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[colour=#4b0082]About Myself[/colour]: My name is Lisa, and study Psychology, Sociology, Biology and Chemistry.

I have only recently become a mlp fan but I do have a very addictive personality so I think it's a liking that's here to stay.

[colour=#660099]How I found Canterlot.com[/colour]: My boyfriends little sister told me to :)

[colour=#6600cc]How I became a fan of MLP:FiM[/colour]: I know quite a lot of people who are huge fans of mlp.. I was out with one of them about a month ago and they bought a pony and I just thought it was the cutest thing! I told him to buy me one and he bribed me saying he wouldn't buy me a pony until I watched an episode. Obviously I did as I was told. I watched one and just could not stop.. He still hasn't bought me a pony :( But I bought me own :razz:

[colour=#6600ff]My favourite main cast pony/s[/colour]: Fluttershy

I'm really bad about writing about myself so I will add to this every so often :)

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You best get on your friends case about that pony toy! He needs to own up!

Also welcome to Canterlot! What are you looking to do around here? Roleplay, share some art/music/writing, maybe find some gaming friends, or just chat about the wonderful show?

Also you picked a great time to just get started. The third season is just around the corner, so you've got enough time to catch up on the first two and not have a terribly long wait for season 3!

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