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In Defence of Fort Book! [All welcome]


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Allanon replies "Oh, THAT! I had forgotten of that moment...And nay, I am not angry with anything at the moment. I'm just trying to think of the SAFEST way through this chamber..."

He looks around, and stops moving. A large group of spikes shot out of the wall, encasing the Druid.

"Very funny, Arkos." Allanon says stolidly, and uses the staff to melt through the spikes. He then says to Stardust "How much weight can you carry in flight?"

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Stardust searched for the weight. She flew up and looked around. It wasn't long before she found it lodged under a rock. She grabbed it and pulled. The object was heavier than it looked, but nothing she couldn't handle. She put the weight on the pressure pad

[colour=#ffa500]See? Easy![/colour]

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After the weight was placed, Allanon struck a nearby switch with his broadsword. A door opened in response.

Allanon nodded, and said "Good. Let us move onwards." He Walked slowly through the door.

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A deep voice called out in a foreign tongue, and Allanon replied in the same language. Torches were lit, and a Skeletal entity could be seen facing Allanon and Stardust.

The Skeleton was clad in a long black robe, similar to Allanon, and bore a large battleaxe on his back. The forehead of the skull was branded with the same Triad that made the charm on the chain that Allanon wore. It pointed a bone finger, speaking still in the foreign dialect.

Allanon spoke his reply, and said to Stardust "This is Arkos. I must apologize if you cannot understand him...he has a habit of speaking the Shannarian tongue."

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Allanon looked at Stardust, and said "He won't hurt us, don't worry." He then walked to the Skeleton, and the two began to converse in the ancient tongue. After a few minutes, the skeleton turns away, and walks to a wall. He traces one of the runes inscripted upon it, and a type of scepter appeared, which the skeleton took in hand and walked to a pedestal.

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Allanon walked to a pedestal adjacent to the one that Arkos stood next to. He drew Narsil, and nodded to the skeletal entity. The two thrust the items within their grasps into the pedestals, and a cold wind erupts within the chamber.

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((Just throwing this out there, but, umm, I think you're getting a little off topic..Allanon, MidnightBlackhorn....This is a just a playful RP in a library with little fillies, colts, and foals...I think you're going a bit to far with...what ever it is you're doing...I mean, yes, this revolves around their imagination and playfulness, but, you're kind of ruining this. I mean, no offense or anything, but it's true..And if you want to RP what ever it is that you're changing this into, create your own separate thread, for this one already has a topic and it appears you're changing it...a lot... ))

It pointed a bone finger, speaking still in the foreign dialect.

((Also, umm...Ponies don't have fingers, they have hooves........Except Lyra, because she is best human....))

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When no response was given to her words, Overeasy gained a tick on her forehead, was this meany mic meany head daring to ignore her wise words? That was so uncool! She was a WIZARD...no, wait...she was a Mage, was there a difference? Bah, she didn't have time for this! She was a Magard. That was final. Magard of Eggnomancery.

She returned to the the manner at hoof, she was still walking away from her! She couldn't allow that! The king had entrusted her with a job and by the Grand Yoke's Beard she would not fail him! She had to think up a way to keep her around, and fast.

She tried to control her rising anger, which was a feat she was not able to fully complete as some aggression did infiltrate her voice,[colour=#00ff00]"Say..."Princess"...do you fancy yourself smart?"[/colour] She asked, keeping in step with her and trying to not gag as she saw her raised head, how stereotypical... princess-y...,"I[colour=#00ff00]f so, I have a....riddle for you!"[/colour] She decided, making up the plan literally as she went. Hopefully her plan would be a success, or she would be forced to use the rotten side of her magic....

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[colour=#F62817]".....A riddle? I could solve your riddle before you could say 'princessdawnisbestprincess...So, try me, give me your best riddle!"[/colour]

Dawn wasn't one to get overconfident, but it's true. This filly could (hopefully) solve this riddle.

At the sound of an unfamiliar voice, Dawn turned around and found a new pony, asking who they were. Dawn quickly answered the filly as she journeyed through the valley (bookshelves).

[colour=#F62817]"Princess Dawn and Eggnomancer Overeasy. And whom do I have the honor of speaking to?[/colour]

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Overeasy smirked as her challenge was accepted, now to come up with a riddle in less then a few seconds! This should be fairly easy for one of her mystical powers, with them there was noway she could lose! [colour=#00ff00]"Hah! I knew you would accept! Now then, let us beg-"[/colour]She began, only to be interrupted suddenly by the arrival of a newcomer,whom introduced herself as Stardust. Oh my! Maybe a potential friend in the battle against the false princess?

When she heard her sudden and really random pledge of loyalty, she had a moment of pure disbelief,"[colour=#00ff00]OH COME ON! You hardly know her dude! At least get to know the other monarch before make'en a choice like that! I mean really! What if she is some impostor Princess trying to steal the throne from the one true King-Bro?[/colour][colour=#00FF00]"[/colour] She stated as she tried to compose herself. Overeasy saw the Princess was still trotting with a look of shock and she quickly jumped in front of her, blocking her path as a riddle came to her...yes...yes! This would be fantastic.

[colour=#00ff00]"Alright! What side of the chicken has the most feathers?"[/colour] She asked, her eyes narrowing as she tried to gauge her thoughts.

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Dawn though about her riddle for a moment, but her thought process was interrupted by Stardust. Since she thought that Stardust's answer was correct she turned to Overeasy and pointed a hoof to S.Dust.

[colour=#F62817]Yeah, what she said about the outside!!"[/colour]

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