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Something Sweet to Bite!


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'Nightmare Night, what a fright! give me something sweet to bite!' This cute little song echoes from house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood. Its Nightmare Night and its time for all the colts and fillies to get some candy!

Misty looked around, wondering if any of her friends were nearby, she was dressed as a Shadowbolt, but the hood was currently pulled down so anyone looking for her could easily recognize her. She flapped her little wings a few times, unknowingly lifting herself for a few seconds. This was her first nightmare night to be all alone on the streets, and she felt proud! She pulled up the mask part of her costume and smiled, walking over to a house.

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"Queen Chrysalis" walked through the streets, she was scaring some other colts and fillies, but all in good fun, everyone got a good laugh. Then she saw a ShadowBolt and ran over, "oh yay another evil pony!" she giggles as she approaches the filly, she could tell by her shape.

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"Nightmawe Night, what a fwight, give me something sweet to bite!" Rhapsody sang at the door of an elderly mare's home. The mare dropped a wrapped caramel into the cupcake shaped basket levitating above Rhapsody's horn. Rhapsody smiled, and as she was trotting away to the next house, saw a familiar filly. "Misty!" She called out, hopping next to the white-maned filly.

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Misty giggled at the filly dressed so familiary to her. "Hi there, I'm Misty! Whats your name?" She heard someone call her name and turned, "Oh, Hi Rhapsody, this is my new friend." She waited for the filly dressed as Queen Chrysalis to give her name.

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Being a school filly in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns has its perks. For example, transportation for special occasions. Dawn Sunrise currently resides within a carriage being flown to Ponyville. Yes, that's right, this lone filly not only was allowed to have her frst Nightmare Night alone, but she was able to go where ever she wanted within reason.

Dawn spoke to the pegasi guiding the carriage, asking how much time it would be before they arrive. It would be several minutes before they came upon the small town. Perfect, that would give her just enough time to equip her costume. The filly reached into her saddle bag and threw her costume in the air, sliding every so gracefully into it as it fell the hat and mask remaining air bourne.. Dawn posed where she stood, practicing for the show she had to one day put on with her brother, Dusk. She hadn't realized how silly she looked at the moment, but she was to lost in the moment to care, too busy going over her lines and filling in for her brother..

[colour=#FF0000]"From Sunrise to Nightfall, we'll have you in awe!! Prepared for some fun, from Dawn till Dusk!!"[/colour]

Her hat falling lightly on her head, Dawn faced her imaginary crowd and caught her mask, holding it up to her face.

She felt proud of herself, but to her despair, she was brought back to reality. The escorts had told her to quiet down slightly and they were now above their destination, about to land, descending slowly.

Ignoring their plead to remain in the vehicle until it has stopped moving, Dawn carelessly jumped out of a window, and there she fell, her cape billowing behind her. She landed with a slight thud but didn't mind it. For she had made an amazing entrance. The filly ran through the streets of Ponyville, looking for a few friends.

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Dawn had slowed to a slow trot, looking for a few ponies to spend Nightmare Night with. After a quick search through the small town, her eyes fell upon a small group of other fillies, two of which being antagonists, like Dawn. She quickly walked over to them, eager to make friends.

[colour=#F62817]"My fellow antagonists, it is great to see you you all. I'm Dawn Sunrise, Pony of the Opera. Any you are?"[/colour]

She patiently waited for a response from her newfound friends.

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((Or maybe you could have taken an extra minute or so to check if there was an OOC or PM someone about this before just posting. That would be the logical thing to do. Unless the RP is just plain open, don't just post in it without the OP's permission. Besides, they kind of have a point. Also, I don't think writing your posts in all caps is going to anything in your favour.))

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Dawn was getting excited, fast. Everypony was giving awesome introductions, save for Raven Break. Was this sparkle magician unable to muster up a great intro? Dawn trotted up to Raven and stood before her. No way was this filly getting off with such a feeble performance. With a joyful grin, Dawn began to speak with the best Royal Canterlot voice she could manage.

[colour=#FF0000]"Raven Break!! Sparkle Magician of Equestria!! We have but one task for thou, and that would be to introduce yourself with confidence and pride!! Do not be so shy and timid, come out of your shell and join us!! So repeat after us:.."[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Dawn stood on her back hooves and posed, leading Raven.[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"I am Raven Break. the Sparkle Magician!! And I have come to....umm, spread my sparkles across all Equeatria!!"[/colour]

With a quick light flare from her horn, Dawn lowered herself back down on all four hooves, awaiting the magician to reintroduce herself.

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EmeraldHeart began to laugh uncontrollably, "You know Canterlot Royalty has much more class then that," she smiled, "A simple bow and wing spread is more or less standard for most Royal events," she looked at Raven Break, "Like so," she took her left hoof forward and lowered her font half down and spread her wings, "I am EmeraldHeart, a great pleasure to meet you all," she said curtly and stood up straight.

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