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Hello every pony!


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About Myself: I like anime, video games, and of coarse MLP FIM. I also like a good naruto fanfiction. I live In wisconson.

How I found Canterlot.com: Looking for a rp to play

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Naruto crossover fanfiction

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
This is the info on my only OC


Name/Nickname: Shadow Night/Shadow

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: Teenager

Additional Status: Any extra info you want to add. Like.. any pets, any clothes they wear, if they're famous or not... etc.

-Physical Stuff-

Pelt colour: Midnight blue with black stripes

Mane/Tail colour and Style:

colour- Black and light blue-purple

Style- Spike punk style flowing back

Eye colour: light blue

Cutie Mark: a blue royal shield

Other Scars/Markings: a black ring birthmark right below the mane.

Physique: average-muscular

-Social Stuff-

Current Residence: Ponyville

Job: Shield maker and Rare Item Finder.

Mother: Isis Night- passed on

Father: Knight Night- passed on

Sibling(s): Dark Night

Other Family: No others

Closest Friends: TBA

Courting/Courted By: TBA

Mate: TBA

Foal(s): TBA

-Personality Stuff-

Likes: Most animals, Daring Doo Books and finding new minerals.

Dislikes: Sharks.

Motivation: Making the perfect shield to protect his friends.

Strengths: Using a Shield to protect.

Weaknesses/Flaws: can zone out when working on a shield

Fears: losing friends to the unknown.

Overall Persona: Hard-working, friendly, a guardian and an adventurer

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Naruto and... MLP crossover? Like, not knocking it or anything! Just... that boggles my mind as to how that could work.

I guess Ninja Ponies could work or like, humanized pony characters in the naruto world...?

Oh there I go on a tangent, sorry! Welcome to Canterlot!

You can't do hand signs o.O

I'm okay with that though, I can see it happening...somehow


[colour=#282828]Welcome to the great city of Canterlot! Its a pleasure to make your aquaintance! I'm Lovin' Moonlight, or LM for short.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]I'm not an RP'er so I couldn't really tell you about any of the good RP's or RP'ers around here, but I'm sure somepony can dirrect you in the right direction.[/colour]

You might want to head over to the RP Section, to read up on the RP Rules and get your character accepted.

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