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About Myself: Hi, my name is Jack. I am a 17 year old high school sophomore who became a brony in March of 2013. In case you couldn't tell, I am also a big videogame and anime fan. My favorite videogames include Halo, Dead Space, Metal Gear, and Half-Life. I became a brony after seeing a few sites about it and deciding it was a cool idea and all, then I watched the show and thought "Wow, this is great!".

I am dyslexic so I may have a few posts where I mis-spell a lot of things. I am 5 foot 11, blonde hair, skinny and I ocassionally wear glasses. I'm gonna wrap this up now.

How I found Canterlot.com: google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: just happened to find it out of a youtube video

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
so ya im a new brony so don't mind if im a bit behend. xD

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Here's your welcome telegram: :D

This is your singing telegram

I hope it finds you well

You're invited to our RP

'Cause we think you're really swell

It won't be the same without you

So we hope that you say yes

So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.

And come, and be our guest!

PS: Pinkie Pie telegrams are best telegrams.

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Welcome Rebeljack!

Gamer eh? I make pinball games for PC haha :) . I've stopped for a while because of college... well wouldn't say stopped but really slowed down.

Ideas have come and gone of a My Little Pony pinball game. One big problem: Copyright.

First off, it is obvious we'd have to pay royalty to do such a thing and get Hasbro's permission. But there's an added problem... the software I use to make pinball games makes it illegal to sell any of your pinball games for profit.

Oh well. :/

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