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Downtown Canterlot: Solar Square (Apply in OOC)

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[colour=#282828]You have just found a job in the Downtown Canterlot area: Solar Square, and moved into your new home in one the lovely apartment buildings. In Solar Square there are plenty of businesses both big and small, corporations, book stores, resturants convenient stores: You name it, its probably there! [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Rules of this RP:[/colour]

[colour=#282828]-We all live in the same apartment building on the same floor, for social interaction purposes :3[/colour]

[colour=#282828]-You can share an apartment with someone if both of you have that you're sharing it in your apps.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]-Violence is allowed to a certain extent (e.g. No killing or weapons or sending someone to the hospital)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]-keep all romance appropriate as if a minor was watching.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]-Your application isn't just me approving your character, but your job as well, but no worries [/colour] :D

[colour=#282828]-Have fun?[/colour]

[colour=#282828]OOC topic: [/colour]http://www.canterlot...ations-and-ooc/

Current Cast list:

Ash- AshCloud

Dreamy Sunday- Dreamy Sunday

Spring Earth- WhatWentWrong

Puzzle Beat- PuzzleBeat

[colour=#282828]Technica Tekton- Silentium[/colour]

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Puzzlebeat was on his way home before he opened the door to the apartment building he threw the CD with the new song he wrote away. 'rejected again. o well at least its almost the weekend.' he got into the elevator and pushed the button to send him up to his floor. Once on the floor he walked to his room and unlocked the door. He closed the door and jumped on the couch and relaxed. 'things always get better on the weekends.

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Spring was down in reception, sorting out the final things with her apartment, her few boxers stacked behind her. She quietly and calmly filled out the last of the paper work and smiled kindly at the person behind the counter who handed her a key "[colour=#00ff00]floor 4 ma'am[/colour]" the stallion spoke out in a gruff voice, not even looking at her over his newspaper. She grabbed as many boxes as she could and placed them on the elevator up, doing this several times before she had practically filled the small elevator "[colour=#00ff00]great... guess I didn't really only take the 'essentials' like gran said huh?[/colour]" she sighed as she looked behind her as if someone was there, finding only the boxes she had packed... that's right... nopony was there... Eventually she reached her floor and managed to push her boxes into the hallway, managing to just see some other pony move into his room, darn... he would have been rather useful. Spring let out a small huff "[colour=#00ff00]well... they said moving would never be easy... guess that's what they meant[/colour]" she muttered to herself as she started to shift boxes into her new apartment, home sweet home.

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DreamySunday Walked into the Lobby of the appartment complexe, Back from a "Hard" days work at the Ice cream shop << [colour=#ffff00]I can't wait to get home to read my book[/colour] >> She said While Getting into the Eleventor. Dreamy hit the 4 button quickly anticipating the arrival of the flour so that she could get home and just Crash with her book. Upon the openning of the doors, She came Face to face with a pile of boxes << [colour=#FFFF00]Haha of course[/colour] >> She navigated the little box maze to find the culprit-er Owner of these boxes (Sping Earth) << [colour=#ffff00]Hey...What's up with the boxes?[/colour] >>

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Ash opened his door, and saw the maze of boxes, "boxes means new neighbors!" He had moved to the fourth floor the day before, and just finished packing. He let out a yawn, "might as well say hi.."

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Spring turned around to meet the new pony with a little shock in her eyes, taken a little by surprise by the sudden voice behind her, only just managing to stop herself from releasing a small yelp. She gave the the pony a quick up down and gave a small, sweet smile "[colour=#008000]oh my apologies, I'm just moving in here you see and have quite the few boxes[/colour]" she said with a nervous laugh, looking behind the darker yellow unicorn to look at the boxes "[colour=#008000]yea... I did bring quite a few...[/colour]" she muttered, screwing her snout a little, making a little awkward face as if blanking out to think about something. Suddenly she gave a little jump and looked back at the pony with wide eyes and red cheeks, embarrassed by her little blank out. "[colour=#008000]Oh my I'm sorry! Where are my manners? I'm Spring, Spring Earth. I'm opening a little plant and herb store out here and I'm moving into this house[/colour]" she said in her soft voice, putting out a nervous hoof for the unicorn to shake if she wanted "[colour=#008000]Sorry again about the boxes... they'l be gone once I get them in the house[/colour]" she laughed out nervously, ending with a awkward little smile.

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[colour=#00FF00]"oh my apologies, I'm just moving in here you see and have quite the few boxes" [/colour]DreamySunday looked around << [colour=#FFFF00]Really? I hadn't noticed[/colour] >> "[colour=#00FF00]Oh my I'm sorry! Where are my manners? I'm Spring, Spring Earth. I'm opening a little plant and herb store out here and I'm moving into this house[/colour]" << [colour=#FFFF00]I'm DreamySunday I run the Ice cream parlor In the Solar Square[/colour] >> She said While shaking Springs hoof "[colour=#00FF00]Sorry again about the boxes... they'l be gone once I get them in the house[/colour]" <<[colour=#ffff00]Well...Seeing as how your boxes are blocking my door way. I might aswell help you[/colour] >> She said while picking up some boxes with TEH MAGIKS!

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Technica Tekton finally arrived at his destination, and moved at a dilatory pace. The train ride was a wreck, as it was full of people who just wouldn't shut up! To make things better, a few children tormented Tekton, for they almost ruined some of his luggage. Unfortunately, the rare occurrence of pessimism sunk into the greyish-red pony as he entered the apartment lobby. He was just simply "overjoyed" to know that the apartments would probably be filled with ponies around his similar young adult age, most of whom Tekton thought would be nothing but a crowd of loud, noisy apes. But would the pessimism be worth it? Although it took hold of Tekton, it couldn't last forever. Why? Although it would take a good night to revitalize the lost happiness, Tekton just got a well paying job designing the new-updated structures for Canterlot! And surely the ponies won't be that bad... right? Nonetheless, the quite unhappy pony crawled towards his new apartment. Accompanying him was a small cart carrying a few untidy boxes. The first part of the journey was making it through the lobby area of the apartments. Again, assuming the snail's pace, Tekton entered the elevator and pushed "4". After the journey up, Tekton left the elevator, only to be greeted by a hallway clogged with two mares with one of them carrying boxes with magic. They were in Tekton's way, and he just wanted to be to himself.

"Err, excuse me ladies..." stated Technica Tekton in a grumpy, but peaceful way as he attempted to find a small gap in between the two mares.

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As everyone was crowded along the halls of this new building that we were all moving into, Buttermint was slowly dragging her luggage along as well. She had heard that this new area had some great gardening shops and was hoping to maybe grow a new flower or so that wasn't known in Ponyville. After climbing the stairs she saw the one pony attempt to squeeze his way through the other two mares, she sighed quietly to herself and waited for the few to move. She hoped nobody was too rowdy.

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Puzzlebeat heard a ruckus outside the room he got up and opened the door to the hall way looked like some pony was moving in. He grabbed his key and went out into the hall way. "Hey welcome, my name is Puzzlebeat. Would you like some help?"

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"[colour=#008000]Oh so sorry...[/colour]" Spring mumbled, allowing the stallion to pass, when he did she turned back to Dreamy "[colour=#008000]Oh really think you so much![/colour]" She said happily with a wide smile, picking up as many boxes as she could, only leaving one or two behind, but she could make an extra trip. As she turned to carry the boxes she came face to face with another stallion from the one that had grumbled past her, offering her a hand 'oh thank goodness these ponies are so nice!' she thought to herself with a small blush "[colour=#008000]oh yes thank you... I'm Spring Earth, moving into that apartment just over there[/colour]" she said with a sweet smile, just using her head to point towards her door. She looked back at the few boxes behind her and then back at the stallion "[colour=#008000]I have a few more boxes over there... if you could help that would be wonderful![/colour]" she said warmly, passing by him to reach her door, looking back to see Dream back behind her "[colour=#008000]this is the place[/colour]" she mumbles as she dug into her backpack, pulling out a key with her mouth and turning the lock, quickly shoving the boxes in and holding it open for the others "[colour=#008000]thank you two so much again[/colour]"

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Ash walked into the hallway and knocked on Spring Earth's door, "Hi there, need any more help?" he asked with a smile, "I'm your new neighbour, Ash, I love just across the hallway!" He smiled and lifted a box with his magic.

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"[colour=#008000]oh thank you but I'm quite ok now thank you... Dream has the rest of my boxes..[/colour]." she said softly, with a small smile "[colour=#008000]I'm Spring, pleasure to meet you[/colour]" she said with a hoof brushing the back of her head, she never was much of a social buzz, despite being a shop owner, she tried her best! But she always managed to come off atleast a little awkward "[colour=#008000]and thank you Puzzle... that should be about everything once Dream manages get down the hallway... it's quite cramped...[/colour]" she muttered more to herself, hoping Dream was ok with the rest of her boxes.

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"Would you like me to stay and help some more. If you want I can, Oh yeah that's right i almost for got. Since your new here you don't know yet.'' Puzzlebeat said "Every weekend I throw a party and invite everyone one the floor to join us would you like to come?"

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Ash smiled, "Well, welcome to the building! I just moved in last night, so maybe we can hang out later." Ash motioned to his door, "I'm the new clerk for the bookshop in Solar Square, so if you ever want to hear about some nice reading material, then don't hesitate to stop by!" He winked at Dreamy, "That goes for you too.. We have plenty of magic books for the self taught unicorn!"

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(Got on my laptop and added colour to the dialogue.)

"[colour=#ff0000]Sweet. I'm finally here[/colour]," Soul said, grinning as he looked over the building that was going to be his home for what he hoped would be quite some time. "[colour=#ff0000]Guess I better go get the room stuff figured out[/colour]," he said to himself. He walked coolly into the lobby of the building, his broken horn glowing a soft red as he levitated his luggage next to him. When the pony at the counter asked for his name, he replied, "[colour=#ff0000]Red-Soul Eclipse, I spoke to you yesterday saying that I was planning to move in today[/colour]," he said, using his magic to lower the black sunglasses on his face. "[colour=#ee82ee]Ah, yes, if you'll just fill this out, I'll hand you the key to your apartment.[/colour]" "[colour=#ff0000]Sweet[/colour]," Soul said, raising his sunglasses back into place. He set down the luggage and quickly filled out the form, eager to get settled in. "[colour=#ee82ee]Alright, you'll be staying on the fourth floor[/colour]," the attendant said, sliding Soul his key. "[colour=#ff0000]Thanks[/colour]," he said with a grin before levitating his luggage once more and making his way into the elevator.

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Buttermint then realized she had forgotten one very important suitcase down on the first floor. She gasped and ran straight for the elevator that was just headed down now. Slamming on the open button, she did manage to hop onto it and down it began, the same one that Soul was headed to go up on.

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"[colour=#008000]Oh really thank you so much![/colour]" << [colour=#ffff00]Don't mention it.[/colour] >> Dreamy Followed Spring and her moutain of boxes to her door "[colour=#008000]this is the place[/colour]" "[colour=#008000]thank you two so much again[/colour]" << [colour=#ffff00]Again, don't mention it[/colour] >> She said while putting the boxes down in springs apartment << [colour=#ffff00]Seriously though, don't mention it I don't like moving ponies[/colour] >> She said while walking out Springs front door. Dreamy made herway to her door reached for her keys and... << [colour=#ffff00]No. No, no, no, no, nonononononono![/colour] >> DreamySunday Had forgotten her keys at the shop...Again. She let out a frustrated roar before making her way to the elevator Mumbling and grumbling to herself

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Soul tapped the elevator button with one of his hooves and waited patiently for the elevator to descend. "[colour=#ff0000]Looks like I'm not the only one who moved in today[/colour][colour=#000000]," Soul mumbled looking at the small amount of Fourth Floor keys that remained behind the counter. "[/colour][colour=#ee82ee]You can say that again[/colour][colour=#000000]," said the pony behind the counter. "[/colour][colour=#ee82ee]We've had several ponies move in just in the past couple of hours, and all of them moved into the fourth floor apartments[/colour][colour=#000000]." Behind his sunglasses, Soul raised an eyebrow. "[/colour][colour=#ff0000]Really now? Well, guess you can never have to many neighbors[/colour][colour=#000000]," he said with a grin just as the elevator door slid open.[/colour]

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During the trip down the Lift DreamySunday had not calmed down, infact she was in a worse mood << [colour=#FFFF00]Stupid brain. Making me forget my key, making me not beable to go home, Making me grumble to myself[/colour] >> [colour=#000000]"[/colour][colour=#FF0000]Really now? Well, guess you can never have to many neighbors[/colour]," Was all DreamySunday Heard before the doors slid open << [colour=#FFFF00]You've got to be kidding me, Another New one!?[/colour] >> Dreamy Looked at the receptionist and Said << [colour=#FFFF00]Why do you keep placing the new people in the fourth flour!? And as for you I'm not helping you move![/colour] >> Before frustratingly making her way to the front door

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Spring made a small squeak as Dreamy brushed past her, talking to her like Spring had done something wrong "[colour=#008000]I'm really sorry...[/colour]" she almost whispered as Dreamy rushed back to the elevator in a frustrated rage, though she was pretty sure she wasn't even heard "[colour=#008000]oh no...[/colour]" Spring whimpered, trying to not cry as she slipped into her new apartment, shutting the door behind her. Her eyes were watery but she brushed those soon to be tears away and looked at her huge stacks of boxes, half of them for her shop and another for her apartment. She opened the first one and looked inside, a picture of her gran looked up at her.... Spring was also in it... only a filly back then though "[colour=#008000]Sorry gran... first day and I've already made somepony mad...[/colour]:" she whimpered as she picked up the picture and held it to her chest "[colour=#008000]Wish you were here... you would know how to make it right...[/colour]"

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Spring heard Ashy's voice from inside and quickly placed the picture back on the box, putting on a brave face before opening the door with a small smile "[colour=#008000]hm? Yes? I'm fine... really[/colour]" she said with a small but nervous laugh, looking down at the ground and then back up at Ashy... why was it so hard for her to make eye contact? With anypony... especially when she was discouraged or upset... and this was a combination of the two. "[colour=#008000]Just don't know what I did to make Dreamy so upset... I never like making people upset I just...[/colour]" she wanted to say more... but speech wasn't really her forte. She just simply looked up at Ashy before he could say anything, not really ready to hear anything "[colour=#008000]thanks...[/colour]" she whispered as she backed back into her apartment, closing the door again.

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There was certainly the crowd of ponies today. The diversity was quite large for such a given population. Luckily, there didn't seem to be a great deal of the party/trashy type. But not much thought was currently given into the ponies around him; he was more in sync with his goal of just reaching his apartment.

Aside from the current problems that littered the hallway, Tekton made it to his room with little problems. But now he had the new challenge of actually getting to know his new neighbors, and seeing whether or not his new home would be suitable for him.

Unfortunately, the sour mood still held Technica tight. Maybe a few moments to himself would do some good, and then he would go back and greet the fellow stallions and mares around him... or at least attempt to do so....

Nonetheless, Tekton dragged his cart and boxes into his apartment, and unconsciously slammed the door behind him. "Just a few minutes to myself," Tekton quietly stated to himself once he closed the door behind him.

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