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A Canterlot Neighborhood! OOC and Application!

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First off, This will be Humanized! That means: Humans with Ears, wings, and horns!

http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12091-a-canterlot-neighborhood-apply-in-ooc/ here it is!!!


"Welcome to your new home!" A real estate pony said to you one afternoon. THe house was perfect and it felt so homey! So now, a few weeks later you're all moved in to this lovely Canterlot Neighborhood.

In this lovely RP, you'll be playing you're character in a Neighborhhood trifiled with Gosspis, Cheaters, and whatever you want yours to be!

Now, there are a few rules, so listen up;

1. If you play as a foal you must have parents.

2. Romance; I'm fairly carefree when it comes to this, but no "Graphic scenes". Kissing is permitted but what happens in a bedroom, stays in the bedroom. (unless your a cheeky gossip, but use innuendos). Filly Fooling and Colt cuddling are totally acceptable!

3. If you and a friend (or significant other) have OC's who are a couple, then feel free to be a couple here! Move in with your love, have little squables (or big fights), raise a family even!

4. Have FUN! However you want to have fun, (as long as it doesnt hurt the rules) go for it! Create Drama, start a Feud with a neighbor, steal a neighbors filly/coltfriend, (But plan it out with those people first)

Applications! Courtesy of the lovely StarStorm;

Name: (..You HAVE a name, don't you?!)

Gender: (In those oh so famous words spoken by Professor Oak... Are you a boy or a girl?)

Race:(Wings? Horn?)

Brief History: (Where are you from? Have you had a good life so far?... What happened to your character for him/her to get to where they are today?)

Looks: (Whatcha look like?)

Cutie Mark: (If any.. Also a story of how your character got it would be rocking =D)

Personality: (How do you act? Are you a passive little bugger who wouldn't speak out much if they didn't like how things were going, or do you have a rebellious little soul who would spark the fires in others hearts, along with a burning need to take down the current pony in authority?)

Likes and dislikes: (What does your pony like or not like to do, eat, throw, strum, whatever! Is he the kind who would build shelter? Could she handle hunting with *dun dun dun* SHARPENED STICKS?! Does your character have a heart for adventure and exploring the giant, scary cave not far from his shelter?)

Character flaws: (They can be interesting! Every single pony in the mane six has them!)

Family: (Do you have any other player or non player characters living in your house? Are you somebody's jobless second cousin who's just bumming off of them until you can find a job? Are you living with you bbbff?)

Random fact: (Did you once wrestle a bear? Can you make 10 minute brownies in only 8 minutes? This stuff is important!)

I'm only taking nine apps at first!!!!! 6/9 reserved

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Name: Mackell

Gender: Mackell is pretty androgynous, but he goes by he ^-^

Race: He's a pretty pegasus! :3

Brief History: He loves to draw. He plays the guitar, but he's VERY new to it. He wears eyeliner, and dresses like an emo kid, furthering the look with a bright, striped tie. He has black wings and hair, and just can't help but to talk during class. His voice is naturally very soft. It's sort of girlish, but he does still have the male vocal undertone in it. His guitar has an AMAZING paint job on it that he did himself, just before putting the strings on. (Not much of a history, but it's something! x#3)

Looks: Shining green eyes with big, black rings around them; he has a rather feminine figure, larger in the chest and hips. Dark ears and wings, wears a neon-lime colored tie. Also, he has rather large ears compared to most ponies.



Cutie Mark: It's a paint pallet! He's an artist C:


(Also.. Wow, I just realized that I never changed the parenthensis from what it had been in Stranded! O//o Mah bad..)

Likes: Fillies, colts, it doesn't matter ;D but he's with Clouuuud! He loves music and romance.

Dislikes: He's scared of peer rejection and getting into trouble. He dislikes stereotypes and name calling. (Ho wow, I didn't even change likes and dislikes from the other one either, MY BAD, scamps!! Dx)

Character flaws: Mackell can be a little TOO shy at times.. He's also not very tough in any sense of the word.

Family: He is currently living with his coltfriend, Cloud.

Random fact: It has been scientifically proven that if you are bisexual, you are more likely to favour mint chocolate chip ice cream. ;3

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[colour=#282828]Name: DreamySunday[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: *looks between legs* uh I'm assuming female [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: I have a stabing device on my face[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: (relativly new character still in the works)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: I have white ass length hair, I'm 5"4', I usually always wear this hooded sweater thats two sizes to big its snow white and lined a pale yellow,[/colour]

I have one eye that is pale yellow and the other is neon pink

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: (relativly new character so still in the works)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: a bundle of emotions wraped in an aloof shell[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes: sleep, indoors, sleeping, quiet, being dormant, music, hibernation, hotbaths/showers, hibernating, water, beds, aminals, blankets, the night, sheets, the moon, mattresses, the dark, pillows, trivial knowledge, pillow case(cold ones) and being kinda pervy[/colour]

[colour=#282828]dislikes: light, being awake, the sun, waking up, hot pillow cases, social interaction, school, work, effort, people ingeneral, [/colour][colour=#282828]extreme temperatures. I[/colour][colour=#282828]'m going to stop here or else I'm gonna be here all day [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Character flaws: lazy, can come off as insensitive, can be a tad manipulative, somtimes lies, a tad obssesive over fluffy and soft things and things of bright colours, again I'm gonna stop here[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Family: [/colour]like anyone else I have a mother and a father

[colour=#282828]Random fact 1: I have the sleeping habits of a cat[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact 2: there is a McDonalds in sweden with a ski-thru[/colour]

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[colour=#282828]Name: Fantasia Tempo (same OC I use here, there, and everywhere. XD)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Female, last time she checked.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: She has wings, and awesome ones, at that.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: Fantasia was born in Cloudsdale, leaving most people wondering where her southern accent came from. When she was little, her parents took a rather extended vacation to Dodge Junction. Due to the fact that she was little, she was easily influenced, or so she's heard, and picked up her accent during their vacation. She hasn't gotten rid of it since, not that she wants to.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: Fantasia has sea green eyes, and her body is typical shape for girls her age. She has black and white striped hair that curls at the ends. Although, the curls aren't natural, and if she doesn't curl them, her hair hangs in front of her face. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: 7 piano keys; 5 white and 3 black, symbolizing her love and talent for piano. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: Fantasia is very outgoing and friendly, always willing to make new friends. (Some people might even consider her a bit TOO friendly) She hardly ever gets angry, but when she does, you could swear she's on some kinda murderous rampage. (Funfax: This is my REAL personality. X3)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: Fantasia likes hanging out with her friends and doing gymnastics (her wings help), dislikes loud noises and tight places (claustrophobia), and LOVES playing piano.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Character flaws: Fantasia can be considered too friendly, which sometimes turns people away from her.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Family: Fantasia lives away from her mum and dad, and lives alone. She would like to have someone living with her, though.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: She once broke her wing from getting hit by a dodgeball. [/colour]

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[colour=#282828]Name: Wade Wilson[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Male[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Earth pony [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: [/colour]

[colour=#333333]In the beginning, I was born from the ashes of Lincoln and Roosevelt then raised by Hemingway, a troop of firefighters, and werewolves. I was taught to fight evil of all forms from politics to the undead. Or Weapon X, becoming a mercenary, and some other stuff, whichever origin story you think is more fitting.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: (If any.. Also a story of how your character got it would be rocking =D) A comic book speech bubble[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: (How do you act? Are you a passive little bugger who wouldn't speak out much if they didn't like how things were going, or do you have a rebellious little soul who would spark the fires in others hearts, along with a burning need to take down the current pony in authority?[/colour]

I always forget (or just black out to spare myself the agony) what Wilson's most lethal weapon is... his mouth!He'll talk nonsense until you surrender..


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Name: Rhapsody Sparkles

Gender: That one that starts with a fe and ends with a male

Race: The horny kind

Brief History: I come from Canterlot, and have been moving through houses in Canterlot all my life. I have a sad history with good parts. I was neglected a lot. But as I said, good parts.

Looks: I am five foot four, and skinny ish. I have rainbow mid length hair with shaggy bangs. Grey blue eyes, big eyes. I'm not super tan or pale. I have freckles. My ears and horn are white. I wear a lot of rainbow and a lot of pink, but blacks and grays depending on my mood. I wear shorts, jeans, dresses, skirts, anything.

Cutie Mark: A pink heart. I got it when I found that I have few talents, but that doesn't matter because all you need is love.

Personality: I am very outgoing. I am often on a sugar high. So I'm hyper and obnoxious. Hilarious. With much dark humor and sexual humor involved. I get depressed alot in which case I seem shy.

Likes and Dislikes: I like singing. I like acting. I like drawing. I like mares and colts. I dislike anyone who brags. I dislike seeing couples being romantic. I dislike glass and safety pins. I like cupcakes. I like baking. I like fruit.

Character Flaws: I'm easily depressed. I'm not the smartest. I can't hold my liquor. I bug people alot. I have no self esteem.

Family: I'm living with my BBBFF, Cloud. And his colt friend.

Random Fact: I'm a baker. I perform in plays. I sit weird. I love singing. My horn brings all the mates to the yard.

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