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Allow me to introduce myself...


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About Myself: I love to write, read, listen to/make music, and I am a huge movie enthusiast.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I was a bit resistant to watching the show at first, I kept hearing about it and figured people enjoyed it in a sort of "ironic sense", but one day I decided to give it a try to see what all the noise was about and I've been hooked ever since.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Well, hello all. I've kind of recently got into MLP: FIM (probably started watching about a month ago via Netflix) and I decided to look around for a fun place to RP, ergo I ended up here.

I'm fairly new to the whole Pony RPing thing (as I'm sure you can tell), so any help would be much appreciated (Of course, I will try to figure out what I can by myself, but never hurts to help someone out, haha.)

Either way, hope to enjoy my stay.

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Let me know if you need help finding your way around. :D

Will definitely let you know, haha. It seems like a lot, but I think I am starting to get my barrings with where everything is.

Welcome! I hope you have a good time rping and on the forums, good luck to ya!

Thanks, much appreciated, looking forward to getting started haha.

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Hello there! I take it that you've RPed other things other than MLP? ;)

Yeah, haha. Various things, even tried to do a super-hero based one (which never took off, unfortunately) and now I figured I should give this a try, haha.

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Well I see three things we have in common...

You like to read! Do you have any favorite authors or books?

Music! Favorite genre, artists, groups?

And a cinema lover! (Do I really need to ask? I'm sure you see the pattern!)

I think we'll get along smashingly! Welcome to Canterlot!

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Well I see three things we have in common...

You like to read! Do you have any favorite authors or books?

Music! Favorite genre, artists, groups?

And a cinema lover! (Do I really need to ask? I'm sure you see the pattern!)

I think we'll get along smashingly! Welcome to Canterlot!

I love reading a lot of horror and sci-fi (i.e. Stephen King, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, Arthur C. Clarke).

I listen to a lot of different types of music, but my favorite is punk and its many variations, such as; Against Me!, Minor Threat, Ramshackle Glory, The Misfits (Danzig era), Black Flag, etc etc etc. Also getting a lot into rap such as Sage Francis and Scroobius Pip.

As far as cinema, I'm a big Martin Scorsese fan, love a lot of the older greats like Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick, Masaki Kobayashi, Akira Kurosawa. (I apologize if it sounds like I'm name dropping). My favorite film has to be Metropolis (1927) (dir. Fritz Lang).

Glad to see we have some stuff in common, can't wait to converse more haha.

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I love reading a lot of horror and sci-fi (i.e. Stephen King, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, Arthur C. Clarke).

I listen to a lot of different types of music, but my favorite is punk and its many variations, such as; Against Me!, Minor Threat, Ramshackle Glory, The Misfits (Danzig era), Black Flag, etc etc etc. Also getting a lot into rap such as Sage Francis and Scroobius Pip.

As far as cinema, I'm a big Martin Scorsese fan, love a lot of the older greats like Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick, Masaki Kobayashi, Akira Kurosawa. (I apologize if it sounds like I'm name dropping). My favorite film has to be Metropolis (1927) (dir. Fritz Lang).

Glad to see we have some stuff in common, can't wait to converse more haha.

Aside from a bit of disparity in music... I think we'll get along smashingly! I'm actually impressed someone else likes Metropolis! :D

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Aside from a bit of disparity in music... I think we'll get along smashingly! I'm actually impressed someone else likes Metropolis! :D

Like I said, I listen to lots of different kinds of music, so there is still hope, haha. Yeah, my music production teacher was giving away a bunch of VHS tapes (and I was like one of five people in the class who probably still had a VCR) and one of them was Metropolis (of course it was the version that cut the movie to ribbons, haha), and I just fell in love with the imagery and how grand it was. When I heard they had found the rest of the footage (or what footage they could save of it) I knew I had to get it on DVD, haha. It was really the first movie I fell in love with (sorry if that seems a tad heavy handed, haha). Glad to see there is another fan, always makes me smile to get to talk about it with someone. :D

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Hey, looks like I'm a bit late to this party.

No matter, welcome to Canterlot! My name's Midnight, but you may call me Eric.

Personally I have no favorite movie. In my opinion there are too many good ones to have a favorite. I do really like Sci-fi stuff, also fantasy stuff. And I love roleplaying as well. Hope to see you in the ManeRP Boards

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