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In Defence of Fort Book! [All welcome]


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Helios shut up quite quickly when Moondust arrived and shattered all hopes of ever convincing her otherwise. The very sight of the traitor should have him boiling with rage, but once again he couldn't feel anything but a slight pang of melancholy. He sighed loudly and muttered something under his breath as he climbed off of Manzanita and sat himself down beside the wall. He doubted anypony would try to stop him sitting back, and Manzanita wasn't the most comfortable pony to be strung across, in fact Overeasy was a lot fluffier. He was completely spent. Whatever Moondust had done to him it seemed to have sapped all of his energy. He felt like he could sleep for a million years, and still be tired enough to get into bed the very next night.

Then Moonlight trotted in, Helios expected the worst after all she had been forcibly possessed... but then she started to despair. Perhaps the darkness still lingered somewhere deep inside of them? It seemed dormant in him at the moment at least. Helios managed a weak smile as he looked up to Moonlight. The odds were not with her, especially with this very threatening fellow wielding some kind of triad. He saw the plucky pony charge down Moondust anyway and throw her to the ground, only to be predictably picked up and tossed aside by the strong pony.

Helios got his proof. A shadowy aura seemed to emanate from her, and he could have sworn he heard it's whispers. The pony rose and bellowed out in the same darkness infused voice that Helios once used, and brought forth an army of the same shadowy creatures. Helios shakily rose to his hooves, this could be the opportunity he'd been looking for. He quickly saw the strong pony go on the offensive with a rather large and intimidating blade. However all parties seemed to be currently preoccupied with dealing with the shadows. This could be his chance. Then a strong touch from Manzanita told him otherwise. She pinned him against the wall, somehow preempting his attempts to bolt.

Well, the chance went a lot faster than he thought as the good ponies quickly gave in and pushed for peace. Peace could never be achieved unless everypony was of one mind. The fools. Moonlight was trained well enough and quickly capitalised on their weakness only to be stopped by Moondust. What was her agenda? She strode over to him purposefully and raised her sword. "What is this?! You would stab a pinned pony?! And you speak of honour!" he shouted, finally finding his rage when the sword struck down and drained him like a juicebox. He felt the final vestiges of shadow ripped from him, and flopped back against the wall as his eyes rolled into themselves and he lost consciousness.

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Stardust rose from the ground, dusting herself off. It seemed nothing was broken, but she was scared.

And bleeding.

[colour=#ffa500]"This insane zealot like attitude is pathetic. Striking a mare who wants nothing but peace" [/colour]she spits blood [colour=#ffa500]"I grow weary of this. We should go"[/colour]

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Allanon did not flinch at the hit he had taken. He stood there and shouted out "SILENCE!!", using a spell to freeze everyone in the room in their place.

"I agree with Stardust.We are best off leaving.

If there is any more conflict within this chamber, for no HONOURABLE reason, then I will kill ALL of you! No questions asked!" He added in a fierce hiss, his glass eye focusing on each being individually with an intense stare of pure ire.

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"Yes my Queen and...I'm sorry..I won't happen again."-said Moonlight to Moondust, her new Queen as she followed her back to the others. "I just..I was so confused. After i woke up i saw that the King was in trouble.

Everything happened so fast..."

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[colour=#ffa500]Agreed. Hopefully we can avoid any more bloodshed, At least for now[/colour]

Stardust didn't know Allanon at all, really, however she could tell he was very wise, and he seemed trustworthy enough. She decided to travel with him

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A wizard's staff materializes and Allanon catches it. It was not a large one: It was only 36 inches in length. He releases a gruff sigh, and walks out the entrance.

He stops briefly, looks around, and slowly continues on.

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Allanon nods slowly, and says "Consider that quiet a good thing compare to the happenings in that...room..." He prods the ground with the staff, and a sort of secret opening is revealed. "Ah, here we are." He says as he descends the flight of steps into the darkness within.

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(( Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been a bit preoccupied :blush: ))

Dawn suddenly awoke, unaware where she was. She jolted up ant rose to her hooves, looking around half panicked.

[colour=#F62817]"King Helios!! Where is the king!? I mustn't let him escape!!-...Where...Am I?"[/colour]

The Princess took quick note of her surroundings and found a sleeping Overeasy not to far away from her own position. Dawn sighed as she hefted the egg Mage onto her back and began her journey through the valley.

What a terrible imprisoner Dawn had. This filly couldn't keep watch of a sleeping princess. She reminded herself that if Overeasy is ever assimilated into Fort Book, she will never been on Sentry Duty, ever.

Unsure where to go with there being no landmarks to judge where they were, Dawn began to aimlessly wander through Bookinate Valley.

[colour=#F62817]"Overeasy...You're lucky that this Princess is a kind one, for if not, I would have left you back there to fend for yourself. Like a banishment for your sins."[/colour]

Dawn had been walking for some time before the dead weight of the magician on her back began to take its toll. With huff of determination, the filly pushed herself to go on, hoping Overeasy would come to soon.

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As Allanon descended the steps, he occasionally checked the walls. He finally came to level flooring, and said to Stardust "Keep a weather eye out for a brick with a black Triad on it."

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Manny watched Helios warily and shook him to wake him. "Can you walk far without needing help?" she asked. "I'm going to search for Princess Dawn and you are not leaving my sight." she said with an air of finality. She watched the others leave then looked back at Helios. "I believe you know where Overeasy is."

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Allanon looks at Stardust and says " That will be explained in great detail at a more sufficient time. For now, you will have to be satisfied with the fact that the Triad is my people's symbol of power."

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He finally stops walking and says "There it is." He pushes in on a brick, and the entrance to the passageway closed, and torches lit with a dark blue flame.

Allanon walks down the now lit passageway towards an enormous door, which bore three runic words.

"Beyond this door lies the temple to Arkos, the Druidic God.. He rests within its Inner Sanctum, awaiting my presence. You may come f you truly wish, but I must advise you not to stray too far. "

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Moondust walked with Moonlight on her tail.[colour=#4b0082] "Where are the Princess and Overeasy?"[/colour] She said, glaring once more at Moonlight. She stepped towards her. [colour=#4b0082]There's no way Overeasy switched sides. [/colour]She glared at Moonlight once more. [colour=#4b0082]"Did you send them off? They have yet to meet the true ruler of Fort Book and this world."[/colour] She pinned Moonlight to the wall behind her.[colour=#4b0082] "We better find them, or you'll be the one to pay for it."[/colour] She said, letting go of Moonlight and continuing on their walk.

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"Yes..my queen."-answered Moonlight after Moondust released her. "what is she think about herself?! I will beat her down next! I don't care what will happen."-thought in herself Moonlight as she followed her. "I don't know anything about them my queen. I mean i don't remember what happened before i woke up. But Im sure..they will be here somewhere." Moonlight walked after Moondust while she watched the ground.

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[colour=#4b0082]"We shall find them."[/colour] The Moondust-demon said.[colour=#4b0082] "and when we do... you shall be rewarded for sticking by the one true queen." [/colour]She said, trotting along.[colour=#4b0082] "Find them. I shall wait for you in the darkest part of the forest. When you bring them to me, I shall reward you."[/colour] she said, turning around.[colour=#4b0082] "Do not fail me, Moonlight."[/colour] She said as she vanished into the shadows, the voice of darkness a whisper in the wind. [colour=#4b0082]"I will be watching you."[/colour]

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"Great..."-said Moonlight and kicked one of the book which was on the ground. "This place is to huge..i never find them." Moonlight walked along the corridors searching for Overeasy and the Princess but she didn't find them. "Ch...Moondust will be mad.."-she said to herself and sat down for a short time. "I was so stupid. why am I choose the evil?"-thought in herself Moonlight. She didn't remembered that she had no chances. Than she thought about Moondust again. "She probably weaker than me...I mean i have the evil power for a long time. So if i can defeat her...I will be the queen and everything will be allright." Moonlight remembered what Moondust said to her. "I will be watching you" But she didn't cared with it. "Ha! She can watch me all the time I don't care. She didn't know my thoughts. "Never mind..Enough from rest..Lets find them."-she said to herself after she stood up than started to search for them again.

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Helios groggily awoke yet again. Seemed like he was getting knocked out a lot these days. He once again saw the same hooves from earlier shaking him. "Lady Manzanita," he said in a mockingly formal manner as he rose to his hooves and clutched his head. He narrowed his eyes at her next comment. "Of course I can walk alone if the help being provided is by you!" he shouted acidly. He was actually surprisingly unharmed after the last sequence of events, well, except his pride. And he prided himself on pride. "Why should I lead you to Princess Dawn?" he said petulantly as he turned his back on her and stomped a hoof. "What will I get out of it? Hmm. The second you have her back I am whisked away into the prisons," he turned his head back to say to her, before shaking his mane and striding off to the exit haughtily as well.

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