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Oh great and powerful LinkHopper, I beseech thee! A question has been floating within my noggin for quite some time now, one that only you can answer!

Is any part of your body comprised of cyanide or cyanide accessories? vinylstareplz.png?1

Well I have a robotic hand, it can shoot lazers and explode things, but most importantly it produces and sends out cyanide! And Im pretty sure one of my teeth is made of cyanide.

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you can make it in a toaster or a microwave, which make it sort of different. from MY experience (with is mostly with frozen bread) you can stick it in the microwave and it will be more soft-ish, and more not-toasted, but still toast, or in a toaster at different levels which i assume you can figure out. put it in one one and it will do nothing, put it in on the highest one and it will come out a burning black crumbly thing. you can have it with butter and cinnamon which i think is better in the microwave, or more normally out of the toaster. then you can add peanut butter, jelly, both, butter, nothing, or anything that you stick a butter knife into. other than a broken DVD player. don't put a broken DVD player on your toast. so yeah, different ways of toasting, different extents of toasting, and different toppings. again, the outcomes are from my experience. and a toaster oven did the same thing as a microwave. so if your mum randomly got rid of your microwave to get a toaster oven, that will work too. but if that's the case, you were better off selling that busted DVD player and having both.

does that answer the question?

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Question: If a monster truck is going southbound on a highway at 90 MPH, and Megatron sees this, how will Frodo get the ring to Light Yagami in time to see how the Grinch stole Christmas in July?

1. The Megatron and monster truck things are unrelated to the rest of the sentence

2. How would Megatron seeing this cause any problems?

3. Frodo would want to get the ring AWAY from light, considering its evil and it has the power to corrupt, and that kid has a notebook that can kill anyone.

4. The book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" was not released in the time of Frodo

So all in all he would have to surf on a hamburger all the way to the circus.

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