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The Grey Wardens[Dragon Age Crossover][APPLY HERE][OPEN]

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Im fine with it.

Question, would Grim be affected since blood and life force are his power ie a reaver/plus theblood powers for wardens from the dlc.

I think blood mages can kill eachother, it wouldn't make any sort of immunity. However, a natural resistance to spells like blood control and hemorrhaging is logical.

Grey wardens as well, with their "corrupted blood"

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It doesn't matter. I like you guys, but there is to be no PvP except for friendly duels for practice. No blood magic vs other players, or I will blacklist you from the rp. PvP is not the purpose of this rp, and it will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?

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It doesn't matter. I like you guys, but there is to be no PvP except for friendly duels for practice. No blood magic vs other players, or I will blacklist you from the rp. PvP is not the purpose of this rp, and it will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?

If both players are alright with it in advance and it's for the good of the story/character development, what's the issue?

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Because it can ruin it for other players. Like I said, friendly duels, no more.

As I said, how is it ruining it for other players if it's something that is planned, discussed and then implemented? If two players want to fight - for whatever reason, tempers can wear thin after all - and both are happy to do it why not allow the possibility? I think it's a bit overzealous to forbid such an interaction. Not like they'll be permanent injuries, or an impact on the characters of other players.

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As I said, how is it ruining it for other players if it's something that is planned, discussed and then implemented? If two players want to fight - for whatever reason, tempers can wear thin after all - and both are happy to do it why not allow the possibility? I think it's a bit overzealous to forbid such an interaction. Not like they'll be permanent injuries, or an impact on the characters of other players.

It ruins it for others because the idea of blood magic is by default 'blood play' and by extension sadistic. Both of which I don't like period. Dueling is fine with me because its organized and doesn't emphasize on the idea of actually causing bodily harm to others. (Example: Pinprick and Shadow's duel) yes, one of them did get hurt but it wasn't intentional. Blood manipulation by definition is to cause bodily harm from within the body, or in short, I'm not ok with it. :I

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It ruins it for others because the idea of blood magic is by default 'blood play' and by extension sadistic. Both of which I don't like period. Dueling is fine with me because its organized and doesn't emphasize on the idea of actually causing bodily harm to others. (Example: Pinprick and Shadow's duel) yes, one of them did get hurt but it wasn't intentional. Blood manipulation by definition is to cause bodily harm from within the body, or in short, I'm not ok with it. :I


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I still didn't saw something official if Nexar is immune to Bloodmagic or not...

you should look at the blood magic spells and see which one would make sense to resist.

Blood Magic spells-

[colour=#ff0000]Blood Magic/Blood lust [/colour]- Caster sacrifices health rather than mana to power spells.

[colour=#ff0000]Grave Robber/One foot In[/colour] - The blood mage consumes the residual life force from nearby corpses. A small amount of health is drained from living targets. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000cd]Nexar would be immune to this sort of attack. [/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Sacrifice[/colour] - Blood mage sucks the life out of an ally to regain health.

[colour=#ff0000]Hemorrhage[/colour] - The spell corrupts the blood of every for in the area, inflicting high damage regardless of armor or spell resistance. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000ff]Nexar would be immune to this kind of attack[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]Blood Slave - [/colour]The target is enslaved, forced to bend to the caster's will. Creatures without blood are immune - [colour=#0000ff]Nexar would be immune. [/colour]

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Oh and I forgot to add mind control since that last one technically is the same thing.

Lol, I'm not allowed to use Blood magic on other players - except perhaps Sacrifice, and then only with permission. Be a bit unfair if I was allowed to run round turning everyone into red mush.

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Wardens do what is necessary to get the job done.

That may be true but people have morals and standards, and I'm not referring within rp, I'm referring to what I personally like and dislike. For all I care, they could sacrifice people to get things done, that doesn't mean I'll follow them and keep doing that.

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That may be true but people have morals and standards, and I'm not referring within rp, I'm referring to what I personally like and dislike. For all I care, they could sacrifice people to get things done, that doesn't mean I'll follow them and keep doing that.

All very well, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions that you wouldn't normally dream of. That's the curse of responsibility.

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I doubt any of them have the need for a sadistic solution. And again, I'll refer you to my earlier post on which I don't remember what page it was but I had said that rping is suppose to be fun for everyone, if one player isn't having fun then what's the point.

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I doubt any of them have the need for a sadistic solution. And again, I'll refer you to my earlier post on which I don't remember what page it was but I had said that rping is suppose to be fun for everyone, if one player isn't having fun then what's the point.

Who's not having fun? It's the Dragon Age universe, and everything that comes with it - be it better or for worse - is part of that world. Blood magic, by its very nature, is perverted and evil - but its still part of that world. Is this going to be an issue?

I'm a little confused, considering you were joking about the whole thing earlier.

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Who's not having fun? It's the Dragon Age universe, and everything that comes with it - be it better or for worse - is part of that world. Blood magic, by its very nature, is perverted and evil - but its still part of that world. Is this going to be an issue?

I'm a little confused, considering you were joking about the whole thing earlier.

Ok, I'll yield that blood magic is part of that universe but that doesn't mean I enjoy that one aspect of it. Demons, yes I'm fine with them, abomination, meh sure why not, necro, in this rp, I'm fine with it since that's just limited to fighting against them. Its just that one aspect of the universe that I'm in no way comfortable with so yes, between me and ANY thing that has to do with blood I have a problem with.

when I did that conversation, little convo with you about it, I was in no way serious about it. I kinda just got hooked on it cause I thought it was funny but having it within the rp wouldn't be something I'm comfortable with.

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