She was answered quickly by a distressed mare. "Help! We're trapped In here!" Applejack nodded shouting "Stand back!". She breathed in deeply, then kicked the door in, hurrying the mare and her foal out. Just in time as well, as the interior of the building collapsed shortly after.

Free was running when he heard a final, rasping scream. He sprinted towards the noise as fast as he could, not noticing when his hood fell off. He reached the source of the screaming, just outside the wreckage of the citadel. Free gulped as he saw an azure blue colt, with yellow highlights in his hair (Not twi's foal, but close.) lying dead in the street, impaled by a bar of metal. "Oh gods......" Free whispered as he stood over the dead foal. What he didn't realise was that Twilight was just turning the corner to him.

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