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I feel like a n00b right now, but hi!


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About Myself: Hello! My name is Elixè (Lix, Eli whatever. And yes, yes it is a made up name... More on that later -_-;) I'm 15 (Born on April Fool's; my dad thought my mum was kidding) I live in Manchester- I moved from New Zealand but I was born in Newcastle (County Down, Northern Ireland) and before that lived in London (So it goes Newcastle, London, NZ, Machester :] ). I used to be called Mary because when I turned 7 my mum let me pick my own name. I speak good french and spanish and ok german (My great aunt and uncle are german and I went to stay for a month a couple years back). And that's me. I'm so weird >n

How I found Canterlot.com: Goooooooooogle

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I was trying to sign up to this minecraft server my friend was on but it was a brony server. I didn't know what the hell that meant but I decided to try sign up anyway. The security question was "Twilight _______ is the Element of ______". The text box underneath said if I didn't know what that meant, to watch S1E1&2 and I did, and so it was L:

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Pinkamina Diane Pie
My main RP character is Solar Flicker which can be found on my dA here and my other two characters are Crisp Wind and Gumdrop. I love to RP anytime, so if I'm unavailable, I have cancer or have died.

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How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I was trying to sign up to this minecraft server my friend was on but it was a brony server. I didn't know what the hell that meant but I decided to try sign up anyway. The security question was "Twilight _______ is the Element of ______".

:shock: :!: Epic :lol:

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Welcome dear pony friend, together we all shall ban together and show everyone the true magical powers of friendship! For the name of our Princess Celestia-! :Celest:

bahh~! :razz:

But seriously welcome to Canterlot, I just joined recently and it's a pretty good place to be. Hope you enjoy your time here! ;)

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Here's your welcome telegram: :D

This is your singing telegram

I hope it finds you well

You're invited to our RP

'Cause we think you're really swell

It won't be the same without you

So we hope that you say yes

So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.

And come, and be our guest!

PS: Have you RPed in other places, if I may ask?

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