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Dragon Age: Equestrian Chronicles OOC [Private]


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Equestria is under threat. The Grey Wardens suspect a Fifth Blight is forming deep in the Everfree forest and the Equestrian armed forces under Teryrn Dane Tir have arrived at the ancient ruins of Ostagar, deep within the forest, to hold them back. However the lack of an Archdemon has cast doubt on whether this supposed blight is just a Grey Warden ploy. The Grey Wardens themselves are also on the field, led by Warden Commander Stalwart and the King of Equestria, Shining Armor. The stallion hopes for a glorious victory and swift resolution against the Darkspawn host.

Meanwhile neighbouring towns are feeling the pressure of the advance of the Darkspawn horde. People flee in record numbers, leading to an influx of bandits on the roads, hoping to score easy loot from the refugees. One such town under pressure is the village of Ponyville. Many inhabitants from local farms and houses away from the town centre find themselves hiding in the Chantry as Darkspawn raids and Bandits loot and burn their way through the countryside. The only thing standing against total anarchy is a small group of Templars trying to hold the village together along with Mayor Mare. Many wait for news of the battle, hoping that the Darkspawn will be driven back before they are forced to abandon their homes and flee north through the screen of bandits.

Hello all and welcome to Spaced and I's Dragon Age Crossover. We will be trying our best to recreate Ferelden in Equestria, so to that end we have had to mix lores. For the sake of the rp, Qunari are Griffons, Dwarves are Diamond Dogs, and Zebras are Elves. Spaced is working on converting the Ferelden locations into Pony equivalents, and many, many names will have to be changed to be more Pony friendly.

Here is a basic map showing the renaming of several important areas to keep in with the MLP world.post-3935-0-01176200-1358684924_thumb.jp

Now this rp will primarily revolve around two groups that would regroup after every mission. One group led by me will be following a rough version of the story of Dragon Age Origins, trying to raise an army against the blight. This group will be wandering all across Equestria, but after every mission they will return to the other group.

The other group will be led by Spaced and based almost solely in Canterlot (Denerim). This group will be dealing with an almost entirely OC story, trying to undermine Dane's rule as Regent. When the Wandering group returns, the two groups will team up for a shared assignment or two before the Wanderers depart again with a slightly different team.

There are two starting locations to choose from. Ostagar for the military ponies, and Ponyville for pretty much anypony else.

Now for apps we would like the following template(Or a picture would answer a lot of these questions):


Age group:



Mane colour and style:

Coat colour:

Eye colour:

Any permanent accessories:

Cutie mark:




Fighting Style:


Now Spaced and I are quite strict when it comes to apps, if we see anything that we don't think fits with canon or could do with a bit more description, then we will ask for it. We also reserve the right to reject you based on your app. Don't worry though, chances are we'll accept it if you think it's good.

Accepted apps:

Grim Stride - Unicorn Reaver Warrior - Ostegar - TotalEclipse

Snow Frost - Pegasus Rogue Ranger - Ponyville - Drakky

Cryie (Lightning Strike) - Unicorn Mage Spirit Healer - Ponyville - Shadowbolt0

Hoax - Unicorn Mage Unspecialised - Ostegar - Spaced

Pinprick - Pegasus Rogue Duelist - Ostegar - Cainiam

Nexar - Changeling Rogue Unspecialised - Ponyville - Nexar

Barricade - Earth Pony Warrior Guardian - Ostegar - Walker

If you have any friends who you know are good role players and might be interested in this, then tell either Spaced or I and we'll give them a look over. If we like what we see then we'll give you permission to invite them, and they can join us at any point mid-quest. Experience with the Dragon Age Universe, specifically Origins, is highly recommended.

Posting Rules:

After past experience has shown us that someone going AWOL for three days or more can kill an rp, the two of us will be instituting a rule. If we do not hear from you for three days with no prior word, then you will be given a warning. A simple message over Skype, or post in the OOC, or even a PM will suffice. If you go off the grid again again, then you will be asked to leave the rp unless you have a genuine reason as to why you couldn't contact us for three days. This may seem very strict, but unscheduled absences can kill rps very easily.

A certain amount of detail is expected. We know most of you are more than capable of this, and it should go without saying, but just writing speech is unacceptable. Add internal thought processes and physical actions to give people things to respond to, and help develop your character. For character speech we recommend a touch of colour, it is extremely helpful when quoting or in long conversations. To that end try to avoid using the same colour as someone else. All posts should also have a header stating your character name and their location.

A posting order is in place. Please wait for every member of your group to post once before continuing. If you wish to choreograph a large scale conversation with lots of responses, or a fight scene with lots of action, Google Docs is perfect for that. As long as all participants are online, then you can easily save yourself days. If you'd like a quick tutorial on how this would work, Spaced and I would be happy to help. Adding to that both Spaced and I have Skype, and are fairly active, so if you have any questions don't hesitate to Skype or PM us on Canterlot. Our Skypes are on our Canterlot Profiles.

Useful Links:

http://dragonage.wik...on_Age:_Origins - The Dragon's Age Wiki. Chances are if we mention something you don't know, it'll be in here.

https://docs.google....NskbaoODkE/edit - Custom codex for this rp by Spaced. Especially relevant to the rp and a recommended read. [Last Update: 20-1-13]

http://www.canterlot...nvitation-only/ - The actual rp!

https://docs.google....sL3ClYIaUA/edit - The Gdoc where discussions and fights can take place to speed up time.

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Name: Cryie (Originally Lighting Strike)

Age group: Late teens, Easly twneites

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Mane colour and style: Silver, usually messy for the mane, also shor. Her tail is normally very tidy, and average lengh. (Hates to get blood in it)

Coat colour: White (Hates to get blood on it)

Eye colour: Emerald

Any permanent accessories: She wears a black cloak and robes, and her Staff is black (custom) with a lighting bolt at the tip. Under her cloak and robes, she wears a light leather armor, in case somepony gets to clsoe and she can't defend herself. (Are those perminate acc? no fully sure)

Cutie mark: A black staff with a blue light going around it

Talent: Her ability to heal woundsw, from minor to major.

Class: Mage

Specialisation: Healer

Fighting Style: Stays back and lets Team handle the bulk of the fighting. She'll cast protection spells and healing spells when they are required, but does attack until she see's the need to use them. The targets she'll go for are usually archers and warriors, leaving the mages for somepony else to handle, somepony who is trained in killing them.


If you were to somehow find her real name, and look her up, you’d find out the Lightning Strike died along with her parents and older brother in a house fire when she was a young filly (6 years old) She had no shown any magical potential before the fire, so the circle had no reason to take her. Her body was the only one missing, but it was decleared it had been burnt into a crisp, so she was declared dead.

Lightning Strike had been saved by a mystery pony, who had been literally, walking by when the house lit up. He saw Lightning outside the house, having made it out (somehow) and took her. His name was Crimson (Just like last time, no?)

Crimson ran a, at the time, small mercanary band called Crimson Hoof, a group for muscule, and he raised Lightning like she was his own daughter, he liked it so much that he told her that she was his biological daughter. He didn’t know her real name, so he gave her the new one of Cryie.

Cryie’s magical powers seemed to start at the age of 7, with demons and lyrim powers. (I don’t understand the fade that well, so this is kinda guess work)

She survived, and excelled in her powers to heal injured mercenaries, as well as others. Her cutie mark shows this; being a staff with a green light circling around it (Her magic aura is green) She keeps her staff hidden under her robes when she is in broad daylight and view, but such instances are usual for her. Ever since she came in, Crimson Hoof expanded, now being a large, kind-a well know gang.

She is Crimson’s second in command, and leads many raids herself, usual against bandits, raiders or civilians that get in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She has no knowledge about explosives, very little about traps and nothing about posions, and her offensive spells are nothing to brag about, apart from a weak lightning attack. Her knowledge about healing spells, buff spells and defensive spell however, well, she’s very dam good at them. Raising a barrier around a team-mate, healing them and giving their weapons in-battle upgrades are what she does best. She always works with a team, being unable to fight alone because of her powers being based to help, not kill specifically.

While Cryie does dislike the Circle at holding mages prisoneer, she has no burning hatred, having never gone there. Templars are something of an annoyance to her, but she can put her feelings aside and walk past.

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Name: Cryie (Originally Lighting Strike)

Age group: Late teens, Easly twneites

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Mane colour and style: Silver, usually messy for the mane, also shor. Her tail is normally very tidy, and average lengh. (Hates to get blood in it)

Coat colour: White (Hates to get blood on it)

Eye colour: Emerald

Any permanent accessories: She wears a black cloak and robes, and her Staff is black (custom) with a lighting bolt at the tip. Under her cloak and robes, she wears a light leather armor, in case somepony gets to clsoe and she can't defend herself. (Are those perminate acc? no fully sure)

Cutie mark: A black staff with a blue light going around it

Talent: Her ability to heal woundsw, from minor to major.

Class: Mage

Specialisation: Healer

Fighting Style: Stays back and lets Team handle the bulk of the fighting. She'll cast protection spells and healing spells when they are required, but does attack until she see's the need to use them. The targets she'll go for are usually archers and warriors, leaving the mages for somepony else to handle, somepony who is trained in killing them.


If you were to somehow find her real name, and look her up, you’d find out the Lightning Strike died along with her parents and older brother in a house fire when she was a young filly (6 years old) She had no shown any magical potential before the fire, so the circle had no reason to take her. Her body was the only one missing, but it was decleared it had been burnt into a crisp, so she was declared dead.

Lightning Strike had been saved by a mystery pony, who had been literally, walking by when the house lit up. He saw Lightning outside the house, having made it out (somehow) and took her. His name was Crimson (Just like last time, no?)

Crimson ran a, at the time, small mercanary band called Crimson Hoof, a group for muscule, and he raised Lightning like she was his own daughter, he liked it so much that he told her that she was his biological daughter. He didn’t know her real name, so he gave her the new one of Cryie.

Cryie’s magical powers seemed to start at the age of 7, with demons and lyrim powers. (I don’t understand the fade that well, so this is kinda guess work)

She survived, and excelled in her powers to heal injured mercenaries, as well as others. Her cutie mark shows this; being a staff with a green light circling around it (Her magic aura is green) She keeps her staff hidden under her robes when she is in broad daylight and view, but such instances are usual for her. Ever since she came in, Crimson Hoof expanded, now being a large, kind-a well know gang.

She is Crimson’s second in command, and leads many raids herself, usual against bandits, raiders or civilians that get in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She has no knowledge about explosives, very little about traps and nothing about posions, and her offensive spells are nothing to brag about, apart from a weak lightning attack. Her knowledge about healing spells, buff spells and defensive spell however, well, she’s very dam good at them. Raising a barrier around a team-mate, healing them and giving their weapons in-battle upgrades are what she does best. She always works with a team, being unable to fight alone because of her powers being based to help, not kill specifically.

While Cryie does dislike the Circle at holding mages prisoneer, she has no burning hatred, having never gone there. Templars are something of an annoyance to her, but she can put her feelings aside and walk past.

Okay Shadow, some good and some bad.

1. Firstly, Cain and myself feel that it's vital you understand the Fade if you're going to be a mage character. Check out this article, it'll fill you in. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Fade

2. We'd like you to drop the Crimson Hoof, and replace that with an in-game group. The Carta will fit best, they're a great match for the character. So if you need more detail, check here http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Carta

3. i'm afraid it's a no to the staff with the lightening blot. DA staves are usually plain wood or metal. Only the most powerful staves are "unique" in appearance.

4. Keep it consistent - you say that her cutie mark is blue lightening, then change it to green. You also say she showed magical talent at seven, but also at eight.

5. Try to keep an eye on spelling! We're not harsh on that sort of thing, but basics like proofreading do help.

Apart from that, totally fine! Please reedit and you're ready to go!

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Ok, I'm actually headed out back home today, so I might not get the chance of editing it until late today (is around 12 hours most likely) ill look up the fade and merc gangs when I get back too


That's fine dude, don't worry! you won't be left behind! haha

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[colour=#282828]Name: Grim Stride[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Age group: Late teens [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Male[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Unicorn Pony[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Mane colour and style: Long aurburn coloured mane that he keeps tied up in a neat ponytail.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Coat colour: White[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Eye colour: Amber[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Any permanent accessories: A golden pendant with an amethyst on it.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie mark: A claymore surrounded by a red magical aura[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Talent: Telekinetic Swordplay [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Class: Warrior[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Specialization: Reaver[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Fighting Style: [/colour][colour=#282828]The young unicorn is a vicious monster in combat and loves the pain and fear he causes his foes on the battlefield. He uses surprising speed and powerful strikes to keep foes off balance. He abuses the fact that being around him is pain and strikes down any enemy who buckles from pain. He's always on the front-line. [/colour]


[colour=#282828]Both of Grim Stride's parent's were earth ponies. In a cruel twist of genetic's the prestigious Grim bloodline gave birth to a unicorn foal. Knowing the the templars and the circle would come for the child Grim Stride's father Gen. Grimlocke took him and went on the run. As the years went by and Grim Stride got older he started to experiment with his magic, but his father forced him to stop. Sensing his son would simply defy him and continue, he decided to tell him why free mages were dangerous, he offered a way for his son to practice his magic but warned that it would not be fun.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]One morning, Grimlocke dressed his son in a small suit of chain armor and dropped a sword that crafted in front of the young unicorn. The weapon was large and heavy and impractical for an earth pony or pegasi, but Grim Stride was a unicorn, he was not limited to what his hooves could do. His first task...Lift the blade.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]It took him a week, but he finally lifted it with his magic. Once he could lift his weapon, his father could train him in the bladed combat properly. The training helped sharpen his mind to strengthen, when he wasnt running drills for his father he was practicing his magic. His advancement in martial skills was rapid, but his magic seemed to go nowhere, he was just about give up on his Maker given right as a unicorn, but his pride would not allow him to soil his family name anymore. That's when the voices started.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Being rather lackluster at magic, the voices in Grim Stride's mind were easily ignored. Now a young stallion, Grim Stride had finished his formal training with his father and was allowed to accompany him into towns. Since rumors of the new blight had started spreading around countryside, the less time they spent apart the better. During a routine grocery trip to a small town that they were familiar with the town was overrun by a horde of darkspawn. The beasts slaughtered everyone in the town, the father son duo fought back to back as they attempted to escape the madness. Despite their skills Grimlocke fell in battle at his son's side. Grim Stride knew that this was the end for him, his birth had shamed his family, but perhaps he could die with honor. The voice screaming in the back of his mind louder than ever now, but this time it didn't go ignored. Accepting the presence into himself Grim Stride felt something change, his fear was replaced fervor and his fatigue was replaced by vigor. Each felled Darkspawn seemed to give him strength. But it wasn't enough, there were just too many and his strength was fading faster than it could be restored. Backed up into a wall he planted his blade into the ground, he prepared for death.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]It never came, instead he looked up to see the hoard had ignored him in favour of a new threat, Grey Wardens, only the wardens would willingly enter this insanity. After the attack was repelled, the Wardens approached the lone survivor and extended a hoof of brotherhood to the young unicorn. He accepted their offer managed to survive the initiation ritual. Grim Stride is now proud of the fact that he is the first Grey Warden in the Grim bloodline.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Since his initiation Grim has continued to master his new abilities. While similar to blood magic they require no magic energy to be used. He relishes the fear he imparts on his foes and feeds on death. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Starting Location: Ostegar[/colour]

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Okay Shadow, some good and some bad.

1. Firstly, Cain and myself feel that it's vital you understand the Fade if you're going to be a mage character. Check out this article, it'll fill you in. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Fade

2. We'd like you to drop the Crimson Hoof, and replace that with an in-game group. The Carta will fit best, they're a great match for the character. So if you need more detail, check here http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Carta

3. i'm afraid it's a no to the staff with the lightening blot. DA staves are usually plain wood or metal. Only the most powerful staves are "unique" in appearance.

4. Keep it consistent - you say that her cutie mark is blue lightening, then change it to green. You also say she showed magical talent at seven, but also at eight.

5. Try to keep an eye on spelling! We're not harsh on that sort of thing, but basics like proofreading do help.

Apart from that, totally fine! Please reedit and you're ready to go!

Fade makes more sense now, I'll change my app on the plane home. Also, with the carta, I don't actually see it working easily. Dia dogs are immune, to a degree, to magic, but she's a healer, (I just spent the last 10 minutes typing and back spacing this sentence because My brain is being annoying and my IPhone is getting on my nerves.

As I said, I'll change that app on the plane home and post it when I get back (assuming I can stay awake)

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[colour=#282828]Name: Grim Stride[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Age group: Late teens [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Male[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Unicorn Pony[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Mane colour and style: Long aurburn coloured mane that he keeps tied up in a neat ponytail.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Coat colour: White[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Eye colour: Amber[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Any permanent accessories: none[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie mark: A claymore surrounded by a red magical aura[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Talent: Telekinetic Swordplay [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Class: Warrior[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Specialization: Reaver[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Fighting Style: [/colour][colour=#282828]The young unicorn is a vicious monster in combat and loves the pain and fear he causes his foes on the battlefield. He uses surprising speed and powerful strikes to keep foes off balance. He abuses the fact that being around him is pain and strikes down any enemy who buckles from pain. He's always on the front-line. [/colour]


[colour=#282828]Both of Grim Stride's parent's were earth ponies. In a cruel twist of genetic's the prestigious Grim bloodline gave birth to a unicorn foal. Knowing the the templars and the circle would come for the child Grim Stride's father Gen. Grimlocke took him and went on the run. As the years went by and Grim Stride got older he started to experiment with his magic, but his father forced him to stop. Sensing his son would simply defy him and continue, he decided to tell him why free mages were dangerous, he offered a way for his son to practice his magic but warned that it would not be fun.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]One morning, Grimlocke dressed his son in a small suit of chain armor and dropped a sword that crafted in front of the young unicorn. The weapon was large and heavy and impractical for an earth pony or pegasi, but Grim Stride was a unicorn, he was not limited to what his hooves could do. His first task...Lift the blade.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]It took him a week, but he finally lifted it with his magic. Once he could lift his weapon, his father could train him in the bladed combat properly. The training helped sharpen his mind to strengthen, when he wasnt running drills for his father he was practicing his magic. His advancement in martial skills was rapid, but his magic seemed to go nowhere, he was just about give up on his Maker given right as a unicorn, but his pride would not allow him to soil his family name anymore. That's when the voices started.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Being rather lackluster at magic, the voices in Grim Stride's mind were easily ignored. Now a young stallion, Grim Stride had finished his formal training with his father and was allowed to accompany him into towns. Since rumors of the new blight had started spreading around countryside, the less time they spent apart the better. During a routine grocery trip to a small town that they were familiar with the town was overrun by a horde of darkspawn. The beasts slaughtered everyone in the town, the father son duo fought back to back as they attempted to escape the madness. Despite their skills Grimlocke fell in battle at his son's side. Grim Stride knew that this was the end for him, his birth had shamed his family, but perhaps he could die with honor. The voice screaming in the back of his mind louder than ever now, but this time it didn't go ignored. Accepting the presence into himself Grim Stride felt something change, his fear was replaced fervor and his fatigue was replaced by vigor. Each felled Darkspawn seemed to give him strength. But it wasn't enough, there were just too many and his strength was fading faster than it could be restored. Backed up into a wall he planted his blade into the ground, he prepared for death.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]It never came, instead he looked up to see the hoard had ignored him in favour of a new threat, Grey Wardens, only the wardens would willingly enter this insanity. After the attack was repelled, the Wardens approached the lone survivor and extended a hoof of brotherhood to the young unicorn. He accepted their offer managed to survive the initiation ritual. Grim Stride is now proud of the fact that he is the first Grey Warden in the Grim bloodline.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Since his initiation Grim has continued to master his new abilities. While similar to blood magic they require no magic energy to be used. He relishes the fear he imparts on his foes and feeds on death. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Starting Location: Ostegar[/colour]

It's a pass! All fine and dandy here. The only thing we'd like to point out, is that RP isn't like the game combat wise, and plowing through seven soldiers will be a lot than in the game. But still, all is well. :)

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Fade makes more sense now, I'll change my app on the plane home. Also, with the carta, I don't actually see it working easily. Dia dogs are immune, to a degree, to magic, but she's a healer, (I just spent the last 10 minutes typing and back spacing this sentence because My brain is being annoying and my IPhone is getting on my nerves.

As I said, I'll change that app on the plane home and post it when I get back (assuming I can stay awake)

The Carta hire mercs from all over to fill their ranks, having a healer for the other mercs would be practical.

And DD's can still be healed, so it's fine.

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The Carta hire mercs from all over to fill their ranks, having a healer for the other mercs would be practical.

And DD's can still be healed, so it's fine.

Point taken, I'll make the changes when I can, thanks, my brain is being annoying(sunburn does that to you)

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[colour=#282828]Name: Snow Frost[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Age group: Mid-teens[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Pegasus[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Mane colour and style: Shaggy-ish blue with light blue highlights[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Coat colour: pale blue[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Eye colour: teal-ish[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Any permanent accessories: [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie mark: Snowflake with sparkles around it.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Talent: Archery (With c'bow) & Summon wolf (Timberwolf)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Class: Rogue[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Specialization: Ranger[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Fighting Style: Ranged, uses her environment to gain a good vantage point or a slight advantage. Natural perches like roofs, cliffs and some trees or rock formations make better camp spots to strike from above and narrow passes like natural cave tunnels, bridges and some canyons or rifts make good spots to setup small traps with combustion grenades or rough pit traps. Snow's ability to call a Timberwolf to aid in battles helps give her the edge against close combat enemies that fight with swords, daggers or axes.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]History: Snow Frost is a caring Pegasus, only having her older brother to look up to f[/colour]fter the Darkspawn took their parents away[colour=#282828]. She took an interest in hunting as it was the only way for her to keep wild animals and Darkspawn away from their small camp near near Canterlot. Being the younger of the two, she was attached to her brother and looked towards him for guidance and safety. Snow knew well that if the templars knew of her Apostate brother, they would hunt them down with no remorse. Their decision to move to Ponyville was both good and bad. The decision was good because the town was far enough that the chantery's and templar's influence there was minimal and the templars executed their 'laws' loosely, avoiding them is their priority but there, the templars were less than vigilant. The decision was also bad because if a large enough threat were to emerge, the town wouldn't exist for long.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Snow is armed with a homemade ranged weapon akin to a crossbow but was automatically fed new bolts from a cartridge apparatus. The cartridges were made to hold ten sharpened iron-tipped bolts. The actual firing mechanism was taken from a basic light crossbow and modified to automatically recock itself after firing a bolt, trading off power and range for firing speed. Snow also carried a pair of sharpened daggers, one attached to her 'crossbow' and the other attached to her vambrace on her free hoof. That dagger was equipped to a self-deploying mechanism that allowed the blade to be concealed when not in use and at ready in seconds with the aid of a spring-loaded apparatus built into her vambrace, something that assassins probably carried on them but on a more basic scale than theirs.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Starting Location: Ponyville[/colour]

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Name: Cryie (Real name Lightning Strike)

Age group: Late teens

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Mane/Tail colour: Siver and light grey mane and tail. Her mane is short and very messy. Her tail is a bit longer than average, but usually neat (Hates getting

blood on mane/tail because it takes ages to get out)

Coat Colour: White (Again, hates to get blood on)

Eye Colour: Emerald

Any Permanent Accessories: Not sure what this really means honeslty

Weapon: A metal staff, very ordinary. Was smuggled into Orzamar by the Cartel.

Armor: Cryie wears a black cloak and robes, which she always wears. Under the robes and cloak, in case of something going horribly wrong, she wears leather armor that the Cartel smuggled in for her. It won’t stop a strong sword strike, but arrows and light glances with swords/axes are mostly deflected.

Cutie Mark: Black staff with green light going around it

Talent: Healing friends with most wounds

Class: Mage

Specialization: Healer

Fighting Style: Cryie is a healer/buffer, and hence stays behind her team-mates, making them fight while she heals them, buffs them and, when she can spare the energy, using her magic to make a shield around them. Her offensive spells are much to be desired, the only dangerous one being a powerful lightning spell that she’ll cast if she’s desperate. She is not able to fight by herself, relying heavily on her squad for cover as she casts her spells.


Cryie was offically called missing at a young age, when she was 7. Her parents, a Pegasus and a Unicorn who’s magical potential was never reached, not linking him to the fade, noticed her magical potential, and panicked. They had already lost a son to the Circle, and they know he hated it there. They didn’t want the same thing to become of their daughter, and quickly looked for a way she could avoid the Circle. They contacted many people of shady interests, and finally found one willing to take their daughter into their protection. A diamond dog agreed to keep her safe, in Orzammer (Is the name changing?) They agreeded and

paid the fee.

Templars suspected the parents of helping her leave, and they found proof of the transaction. Her parents were captured and exercuted for allowing an apostate to escape.Her picture of when she was young is still posted, as well as a description, on a board of Appsotates to be found. Despite this, there are some with-in the Templar order, and out, who find it amusing that a young filly has avoided Templar detection for around 10 years, and many raids against caravans where there are no survivors are usually pinned to her. Many Templars, mostly low level ones, along with a few high rank ones, are searching for her with no luck. They do suspect the Zebra’s of hiding her, and think they are lying when they say they have no idea where who Lightning is.

They successfully smuggled the young pony into the city, and the Dog took her to the boss on the Cartel, Beraht (Name can also change if want). Lightning Strike was well aware that Lightning would be hunted if she kept her name, and was dubbed Cryie by Beraht. She has always responded to her new name, and mostly forgotten her original.

Beraht wanted the mage to be of use, but because of Diamond Dog slight immunity to magic and other factors, the chances of her fighting were slim. Instead, she got Cryie to take a go at Healing, and she found out that somehow, with no magical training, she was easily able to heal. That is how she earned her Cutie


Beraht was pleased that now she could have her injured mercs healed quickly, meaning more money. She smuggled in a metal staff to help Cryie, as well as many other items to enhance her abilites (Potions and other items that help mages power, books?)

Cryie’s healing allowed the Cartel even more power and recruits, and their numbers increased 3 fold (Recruits joining because chance of death was decreased). Cryie is proud at herself and what she has achieved, while she does feel guilty about killing, she justifies it because she isn’t doing the killing. She started to teach herself other spells, in case their hide-out was ever found. She managed to make shields, but they aren’t very powerful and easily broken if enough force is applied. She also taught herself a few offensive spells, her best being a lightning spell that does cause a lot of pain if it hits. She then, after a year or 2 of just experiments, managed to buff up weapons and armor with electricity that she learn with her offensive spells.

Cryie knows that, if there is one thing she’ll never have a shortage off, it is the Lyrim she needs for her strong healing spells, so when she is casting such a spell, she doesn’t hold back. She has no idea of the Chantry, and has mostly forgotten about the Templars and the Circle, having no one to talk to but Dogs, who don’t really care about such things. She is aware about the demons of the fade, and had managed to avoid being corrupted or possessed by one, this fact confuses her. How she, with no training, can be resistant to Demons that many mages with training fall to. She doesn’t question it though, and hides the dangers of the Fade from the Diamond Dogs.

She has only recently started leaving the hide-out and joining in the bigger raids, like in any major area where there might be the danger of proper guards showing up. She usually stays out of sight when these battles are happening, not wanting the nobles to get too suspicious about that they send something, like a company of the army, to take her cartel out. She has her own living area, which is a door attached to the main room (I’m sure you all know the room, where you fight Beraht). She has kept in Beraht’s good books, and is considered to be a senior influence of the Cartel’s hierarchy, even if Beraht denies it.

Starting Location: Orzammer (Not sure if that's how you spell it)

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Name: Cryie (Real name Lightning Strike)

Age group: Late teens

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Mane/Tail colour: Siver and light grey mane and tail. Her mane is short and very messy. Her tail is a bit longer than average, but usually neat (Hates getting

blood on mane/tail because it takes ages to get out)

Coat Colour: White (Again, hates to get blood on)

Eye Colour: Emerald

Any Permanent Accessories: Not sure what this really means honeslty

Weapon: A metal staff, very ordinary. Was smuggled into Orzamar by the Cartel.

Armor: Cryie wears a black cloak and robes, which she always wears. Under the robes and cloak, in case of something going horribly wrong, she wears leather armor that the Cartel smuggled in for her. It won’t stop a strong sword strike, but arrows and light glances with swords/axes are mostly deflected.

Cutie Mark: Black staff with green light going around it

Talent: Healing friends with most wounds

Class: Mage

Specialization: Healer

Fighting Style: Cryie is a healer/buffer, and hence stays behind her team-mates, making them fight while she heals them, buffs them and, when she can spare the energy, using her magic to make a shield around them. Her offensive spells are much to be desired, the only dangerous one being a powerful lightning spell that she’ll cast if she’s desperate. She is not able to fight by herself, relying heavily on her squad for cover as she casts her spells.


Cryie was offically called missing at a young age, when she was 7. Her parents, a Pegasus and a Unicorn who’s magical potential was never reached, not linking him to the fade, noticed her magical potential, and panicked. They had already lost a son to the Circle, and they know he hated it there. They didn’t want the same thing to become of their daughter, and quickly looked for a way she could avoid the Circle. They contacted many people of shady interests, and finally found one willing to take their daughter into their protection. A diamond dog agreed to keep her safe, in Orzammer (Is the name changing?) They agreeded and

paid the fee.

Templars suspected the parents of helping her leave, and they found proof of the transaction. Her parents were captured and exercuted for allowing an apostate to escape.Her picture of when she was young is still posted, as well as a description, on a board of Appsotates to be found. Despite this, there are some with-in the Templar order, and out, who find it amusing that a young filly has avoided Templar detection for around 10 years, and many raids against caravans where there are no survivors are usually pinned to her. Many Templars, mostly low level ones, along with a few high rank ones, are searching for her with no luck. They do suspect the Zebra’s of hiding her, and think they are lying when they say they have no idea where who Lightning is.

They successfully smuggled the young pony into the city, and the Dog took her to the boss on the Cartel, Beraht (Name can also change if want). Lightning Strike was well aware that Lightning would be hunted if she kept her name, and was dubbed Cryie by Beraht. She has always responded to her new name, and mostly forgotten her original.

Beraht wanted the mage to be of use, but because of Diamond Dog slight immunity to magic and other factors, the chances of her fighting were slim. Instead, she got Cryie to take a go at Healing, and she found out that somehow, with no magical training, she was easily able to heal. That is how she earned her Cutie


Beraht was pleased that now she could have her injured mercs healed quickly, meaning more money. She smuggled in a metal staff to help Cryie, as well as many other items to enhance her abilites (Potions and other items that help mages power, books?)

Cryie’s healing allowed the Cartel even more power and recruits, and their numbers increased 3 fold (Recruits joining because chance of death was decreased). Cryie is proud at herself and what she has achieved, while she does feel guilty about killing, she justifies it because she isn’t doing the killing. She started to teach herself other spells, in case their hide-out was ever found. She managed to make shields, but they aren’t very powerful and easily broken if enough force is applied. She also taught herself a few offensive spells, her best being a lightning spell that does cause a lot of pain if it hits. She then, after a year or 2 of just experiments, managed to buff up weapons and armor with electricity that she learn with her offensive spells.

Cryie knows that, if there is one thing she’ll never have a shortage off, it is the Lyrim she needs for her strong healing spells, so when she is casting such a spell, she doesn’t hold back. She has no idea of the Chantry, and has mostly forgotten about the Templars and the Circle, having no one to talk to but Dogs, who don’t really care about such things. She is aware about the demons of the fade, and had managed to avoid being corrupted or possessed by one, this fact confuses her. How she, with no training, can be resistant to Demons that many mages with training fall to. She doesn’t question it though, and hides the dangers of the Fade from the Diamond Dogs.

She has only recently started leaving the hide-out and joining in the bigger raids, like in any major area where there might be the danger of proper guards showing up. She usually stays out of sight when these battles are happening, not wanting the nobles to get too suspicious about that they send something, like a company of the army, to take her cartel out. She has her own living area, which is a door attached to the main room (I’m sure you all know the room, where you fight Beraht). She has kept in Beraht’s good books, and is considered to be a senior influence of the Cartel’s hierarchy, even if Beraht denies it.

Starting Location: Orzammer (Not sure if that's how you spell it)

Much better! You can't start in Orzammar though - you're either at Ostegar for the battle, or in Ponyville with the refugees.

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[colour=#282828]Name: Hoax[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Age group: Young adult[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Mare[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Unicorn[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie mark: The symbol of a death hex, reflecting her talent for Entropy magic. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Talent: Hoax has an affinity for the Entropy school of magic. Her ability to manipulate the forces of erosion, decay and destruction is second to none - but her knowledge of the other schools is currently rather low, as she doesn't really hold interest for them. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Class: Mage. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Specialisation: None yet. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Fighting Style: Hoax's style is not to deal overwhelming damage like most "War" mages, but to completely cripple the enemy with a variety of hexes and disorienting spells. Her affinity for Entropy allows her to paralyze her foes, send them into terrible waking nightmares and curse them with lethal bad luck - leaving them hopeless to the swords and arrows of her allies. When severely pressed, Hoax will cast Death magic, using the bodies of the dead to heal her own wounds. On a one on one fight, Hoax's preference for misdirection hexes and disorienting spells make her an incredibly frustrating enemy. However, she lacks any kind of true defense, and is vulnerable in close quarter combat. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]History: Headstrong[/colour][colour=#000000], reckless, cunning and ruthlessly charming, Hoax has made something of a name for herself during her long years in the Circle. Incredibly gifted in her chosen art, especially for someone so young; her endless drive for knowledge has made her one of the more powerful apprentices in the Tower. However, her constant thirst for knowledge and experience has caused her more than one bad encounter with the templars, who believe that her easy going charm has allowed her to avoid the maker's wrath on more than one occasion.[/colour]

Hoax strongly dislikes the tower, the Chantry and their doctrine - despising the limitations imposed on her when she desires nothing but to see the world outside. She holds a fascination for Tevinter, and the times of old but has always worked hard to keep that a secret from the Templars - A Mage with a fascination for Tevinter and the old gods is always asking for trouble. When the Warden-Commander arrived at the circle asking for aid at Ostagar, Hoax eagerly volunteered - and though she is set to take part in a terrible battle, her chance for freedom has never been closer.

[colour=#282828]Starting Location: Ostagar. [/colour]


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[colour=#282828]Name: Snow Frost[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Age group: Mid-teens[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Pegasus[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Mane colour and style: Shaggy-ish blue with light blue highlights[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Coat colour: pale blue[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Eye colour: teal-ish[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Any permanent accessories: [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie mark: Snowflake with sparkles around it.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Talent: Archery (With c'bow) & Summon wolf (Timberwolf)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Class: Rogue[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Specialization: Ranger[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Fighting Style: Ranged, uses her environment to gain a good vantage point or a slight advantage. Natural perches like roofs, cliffs and some trees or rock formations make better camp spots to strike from above and narrow passes like natural cave tunnels, bridges and some canyons or rifts make good spots to setup small traps with combustion grenades or rough pit traps. Snow's ability to call a Timberwolf to aid in battles helps give her the edge against close combat enemies that fight with swords, daggers or axes.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]History: Snow Frost is a caring Pegasus, only having her older brother to look up to after the blight took their parents away. She took an interest in hunting as it was the only way for her to keep wild animals and Darkspawn away from their small camp near near Canterlot. Being the younger of the two, she was attached to her brother and looked towards him for guidance and safety. Snow knew well that if the templars knew of her Apostate brother, they would hunt them down with no remorse. Their decision to move to Ponyville was both good and bad. The decision was good because the town was far enough that the chantery's and templar's influence there was minimal and the templars executed their 'laws' loosely, avoiding them is their priority but there, the templars were less than vigilant. The decision was also bad because if a large enough threat were to emerge, the town wouldn't exist for long.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Snow is armed with a homemade ranged weapon akin to a crossbow but was automatically fed new bolts from a cartridge apparatus. The cartridges were made to hold ten sharpened iron-tipped bolts. The actual firing mechanism was taken from a basic light crossbow and modified to automatically recock itself after firing a bolt, trading off power and range for firing speed. Snow also carried a pair of sharpened daggers, one attached to her 'crossbow' and the other attached to her vambrace on her free hoof. That dagger was equipped to a self-deploying mechanism that allowed the blade to be concealed when not in use and at ready in seconds with the aid of a spring-loaded apparatus built into her vambrace, something that assassins probably carried on them but on a more basic scale than theirs.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Starting Location: Ponyville[/colour]

Perfectly fine, but will her brother be an NPC or your second character?

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Just looked through all the apps, and I have to say they are exceptional. Exactly what we were hoping for. Shadow's second app was a massive improvement. I guess I should be the one to officially approve Spaced's app, as I don't think he can exactly himself. I've just added an accepted app section to the first post, so we can more easily keep track of them. I've also added a map produced by Spaced, and and a little intro for the guys starting in Ponyville by myself. Well done, guys, and keep up the good work. I'll be sure to app soon, then once Nexar's apped I'll open this to four more people.

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Just looked through all the apps, and I have to say they are exceptional. Exactly what we were hoping for. Shadow's second app was a massive improvement. I guess I should be the one to officially approve Spaced's app, as I don't think he can exactly himself. I've just added an accepted app section to the first post, so we can more easily keep track of them. I've also added a map produced by Spaced, and and a little intro for the guys starting in Ponyville by myself. Well done, guys, and keep up the good work. I'll be sure to app soon, then once Nexar's apped I'll open this to four more people.

i need to see yours.....

And i'll have you know i'm very harsh with aps. :razz:

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Name: Pinprick

Age group: Twenty

Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus

Mane/Tail colour and style: His mane isn't quite long, but not really short either and jet black in colour. It's slicked back to prevent it from getting in the way, and his tail is kept short to avoid it being a nuisance.

Coat colour: A dull orange, clearly orange and not brown, but not very bright.

Eye colour: A bluey-green aqua.

Any permanent accessories: He has two bandoleers full of knives strapped over his black leather armour breastplate in an x-shape,as well as a multitude of secret pockets and compartments all over his body.

Cutie mark: A pin drawing a single drop of blood.

Talent: He is extremely quick and precise in his strikes.

Class: Rogue

Specialisation: Duelist

Fighting Style: Pinprick rarely uses a bow, instead relying on lightning fast strikes with his signature sword and dagger approach. He prefers to fight foes one-on-one honourably, but when facing groups his honour goes out of the window and he's willing to resort to dirty tactics like poison and hits to sensitive areas. His biggest strength is his very impressive dodging ability. He has a knack for not being exactly where the enemy is aiming, and is an extremely hard target to wound. However his light frame means when he is hit, he really feels it.

His main strategy is to wear the foe down with small needling blows to important areas while he outpaces them until they're weak and ready for a decisive blow. To that end he is drawn towards weapons that deal elemental damage and posions, as they wear the enemy down much more quickly. He is also a fairly skilled ambusher, waiting until the opportune moment to strike from a hidden position, dealing a grievous wound on the first hit. If Pinprick is outmatched, he will flee unless doing so endangers his friends. He is very protective to those he likes.

Also while he's on the field, expect no corpse to go unlooted, and no chest to go unemptied, locked or not. He has something of a kleptomania streak, and will take things left out in the open if they appear valuable. To this end he has been known to steal from anyone, even his friends if they leave their stuff just lying out there in the open. However, Pinprick is hopeless with traps, and has a strong distrust of explosives. While he can mix some very virulent poisons, even a simple health poultice somehow evades his ability.

History: His mother died during his birth, and his father was always too busy trying to eke out a living for the two of them on the farm to invest any real time with him. As soon as Pinprick was old enough to hold a hoe he was forced to help him, but the work-shy foal would always do his best to dodge away and roam the small town of Hoofton. There he discovered a use for his quick hoof and became associated with the sudden absence of many-a-thing. When he was twelve he was practically chased out of town fro his misdemeanours, but not before taking a sword and butcher's knife from the local blacksmith.

On the road by himself Pinprick didn't really stand much of a chance, and soon ran into a group of bandits. After making it clear they planned on killing him, Pinprick challenged one of them to a duel on the terms that if he won he could join them. It was a tricky fight, but the cautious young colt managed to force the bandit's surrender, and he was welcomed into the bandit camp, as well as getting his cutie mark at the same time. There he looted and stole his way through life. When he was young he was great at getting coaches and refugees to stop, but as he grew older he had to fight for himself, and quickly grew adept at ambushing and wounding guards. He only had to get them to surrender after all, no need for pointless death. The bandit group was rather small and Pinprick grew quite close to most of them.

When he was nineteen though his world was turned upside down when a travelling warden ran into the bandits. The group all charged as one, but nopony recognised Warden Commander Stalwart. The Warden tore through the bandits like a fury, murdering what had become like family to Pinprick one by one. A very distressed young stallion then challenged the Warden to a one-on-one duel. Pinprick gave the Warden a surprising run for his money with his quick hooves and use of a sword and dagger. Eventually though, the Warden overpowered him, but was impressed by the pluck and ability the young pegasus possessed, and offered to spare his life if he devoted it to the Wardens. Seeing no get-out clause, Pinprick accepted.

Pinprick has only been with the Wardens for six months, but in that time he has grown to see them as his friends, and get over the deaths of his bandit company. He actually quite liked doing good, and has proven himself quite skilled. Being a Warden wasn't quite how he imagined it, but considering the other option was death, he feels like he got off well. Pinprick owed Stalwart his life for sparing the sword, and began to see him as something of a tutor, learning much from him, and growing quite close in the process. Wherever Stalwart goes, Pinprick usually isn't too far behind.

Starting Location: Ostagar

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Name: Pinprick

Age group: Twenty

Gender: Male

Race: Pegasus

Mane/Tail colour and style: His mane isn't quite long, but not really short either and jet black in colour. It's slicked back to prevent it from getting in the way, and his tail is kept short to avoid it being a nuisance.

Coat colour: A dull orange, clearly orange and not brown, but not very bright.

Eye colour: A bluey-green aqua.

Any permanent accessories: He has two bandoleers full of knives strapped over his black leather armour breastplate in an x-shape,as well as a multitude of secret pockets and compartments all over his body.

Cutie mark: A pin drawing a single drop of blood.

Talent: He is extremely quick and precise in his strikes.

Class: Rogue

Specialisation: Duelist

Fighting Style: Pinprick rarely uses a bow, instead relying on lightning fast strikes with his signature sword and dagger approach. He prefers to fight foes one-on-one honourably, but when facing groups his honour goes out of the window and he's willing to resort to dirty tactics like poison and hits to sensitive areas. His biggest strength is his very impressive dodging ability. He has a knack for not being exactly where the enemy is aiming, and is an extremely hard target to wound. However his light frame means when he is hit, he really feels it.

His main strategy is to wear the foe down with small needling blows to important areas while he outpaces them until they're weak and ready for a decisive blow. To that end he is drawn towards weapons that deal elemental damage and posions, as they wear the enemy down much more quickly. He is also a fairly skilled ambusher, waiting until the opportune moment to strike from a hidden position, dealing a grievous wound on the first hit. If Pinprick is outmatched, he will flee unless doing so endangers his friends. He is very protective to those he likes.

Also while he's on the field, expect no corpse to go unlooted, and no chest to go unemptied, locked or not. He has something of a kleptomania streak, and will take things left out in the open if they appear valuable. To this end he has been known to steal from anyone, even his friends if they leave their stuff just lying out there in the open. However, Pinprick is hopeless with traps, and has a strong distrust of explosives. While he can mix some very virulent poisons, even a simple health poultice somehow evades his ability.

History: His mother died during his birth, and his father was always too busy trying to eke out a living for the two of them on the farm to invest any real time with him. As soon as Pinprick was old enough to hold a hoe he was forced to help him, but the work-shy foal would always do his best to dodge away and roam the small town of Hoofton. There he discovered a use for his quick hoof and became associated with the sudden absence of many-a-thing. When he was twelve he was practically chased out of town fro his misdemeanours, but not before taking a sword and butcher's knife from the local blacksmith.

On the road by himself Pinprick didn't really stand much of a chance, and soon ran into a group of bandits. After making it clear they planned on killing him, Pinprick challenged one of them to a duel on the terms that if he won he could join them. It was a tricky fight, but the cautious young colt managed to force the bandit's surrender, and he was welcomed into the bandit camp, as well as getting his cutie mark at the same time. There he looted and stole his way through life. When he was young he was great at getting coaches and refugees to stop, but as he grew older he had to fight for himself, and quickly grew adept at ambushing and wounding guards. He only had to get them to surrender after all, no need for pointless death. The bandit group was rather small and Pinprick grew quite close to most of them.

When he was nineteen though his world was turned upside down when a travelling warden ran into the bandits. The group all charged as one, but nopony recognised Warden Commander Stalwart. The Warden tore through the bandits like a fury, murdering what had become like family to Pinprick one by one. A very distressed young stallion then challenged the Warden to a one-on-one duel. Pinprick gave the Warden a surprising run for his money with his quick hooves and use of a sword and dagger. Eventually though, the Warden overpowered him, but was impressed by the pluck and ability the young pegasus possessed, and offered to spare his life if he devoted it to the Wardens. Seeing no get-out clause, Pinprick accepted.

Pinprick has only been with the Wardens for six months, but in that time he has grown to see them as his friends, and get over the deaths of his bandit company. He actually quite liked doing good, and has proven himself quite skilled. Being a Warden wasn't quite how he imagined it, but considering the other option was death, he feels like he got off well. Pinprick owed Stalwart his life for sparing the sword, and began to see him as something of a tutor, learning much from him, and growing quite close in the process. Wherever Stalwart goes, Pinprick usually isn't too far behind.

Starting Location: Ostagar


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Name: Talbot

Age group: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Mane colour and style:

Coat colour: Brown

Eye colour: Brown

Any permanent accessories: Nothing

Cutie mark: A star made of picks [of guitar]with fighting wants in each pick

Talent: Magic and hand-hand fight

Class: Rogue

Specialisation: Duelist

Fighting Style: Hand-to hand

History: He is an adventurer that wasn´t stop about traveling, his history is short because he doesn´t have it yet, like an adventurer, he help anybody that need his help and searching a job to stay

Starting Location: Ostagar

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Name: Talbot

Age group: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Mane colour and style:

Coat colour: Brown

Eye colour: Brown

Any permanent accessories: Nothing

Cutie mark: A star made of picks [of guitar]with fighting wants in each pick

Talent: Magic and hand-hand fight

Class: Rogue

Specialisation: Duelist

Fighting Style: Hand-to hand

History: He is an adventurer that wasn´t stop about traveling, his history is short because he doesn´t have it yet, like an adventurer, he help anybody that need his help and searching a job to stay

Starting Location: Ostagar

This is an INVITATION ONLY RP. Sorry dude, but we can't accept you into this RP.

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Name: Nexar

Age group: Old teen

Gender: Male

Race: Changeling (Vampire)


His usual shapechanged form


His real form


Cutie mark: As a Changeling, he has no normally gained Cutie mark. However, he can apply one to himself using his Shapechange abilities, but he is hesitating to do so. However, sometimes he likes to apply a single arrow to his shapechanged flank, in order to seem more mature.

Talent: Unlike a normal Pony, he hasn't got a special talent describing him. But his most remarkable talent comes with him being a Changeling. As such he might have a hard time to use any of the normal unicorn magic schools, but has his very own kind of magic. Besides standard Telekinesis, with which he is able to lift things up to his own weight, his most powerful magic is Shapechanging. It allows him to take the form of any other pony and even create clothing on himself and emulate the voice of others perfectly. However, magical created clothing disappears as soon as he takes it off or changes into something else, and even thought he could easily change into a Pegasus, he needs to know how feathered wings work in order to use them. This also means, that if he was to shapechange into a Diamond Dog, he would have to know how to walk on two legs in order to walk. Up until now he has learned how to use feathered wings, but the best flying performance still comes with his multiple insect wings, which he had from birth on. Also, whatever he changes into, has to be of roughly the same size as himself. So he couldn't change into a Dragon, as tall as a house, but could change into one of pony size. This Shapechange is no illusion, but real body changing, and normally can't be magically detected, unless specifically searched for.

His second magic skill is an energy ray, shooting out of his horn, or when shapechanged into something without horn his forehead. It deals damage on impact, mostly only blowing the target back of off their feet, when targeted at something of his own size. Bigger targets might feel the Energy Ray like a strong blow. No matter the target, it's not very harmful and does not damage internal organs, unless of course used very often. It's more of an exhausting attack, causing Enemies to stop fighting or to flee.

After that Nexar is able to create magical shields. Those shields are, as all of his magic, bright green and blocks vision. It's created aroud himself, and not directly on his skin, but holds out a couple of blows before shattering. For example it can be used to protect his body while charging down from the sky, using the shield to prevent damage to the user and turning himself into a giant missle, able to blast craters into a stone floor or break through stone walls. This magic shield can be applied to someone else too, but with far less effectivity, holding off only one or two blows. A more creative way to use it, is to shield an opponent, taking his sight with the shield. However, the shield can only be casted on one target at the same time.

A nice and useful ability, is a magical rope, with which Nexar can grapple his enemies. It is just as strong, as a normal rope, and can be cut. Also the rope is only up to 5 meters long, making it too short to climb up a castle wall, but still enough to grapple a single Pony.

His final ability is only a weak one. Nexar is able to cast a healing spell, able to heal smaller scratches or stop a bleeding by healing the veins. This is never enough to get into the fight again, but it helps to survive till a proper healer can be found.

Seemingly, Nexar is immune to Blood Magic. As an insectous race Changelings have no real bloood, and even if he shapechanges into something else, his blood is only a fake one. But till now he doesn't know of this ability. Also he isn't attached to the fade, unlike most magic users.

Away from the magic, in his time as a squire he learned to use a sword as well as his crossbow. Also he learned how to maintain a full set of armor and weapons, so he is a helpful addition to a team. But till now he is neither a good sword fighter, nor a good shooter. He can defend himseld in close combat and hit enemies from up to 10 meters away with accuracy, but he is nothing special. More of a speciality is, that he can sneak really good. He had to learn to do so, in order to sneak up on sleeping ponies and to feed from them. However, he has not learned things like Lockpicking.

Class: Althoght Nexar is able to cast magic, he is limited to those four spells as well as Telekinesis, he isn't able to learn other magic the normal unicorn can learn. So he is limited to non-magical stuff, and as he has chosen to go with a crossbow, he can be considered to be a rogue.

Specialisation: Till now Nexar hasn't got a specialisation yet, but as it seems, he will develope into the role of a Shadow.

Fighting Style: Nexar usually prefers to fight hidden combats, not the open field battles. As such he likes to stay behind, shooting enemies from further away, or to flank enemy Archers and replace them in their position. This can be used in combination with him being a Changeling, but he tries to hide his real nature.

History: It all started with Nexars mother, who was a Changeling just like him. But her husband was no Changeling, and he never knew that he was married with one. After time Nexars mother became pregnant, and shortly before she gave birth to him, she ran away from Canterlot and into the wild, where she lived with her newborn child and teached him everything he needed to know, such as his Shapechange ability. Changelings have no society at all, as all of them live alone, hidden between all the other ponies, making the best out of their live. Apparently, only the females are able to give birth to new Changelings, no matter if the father is a Changeling as well or a pony, but every child a male Changeling gets, will always be a regular pony. But it happens very rarely, that a male Changeling becomes a father, because they are pretty much infertile with everything except other Changelings.

As soon as he was old enough to live on his own, Nexar moved to the next city east, Ponyville, and went into service as a squire. During this time he learned very much, but as the third Blight came up, Nexar said goodbye to the knight he has been serving for half of his life and planned to go on alone, finding adventures.

Starting Location: Ponyville

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