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G'day everypone


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[colour=#0000FF]Hello everypony, it's amazing how Google can be your friend sometimes and help you locate a good MLP Forum. The name is HyperShadow55, assuming you forgot to read my username on the left, and I've come here to this forum to meet some new Bronies and/or Pegasisters. I can tell there are quite a bit of Role-players on this forum, which is quite a good thing, and those who are interesting in that, note me, or just plainly state it.[/colour]

[colour=#0000FF]Well, I hope I have a great time on this forum for months to come.[/colour]

Edited by hypershadow55
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Hey there hypershadow! Welcome to Canterlot!

I see you like Testament, very nice :)

However, as much as I like that EP, the cover art isn't really site friendly. Remember this is a G rated site, and a skull with blood splattering out of it isn't really... kid friendly :/ (It was one of the few CDs I bought of them, when I was really into Metal, I think I have one of their studio albums laying around somewhere. And I think I have at least one other EP)

That said, it is a pleasure to meet another Twilight Sparkle fan :)

I do so hope you enjoy it here!

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Hey there hypershadow! Welcome to Canterlot!

I see you like Testament, very nice :)

However, as much as I like that EP, the cover art isn't really site friendly. Remember this is a G rated site, and a skull with blood splattering out of it isn't really... kid friendly :/ (It was one of the few CDs I bought of them, when I was really into Metal, I think I have one of their studio albums laying around somewhere. And I think I have at least one other EP)

That said, it is a pleasure to meet another Twilight Sparkle fan :)

I do so hope you enjoy it here!

If I'm correct, I think the avatar the OP had before had...some gore in it. But it looks like he edited it.

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