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well :razz: shoot. more stuff to say and im not sure what. here we are, i'm sorta new to role-playing in general, I've done it before but im not quite 'experienced and I tend to fall into unusual grammar and spelling errors. My favorite games would be gears of war 2, I like 3 but I joined at 2 so it has a special place in my heart. A friend and I are working on a game, he's the programmer and im the artist, we haven't got far and im still not sure I can do 3d art like he has planned but I'm at least half-way decent with pixel art. its exciting though and I am eager to learn more about art if I can, and perhaps programming if I can get past the wall of information. he isn't a brony like me, I ruined it for him by bombarding him with links, which was probably a cruel thing for me to do :\ but he nonetheless agreed on putting a small reference to ponies somewhere in the game, so its pretty cool. um, I like bananas, if that at all helps get to know me. they are my favorite fruit but I do have an odd fascination with apples. give me one and i'll eat it to the core. And I cant think of anything else.

Edited by SkeletalRemnant
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Hello! And welcome to fabulous world called Canterlot.com!

To the right we have the World of Equestria section where you need an approved pony application to roleplay in... There's Crossovers and the Free For All section that don't require those stressful applications....

There's a gaming section under Chit Chat and our FABULOUS Creativity section for the arts in our General Discussion. You may start chatting with your fellow bronies/pegasisters if your heart desires so.

And we have a chocolate fountain over there. [Haha... not really. We should get a random chocolate fountain widget just for the lolz.]

Hope you enjoy your stay! :D

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heh, I've found myself doing the same. I've learned a secret though, work on one thing a day, at the very least. its helped a lot when I get bored with a project. still, I've kinda reached a stagnation point as of recent. perhaps I'll work on more of it tomorrow or later tonight. well, tomorrow either way looking at the time.

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