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I have seen lovecraftian horrors, hounds that come through the very angles of time itself.

I have visted the city in which the dead god lies dreaming, wandering the ecludian passages and hall ways.

I have looked upon the very face of evil, stared into the eyes of the abyss.

All this and I still came back with some semblence of sanity intact, stumbling my way back to civilisation.

But this...thing...this thing just cause me to lose the last of my sainty*

*has failed his san check roll

Heh strangely enough it actually reminds me of one of my 'joke' City of Heroes roleplay characters that I'd break out every so often.

It was called CatManFu and pretty much was the most random collection of body parts and clothing in garish colours (bright pinks, Neon Greens, burning yellows). It never looked the same way twice though, every time it appeared it would be in a random assortment of garish colours and clothing. Claiming to be the height of fashion, trying to give tips to other people.

The other RPers joked that it was an eldritch abomination playing at being human(ish) and not understand the concept of it at all. The outfits were so hideous that the human brain would actually simple disavow the eyes from seeing it, only allowing the merest of glimpses out the corner of a persons eye, as if the being was there and yet not. Robot's optics would shut down as a precaution and anyone that could read auras would simply see CatManFu as just this swirling mass of colour with some vague, almost horrific shape behind it.

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