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Canterlot Prep! (Closed Apart from Mane 6 and teachers)

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just chill out and dont be paranoid. cloudy will grant an approval. she/he (sorry not sure which gender that cloudy is... im a bad person) only declinedone person that i know of and the person applied to be a student who was on the verge of a mental breakdown and was going to kill every one.

Actually the character in question was a mercenary who was pretty awesome in Canterlot Prep's spiritual predecessor; Equestria High (which died from one liner posts and some over the top stunts) but he was known for doing some extreme stunts (like bringing a god**** live grenade in class that was hilarious in a twisted way), but for some reason he got declined (don't know why) and some aspects and characters are missing in this one that would've added to it, not that I'm really complaining but it would be nice to have the Mane 6 and Emerath/Snowy/Bronynumber/StringHeart and the other good rpers from EH in this one. (For old times sake.)

In the old Equestria High rp we had a Mercenary (Deadpool), a genetically modified prototype-style monster (Blayze), A Special forces operative that was also a musician (Nova A.K.A me) and a Changeling in the same school and yet everyone managed to survive...Mosly. It was so awesome and was a hell of a time. (yet this one feels more realistic down to earth and grounded. (not that I'm complaining just saying the old one was insane and wacky and random. (In a good way of course!)

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Actually the character in question was a mercenary who was pretty awesome in Canterlot Prep's spiritual predecessor; Equestria High (which died from one liner posts and some over the top stunts) but he was known for doing some extreme stunts (like bringing a god**** live grenade in class that was hilarious in a twisted way), but for some reason he got declined (don't know why) and some aspects and characters are missing in this one that would've added to it, not that I'm really complaining but it would be nice to have the Mane 6 and Emerath/Snowy/Bronynumber/StringHeart and the other good rpers from EH in this one. (For old times sake.)

i agree. but mabey cloudy wanted a rp without death and make it feel more realistic

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First off, Deadpool's character had the ability to regenerate, and according to many a mod, any power used for healing, isnt cannon. Secondly, he made things up about the school as he was going on (EX. the principle's hidden wine cellar). He is inappropriate and not a good character to have in any Non-Action setting.

And Nova, I recall you claiming to already be in the military.. whilst in High School... Not exactly possible, even in Equestria.

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Honestly, for people who do things like making up random stuff for RP's, kinda make me mad...I mean, I'm fine with people adding plot twists or something minor and comical. But NOT changing something which throws off the RP till its not even related anymore. (unless of course it's something the entire group in the RP agreed and thought it was cool)

And now I'm ranting...Sorry, in done talking :blush:

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I heard of Equestria High...Never worked up the nerve to join (plus it seemed like it was dying)

It would've been prevented if 2 particular rpers stopped posting one liners it would've lived but eh it's in the past now and nothing can be done.

although still waiting on a friend of mine (played RD in EH) to post an app for this rp (like he said he would dammit lol).

ok that makes sense. you don't want it turning this into massacre high or take over the rp. right

That didn't happen in the previous rp despite it's large cast it had it's dangerous moments sure, but no-one actually died in the rp we had rules against that in the rp. :roll:

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You could be a person who's going into the military? I know a few of those at my school :3

Oh, Equestria High.. Although it really was WAY too fast paced for me, I gained a lot from it. An amazing new friend, Cloudy, and a new character, who I'm totally in love with :D (Not really like, love love.. But he's fun and I love him ooohh goodness you get my point! x3)

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And Nova, I recall you claiming to already be in the military.. whilst in High School... Not exactly possible, even in Equestria.

actually there is a program that allowes high school students to be "IN" the military just not on actuive duty. its the future solider training and one of my friends is going through said program now.

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