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Introduction titles are always so awkward


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About Myself: I'm an artist and roleplayer. More of a hopefully sort of thing for "roleplay," depends on how things go around here.

How I found Canterlot.com: I wanted some decent roleplaying, and was told to give this place a shot by Kryptchild.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Flutterguy. Definitely Flutterguy.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
Hey there sweet dudes. So yeah, pretty obvious what I'm joining this site for, go me. I feel awkward as heck writing an introduction post but yeaaah. I'm a bit worried about doing board based roleplay, since I've been doing the messenger for so long, but hopefully I can deal. So yeah. I hope all of you are having a rad day/evening/existence.

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Welcome to Canterlot friend of Krypt!

Twilight is indeed best pony.

And doing board RP isn't that difficult. It is sort of writing a short story with other people. If you are nervous I'm sure that you can find someone to help from some of the great RPers around here :D .

If you have any questions be sure to let us know ;)

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Well, two things. I'm going to go ahead and guess it's a fill out this profile, gets approved, go on ye merry way and roleplay deal, as far as applications go, am I correct?

Secondly, I see this little button that says Chat at the top, and when I click, I'm told I'm not approved. Is it broken, or am I doing something wrong?

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Well, two things. I'm going to go ahead and guess it's a fill out this profile, gets approved, go on ye merry way and roleplay deal, as far as applications go, am I correct?

Secondly, I see this little button that says Chat at the top, and when I click, I'm told I'm not approved. Is it broken, or am I doing something wrong?

First isn't entirely correct. RPing has nothing to do with your profile. You can have a blank profile and be able to have an approved app and RP in Mane RP. If you want to do Mane RP you make a topic (aka an App) here, following this guide (please read it and follow it to the best of your abilities. You don't have to answer all the questions, just make sure your character is well developed with all the sections filled in). If you don't want to go through all that and just want to start RPing now, you can just hop right on into FFA and Crossovers. FFA doesn't require any app and Crossovers it is merely recommended (but not necessarily needed).

Second... That is rather odd... It might be a glitch because you should be able to enter as soon as your account is approved and your able to make posts. Clicking it should bring a drop down menu and two options, normal and new window. Both first lead to an agreement page which have the chat rules. I am pretty sure it is a glitch though, however I don't know what you are doing, so I won't discount that.

If you need any further help, I'll be glad to assist whenever I can. :D

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Awkward, huh? Well we'll help you out with that! Welcome to Equestria, the greatest city in Canterlot! ...Wait, that's supposed to be the other way around. :blush:

Of course Twilight Sparkle is best pony, hands down, you have good taste, sir! Board RP isn't all that hard, for a while I didn't do it, but once I started it was easy enough, just like writing a story with friends, and each of you contributes to a wonder masterpiece! As for the chat thing, possibly a glitch or problem with your browser. Try making sure your browser is updated, if it still doesn't' work, try another browser.

Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy your stay!

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