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The Revolution Saga, Part Two: Invasion (Open! Please Apply in OOC)

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-Sergeant Cryie, Unknown Location in Frozen Wastelands-

Cryie couldn't help herself by almost drink in the fear she could see the hope had. Her smile only became large as the mare was backing up.right.

That's right, feel how hopeless it is, how you're out here alone with me..No-pony to help you, or hear you scream....

Then, when Cryie was sure the mare would start talking, she felt her hoof hitting another, knocking her dagger out and into the snow.

Cryie almost froze, but she licked her lips instead

[colour=#008000]"A little fight in you huh? I like that...." [/colour]

She leap forwards, throwing her body against the other mare. She felt themselves roll in the ice a bit, and she heard the muffled welp of pain as the mares injured wing hit the ice, giving Cryie's smile more power.

Eventually, they stopped rolling, and Cryie stood up and found her prey. Lying, defenseless on the ground several meters from her. Cryie cleared her throat before walking over to her.

[colour=#008000]"I didn't want to do that...But you left me no choice little pony..Now, what do you know of Freelancer? I tried playing nice before, but this time, i'm playing nasty"[/colour]

As she finished her sentence she pulled another weapon from her combat webbing, but this one wasn't a regular old knife. She held out a Butcher's knife, her insane smile still on her face,

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>Freelancer HQ - Agents York, North and South Dakota

South sneered at the newcomer as she remarked about the match with Maine, "[colour=#EE82EE]Hey Virginia, bite me. It was Wyoming's idea, he made a bet on who would win between me or him in a training round using Lockdown paint rounds. He won, I had to fight Maine after losing to that lying Trottingham smartflank. I almost won that bet too if he didn't blindside me...[/colour]" South muttered bitterly while using magic to hold the ice pack back into place. "[colour=#DAA520]Yeah but at least it wasn't 117, that pony just gives me huge amounts of the creeps. I mean he's the Everfree Demon, The Ripper himself. I always heard disturbing stories about 117 back during the Revolution personally I hoped to never run into that insane pony yet here I am, working in the same organization as him. But something's not right about that pony, I don't know what exactly...[/colour]" York added with a hint of fear in his voice, shuddering as he was remembering the many stories about Nova's reputation during the Revolution, to which the twins agreed even South reluctantly agreed. "[colour=purple]Come on I've spoken to him plenty of times, he's a good pony. It's just things didn't pan out for him I guess even before the Revolution...[/colour]" North countered York as he did believe Nova was a good pony that meant well, however didn't deny the fact that he did feel unsettled around 117. "[colour=#EE82EE]117's a psychopathic wackjob big deal, at least we're not the one's who're fighting against him.[/colour]" South snapped dismissively not interested in talking about Agent 117. Then as Virginia touched on the subject about last week's getaway and the missed payment, York reached into his pockets and fished out the bits he owed her from last week. "[colour=#DAA520]Sure kiddo, this should be enough cover it. So who's your buddy you're gonna meet?[/colour]" York asked casually, handing her the money he owed her from last week's party venture.


>Chamber of White in the Citadel - The Director, Agents Carolina and Washington

Twilight was exactly right where the Director wanted her, he had out-negotiated, outflanked and outmaneuvered THE Twilight Sparkle and emerged victorious. A victory for Freelancer during a war that had yet to begin, using intellect instead of guns. Even his Agents were surprised although Washington was more surprised than Carolina. She looked more subdued and reserved, somehow seeing Twilight for the first time brought up some unknown feelings in Carolina that she didn't understand or know the reason for; anger, melancholy, pity even. She's never seen Twilight before yet somehow she hated the mare's guts feeling it haunt her in the deepest parts of her mind, seeing her defeated like this felt satisfying. She remained calm for now but when she returned to Freelancer HQ she decided to do some research on Twilight and her history prior to the Revolution, maybe something hidden in what she did might hold the answers to her apparent aggressive feelings aimed at Twilight.

The Director leaned back on the chair contented on the results of the negotiations; the document which contained the agreement was being brought to the table. He reached for a pen in one of his suit's chest pockets, prepared to sign the document and make it official. However before he was about to sign, Twilight then began detailing a story about one of her old Shade Corp agents. More specifically, Agent Virginia. So THAT was her last card, he suspected there was something she was holding back but this seemed out of place... Why would she place so much sentimental value on a former agent? While the prospect of learning what this 'Goliath' device was the Director had what he needed and had no reason to push his luck further. "Interesting prospect, Freelancer will keep in touch if we manage to locate this rogue agent of yours and inform you on if we find her." The Director slyly told the Unicorn, who seemed a little desperate by placing so much hope in an agent that abandoned her former employers. It was then that the Director began signing the agreement, sealing the deal which would benefit him and Freelancer indefinitely.

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•Agent Virginia 'Applebloom', Freelancer HQ Cafeteria•

Applebloom was laughing until the discussion of Agent 117, or Nova, started. Surrounded by frightening tales of his actions during the Revolution, Nova was viewed as an enigma; a pony who shouldn't be alive, much less a Freelancer Agent. However, Applebloom thought she knew better. During the earliest days of her..."transformation"...into a Freelancer Agent, Nova had been one of the few who helped her setttle in; one of the few that she felt she had a connection with. She couldn't necessarily blame them for thinking so about him; but they could at least give the pony a chance. When North stood up for Nova, she sent an appreciative smile, but said nothing. When York passed the bits he owed to her, she quietly took them and put them away in one of her pockets; and then came his question. "...somepony I knew before the Revolution, and afterwards. You could say we're almost family...I just figured I would try to visit her before...somethin' happens to either of us." She did not like talking about that sort of thing; but wars had their victims and sacrifices. One never knew what might happen until after it happens. "Um...I could use a companion when headin' out there; I figured maybe 4-6-9er, but she's out in Equinia at the moment with that negotiations crew. Unfortunately, I have only two train tickets; I need to approach New Manehatten without drawin' attention a Freelancer dropship would-." She stopped abruptly, moving a hoof to her left temple and craddling her head slighttly. These darn headaches...! They came and went suddenly, leaving images in her head she didn't understand, images that involved a crystalline cavern, a massive golden door, and a bizarre machine with rotating floating gems surrounding it, with a gigantic globe at it's center. Gone as quickly as they came, she let out a pained sigh.

•Twilight Sparkle, in the Chamber of the White, at the New Citadel of Equinia•

With the Director's signing of the papers, she could feel the satisfaction radiating from the Director and that other Freelancer Agent, Carolina...it was difficullt not to giggle like a filly. Let them have their amusement; she won in more ways than they could imagine. Keeping up the facade of submission and defeat, she ignored the Director's appearance...she'd get nothing from him. No, she carefully analyzed the expressions and body language of his two fellow Agents, and the answer she got was satisfactory. Upoon mention of Applebloom, she had noticed a slight alteration in Washington's representation of himself; he knew Applebloom, and that confirmation sent several plans into motion within Twilight's head. She had been named the Red Fox because of her craftiness...much of that still remained in her, despite Herald having been purged from her body. Leaning back in her chair, her face as blank as stone, she returned her gaze to the Director. "You seem uninterested in the Goliath, Director...I figured it would be a top priority for your organization. What if...what if I tell you that the whole reason for the Revolution, the whole reason for this inevitable war, was the Goliath itself? Pierrot has invaded Equestria for one reason, and one reason only; he thinks the Goliath lies here, in these lands...we are just bugs in between him...and controlling the world itself." Taking the signed papers, she passed them over to Grimlock, who made them disappear in a scowl. Now for the next seed. "...you say this conflict isn't your problem, Director. You may even be right...for now, that is. If Pierrot wins, what makes you think he will let an organization such as your's stand? By then, there would be nothing you can do to stop him...but, of course, you don't plan on letting that happen, do you? The expansion of your armories and resources says as much..."

Another seed planted, and there were more to come. Standing up, she gestured to the images on the room around them, her face still as calm and cold as ice. "I am told this room existed before there ever was a Canterlot...that other organization, Salus Umbra...a remarkable group; quite resourceful. Would you believe they have spent the last several thousand years only to protect what we consider a myth? I certainly do not. Truth be told, Director, Salus Umbra has offered more...much more...and offered to take less than what you asked for. Normally, I would have accepted their offer over yours; they have more experience, greater understanding of our enemies, and pre-date your agency by several milleniums. But I didn't..." Her eyes swept toward the obsidian doors as they opened wide, grinding against the marble floor and admitting two Moon Guard with a bound-and-gagged crystal pony who hung limply in their magical grasps. When the Moon Guards deposited the prisoner on the floor, Twilight gave an apologetic smile to the Director. ...I am afraid our discussion must be cut short, Director. Now that our official business has been finished, you may return to your headquarters. Grimlock, please escort our guests back to their ship." The mare bowed her head respectfully, murmuring acceptance, before turning to the Freelancer Agents and moving past them. "...this way, if it pleases you." She stood by the doors, waiting on the Director and his subordinates. Twilight trotted over to the prisoner, looking him up and down before saying one more thing. "Oh, and Director...pass my congratulations to your new Agent. Virginia, was it? I am sure she will do Freelancer proud..." The final seed was planted. Let them dwell on where her eyes-and-ears are in their organization; if a potential enemy believed their rival was omniscient, they would be careful not to set a hoof wrong with them. With that last. Remark, she completely withdrew her mind from the Freelancers to focus on the matter at hand.

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Crystal Empire, After Hours Club

As the door behind her closed, Lyra made a realization. She had completely neglected to receive the bits from her tip jar. A sigh escaped her lips as she placed her hoof over her face. It wasn't that she needed the money, but it made her life a little easier and paid for her guilty pleasure. Turning around, her hoof found its way to the door, but with no handle, she couldn't get back in. [colour=green]"I guess I'll just have to go get through the front door..."[/colour] Slowly she wandered around the corner and found the entrance. Taking a deep breath, the unicorn put a smile on her face and walked into the building. It appeared that there were some ponies that were stilled revved up by her music, as she was cheered as she walked back into the lounge area. The mint mare waved and nodded at the other ponies around her, as if it was all part of the show. This part was actually pretty nice, being able to actually get close to ponies who come to listen to the music. Walking past one of the mares, who gave off an air of of valor and poise, Lyra locked eyes on her, [colour=green]"Enjoy the show?"[/colour] The question was rhetorical, but, for some reason, she wouldn't mind an answer.

Once up to the stage, Lyra placed her instrument's case on the floor and opened it. Grabbing the tip jar, she poured the coins into a pocket of the case. There wasn't that much in the jar, but she still didn't like pouring the jar out. It made her feel like ponies thought of her as greedy. It wasn't that there was any real evidence or proof of either her greed, nor the supposed feelings from the other ponies, but still. Once the jar was emptied, she closed the cases and turned to look at the crowd again. Her eyes scanned the other ponies, almost as if she didn't want to leave. Basically because she doesn't want to leave. Going to her place would be empty save for her furniture and music.

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>Freelancer HQ - Agents York, North and South Dakota

York smiled at Virginia. understanding her reasons for wanting to visit New Manehatten to see her friend. "[colour=#daa520]Sounds like some pretty good reasons, I used to have quite alot of family there. I still do. but skirting around telling them I work as some super-spy agent, isn't exactly a good conversation-starter since y'know 'Freelancer doesn't exist.'[/colour]" he snarkily added while talking about still having family in New Manehatten despite the purges and the events surrounding the city. York then added an extra bit to Virginia as a 'thanks for not mentioning about him and Carolina last week to the other agents.' "[colour=#daa520]Here's something to get a little gift for your friend, from your non-existent Freelancer buddy New York.[/colour]" York joked with Virginia, admiring the younger Agent's spirit despite the organisation they were in. As she mentioned about needing a companion to come with her to New Manehatten North looked at York suspiciously. "[colour=#800080]Y'know York's been there longer than anyone here, maybe he'd give it a shot. he's good with kids, aren't ya Yorky?[/colour]" North chuckled giving York a slap on the back. South couldn't help but snicker after York's slightly blushing reaction to North's remark about him being good with kids. "[colour=#daa520]Alright, alright fine just don't start with that kids thing again. I'll go with ya Virginia, at least it gives me some time away from these two jokers.[/colour]" York muttered to North and South before volunteering to go with Virginia. "[colour=#ee82ee]...Not my fault you have the hots for Carolina...[/colour]" South steathily sneered then before she knew it York began denying it heavily while South called him out teasing him on his crush on Carolina. "[colour=#ee82ee]York and 'lina sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-[/colour]" South teased York childishly with a devilish grin appearing on her face. "[colour=#daa520]It's like dealing with an immature 10 year old I swear...And how did you make Agent again?[/colour]" York muttered continuously as South kept acting like a child teasing him to no end, he just looked away and noticed a pained expression on Virginia's face. "[colour=#daa520]Hey Virginia, you ok? Need a break from South too?[/colour]" York asked concerned for his fellow agent's health.


>Chamber of White - The Director, Agents Washington and Carolina

"[colour=#a9a9a9]Goliath, a fabled superweapon in the possession of Salus Umbra. You'd assume I'd be scrambling to wield it yes?, but no. I have something far more practical and more conventional than a myth that is thousands of years old and for all we know could misfire with disastrous consequences. Goliath might be the reason for this war but it won't be the tool that will end it. And quite frankly they know this Pierrot is a threat, yet haven't dealt with him yet.[/colour]" The Director remarked finding the aspect of the magical superweapon unappealing, then when Twilight mentioned about Agent Virginia he glanced at Twilight and snarled uncaring, finding her ploys at trying to undermine him annoying. "[colour=#a9a9a9]Thanks I will pass that compliment onto her. You know she's proving quite the useful asset as of late, with this business done I take my leave. Pleasure doing business with you Twiliight, the next time we cross paths the situation will no doubt be different. Good luck with New Manehatten...[/colour]" he shot back ominously and with that he stepped out of the chamber and strode out to the gunship with Washington following close behind. Carolina kept her eyes on Twilight for a few moments before leaving with the others. "[colour=#40e0d0]What are you hiding?...[/colour]" she thought cautiously as the door closed behind her leaving Twilight alone with the GEF and crystal ponies.

"So what's the plan now?" Wash curious to find out what Freelancer's next move was, "[colour=#a9a9a9]Now Agent Washington, we go with our agreement and send Agent 117 over to the GEF. Find the Forgotten Army and wipe them out then focus on finding the traitor, make an example of them and prepare for war.[/colour]" The Director simply answered yet feeling it'd be more complex then that but that was the gist of it. "Easier said than done, right?" Wash sarcastically remarked as they headed out to the gunship, where the rest of the fireteam and 4-6-9er was waiting for them. "Yo, hurry up I'm not made of fuel ya know!" 4-6-9er urged the Freelancers to get in the gunship asap. Embarking on the gunship the Freelancers sat down and prepared for the flight back home, 469er piloted the gunship out of the Citadel and took off as quickly as it arrived.

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-[colour=#800080]2nd Lieutenant [/colour][colour=#800080]Lavender Bloom[/colour]​, unknown location in the frozen wastelands-

Lavender was admittedly surprised that her trick had worked, but her success was short lived. The chevalier charged her, knocking her down to the ground. Letting out a muffled cry of pain as she landed on her wing, the two mares grappled on the ice, until the chevaliers strength won over, and Lavender was knocked off of the mare, flying a few feet and landing again on the ice. She did cry out this time, as she clutched her wing, gritting her teeth as she saw the chevalier get up, seemingly unharmed. The chevalier began to walk over to her, a grim smile on it's undead face. Lavender looked over at her with a fierce expression, not willing to give up, not yet. She was about to announce her defiance when the chevalier pulled out a stupidly large butchers knife, with dried blood spattered across the oversized blade. The colour drained from the mare's face as she laid eyes on the deadly weapon, and she gulped with fear. She shifted her position so she could face the mare directly, but felt something dislodge from the armour beneath her left back leg. Her survival knife! The fall must have managed to break the ice that had frozen it in place. The blade was dull and meant for cutting rope, but it would have to do.

Lavender scanned the mare's armour frantically, looking for a spot that looked weak enough for her to stab her knife into. There, a section on her lower stomach that was seemingly less armoured than the rest of the chevalier's body. Now all she needed was a chance. The mare was standing over her now, as she picked her up by the armour on her chest and held the soldier to her face, asking her again about Freelancer. Lavender's eyes met hers as she spoke. So much hatred, so much death and destruction. The mare made a silent promise to kill every chevalier she met, it was these monsters that wanted to exterminate her and the rest of Equestria. [colour=#800080]"You want to know about Freelancer do you?" [/colour]She averted her eyes for a moment, sighing. Looking back up, she met the mare's eyes again, a frown appearing on her face. [colour=#800080]"Lets just say, they have knives in unexpected places." [/colour]Before the chevalier could react, Lavender plunged her blade through the mare's mid-section.

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•Rainbow Dash, at the Citadel's Eastern Entrance•

"Sure, Jackie...I'll do that." Rainbow murmured as the orange mare trotted off with her RLF guards. She stood there for several moments, pondering on what just occured, before shaking her head and putting on a determined expression. How could she forget?! Twilight was about to hook her up with a bodyguard...! She had to get there fast, if she had any hope of knocking some sense into Twilight before the deal was signed. With red-hot anger fueling her steps once more, she dashed off towards where the meeting was supposed to take place. "...you better wait for me...you stubborn mare...!"

•Twilight Sparkle, in the Chamber of the White, at the New Citadel of Equinia•

With Freelancer out of the way, Twilight studied the fumming crystal pony in silence. Bound by magical coils, the crystal pony showed no signs of wounds or damage, and was gazing at her with a fierce glow in his scarlet eyes. Obviously male, it had the body build of a typical fighter, and old-looking scars showed that the pony was not new to combat of any kind. After a couple more moments, she motioned for the gag to be removed, drawing a growl from the prisoner as one of the Moon Guard untied the gag. Before he even had a chance to speak, she bulldozed him with questions. "So...you are one of the attackers on the Royal Hive, yes? You must have been very careful...to enter Federation territory as far as New Manehatten. An impressive feat, considering all the magical wardings and detection systems we've set up on our borders. Why were you there? What was your main objective? Who is your commanding officer, and how exactly did you arrive where my soldiers captured you...?" Her questions did nothing but make the stallion laugh, his voice deep and rough , like stones grinding against one another. By the time he sobered, he fixed her with a gaze so amused, she thought she was wearing a clown costume. "I have nothing to say to you, Southlander. You will never make me talk." The crystal pony proceeded to spit on Twilight's cheek...with rather impressive aim. In an instant, the two Moon Guard had their crescent-moon blades on both sides of the indignant prisoner's neck. Wiping away the spit with a frosty expression, she shook her head in exasperation. "Wrong answer."

Her blow to the stallion occured so swiftly that the pony's eyesight could not register it, feeling enough force to tear the skin off the prisoner's face...which in fact, it did. Twilight watched in satisfaction as the creature's epidermis began to restitch itself automatically; a confirmation of what she suspected. "...the rumors are true, then. The Crystal Empire does have the dead fighting at their beck-and-call...so who was it that was capable of raising so many of you from the Underworld? A necromancer of exceptional skill, no doubt...is it perhaps your summoning that was the reason for the attack on the Hive? It would seem likely. If you refuse to speak, I can simply...put an end to your new-found life; such as it is." She brushed a hoof across the creature's cheek, fiery tendrils leaping from her touch underneath his coat, but they faded as quickly as they came when she removed her hoof. The undead creature glared hatefully at her; it's answer obvious. "Do what you like, God-slayer! My life means nothing next to my Queen. You will get nothing from me." Twilight tsked at the response. So, he wanted to play difficult, did he? Very well...it did not matter. She wanted one of these creatures for one reason and one reason only. "...very well then. I'll grant your reckless desire to die." Drawing her hoof back, she prepared for the final blow to end the creature's life, but the former pony stopped her with a sudden remark. "...Southlander. You will make sure to send that scum Pierrot to Tartarus, yes?" The question startled Twilight more than anything else had in several weeks; even more than the terrorist attacks. What did he mean by that? "I will. Don't worry yourself." As she struck the creature, veins of fire erupted all over his body as it burned inside-out, instantaneously turning into a pillar of ash, descending to the floor in a heap. His last expression held the strangest thing; a sense of peace.

Dozens of questions buzzed in her head; why did he ask that? Weren't all members of the Crystal Empire Pierrot's fanatic zealots? His tools? Why would this creature feel differently? Maybe...maybe it could be traced to this 'Queen' of his. If that was the case...perhaps something could be made of it. Every structure had its cracks; she just had to find them and plant the weeds that will tear it down. Turning to the two stunned Moon Guard, she addressed them with a commanding tone. "Go and report this news to the Generals and Regional Chancellors; these creatures can be killed. Order the mass production of incendiary rounds...the explosive kind, preferably." One of the guards shook his head to recover from what just happened, nodding and repeating back what he said before the obsidian doors opened. Leading the other Moon Guard out, he went on his way toward the Military quarter of the Citadel. Twilight followed out soon afterwards, closing the large heavy doors and placing an enchanted ward to keep out intruders. Turning away, she proceeded to the Infirmary...Rainbow could use the company, and Chronarch may have re-awoken.

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(connection issues. will add to & edit tomorrow)

-Banner Captain Valour Bound; Crystal Empire, After Hours Club-

[colour=#33FF99]"Enjoy the show?"[/colour] The minty mare, whom Val could have sworn she'd seen leave, asked in her direction.

She took a moment to ponder the query before she rose to her hooves and followed the other mare. She reached into a saddlebag as she replied, [colour=#AFEEEE]"I[/colour] [colour=#AFEEEE]did quite enjoy your musical ministrations sister Heartstrings."[/colour] She followed up the statement by dropping a hoofull of bits into the musicians' case,[colour=#AFEEEE] "I am Banner-Captain Valour Bound,"[/colour] She introduced with an offered hoof, [colour=#AFEEEE]"one such as thyself may refer to me as simply Val, Sister." [/colour]

The thin mare before her did not have the seeming of a soldier, her short choppy mane giving her an almost playful appearance. Yet a determination burns in her violet eyes that bores into the soul, driving away any doubts or worries of those beholden by them. She smiled; the expression genuine and bright.

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-Sergeant Cryie, Unknown Location in the Frozen Wastelands-

Cryie couldn’t help but smile, everything was perfect. Her target was defenceless, weak and going to start taking. Cryie shivered slightly, her armor not being the perfect protection to the cold, but a little discomfort was more then enough to supliment her enjoyment now.

Cryie waited a few seconds longer, then realized that the mare was possibly going to lie to her, so she steadied her grip on the knife right before the mare talked.

W-what does she mean, knives in……

Her mind didn’t finish when, in that moment, Cryie realized that she had probably jus caught a Freelancer, not just a regular solider, and it was at that moment she felt something jam itself into her stomach.

At first, she didn’t react, her mind refusing to believe she had just been stabbed, but then the pain rolled in. Dropping her knife, she took several steps back, clutching her stomach and finding the knife. Without thinking, she tore the blade from her body, and more blood came leaking out onto the white snow.

She looked briefly at the blade, it wasn’t even a fighting one!

Cryie looked up, at the pony who had just gotten the better of her. She wanted to dive forwards and rip the mare’s throat out, or maybe even corrupt her, but she felt herself weakening. She knew if she dived in, she might not make it back to base in time.

[colour=#008000]“You…You got lucky this time…Freelancer!” She spat out the last word “But..M-mark my words….I will find you, and I swear…I will make you suffer for this……”[/colour]

Quickly flaring her bat-like wings out, she took off, headed around and in the direction of her camp, bloody slowly leaking from the wound in her stomach.

After 2 minutes of solid flying, she landed back at base and headed straight to her barracks. She needed to patch herself up, and if any of the other ponies found out how easily Chevaliers were to hurt…..

[colour=#008000]“No…I was stupid…I let her surprise me…But next time…I will be the one with the upper hoof….”[/colour]

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Chronarch, Citadel Infirmary, room 377.

The rhythmic beeping of Chronarch's life support machinery filled his room. Many thought the stallion was a martyr for his action during the terrorist attack. The problem with that was to be a martyr, one has to die and thats something the stubborn stallion had no plan on doing. Not while the nation needed him...not while Twilight needed him.

The heart rate monitors readings started to pick speed up as the comatose stallion stirred under his sheets. His senses returned to him slowly, one by one. First, his magical awareness. Chronarch could feel power surging back into him, allowing his time spells to stitch his flesh back together and repair his injuries. Second his hearing returned, it was faint, but he could hear the equipment around him and the guards outside of his door. He chuckled at the thought he'd never needed to be protected before, but hed also never been unconcious for... His mind drew a blank.

Once his injuries healed his personal his injury stasis spell wore off allowing him to feel again. Immediately, he was assaulted by the stinging pain of his damaged eye and foreleg. That alone was reason enough for him to stay put for a little while. But worst of all was the smell, the sterile stench of alcohol burned his nostril like a slow burnings fire. The odor dominated the room and threatened to make the stallion gag. He hated this smells, it usually meant that something went horribly wrong.

He could get up and leave now if he wished, but his magic wasnt fully restored. Bed rest and meditation were the best was for severely depleted unicorns to quickly regain strength. Easing back into his pillow, he closed his eyes and fell into a trance.

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-[colour=#800080]2nd Lieutenant Lavender Bloom[/colour], unknown location in the frozen wastes (3 hours ago)-

Lavender half-grinned as the Chevalier yelled abuse at her and took off, giving a small salute in her direction. [colour=#800080]"I ain't no Freelancer!"[/colour] She replied, before looking down at the snow covered ground, scooping up some of the blood stained snow and putting it in one of her flasks. It would definitely be valuable for analysis, maybe one of the factions could actually figure out what these things are. As the fleeing chevalier disappeared back into the blizzard though, Lavender felt her head rush. She was running on pure adrenaline alone now, and that was close to expiring. She took a few steps forward again, black spots funneling in and out of her vision. Beginning to pant, she trotted onward, and it seemed like she was making good pace. She looked back, but saw the blood stain again, only a few feet behind her. The mare stumbled, falling to her knees and starting to retch. Once that had stopped though, she began to shiver uncontrollably. The fight must have drained the remaining power from her armour........

Lavender rolled onto her back, staring up at the bleach white sky, not even flinching as the snowflakes from above settled onto her blood stained face. Sighing, she decided she would just lay here, and wait for Free. He couldn't be too far away now could he? Her brother was always late, it was a talent of his. Maybe she would just nap until he arrived. Yeah, she would do that. Closing her eyes, she yawned as the snow fell from the above sky.

-[colour=#FF8C00]General [/colour][colour=#FF8C00]Applejack[/colour], RLF temporary forward command base, the frozen wastes (3 hours ago)-

Applejack set the small troop carrier jet into full burn, activating the beacon searcher, a large floodlight illuminating the ground beneath the jet. Darting her eyes frantically, the general set a course for Lavender's last known location, a large CE watchtower. She had left from Equinia as soon as she had heard the MIA report over the RLF radio channel, it was on her if Lavender had met her end, she was the one who had authorized her coming up to this tartarus-hole. The medic, her old friend ponyville friend Rose, had volunteered to join her after she had heard the news, and was now sat in the troop bay, waiting anxiously. It was a dangerous plan, Applejack taking an easily identifiable jet like this into enemy territory, but she had the right clearance, and had bluffed that Lavender had acquired a high value asset.

A small blip lit up on the forward monitor's display, then flickered off. Lavender's beacon! Making a sharp turn, she turned the jet in the general direction of the beacon and flew low towards it, snow skimming and flying off the streamlined body of the plane.[colour=#FF8C00]"Prep the landing deck Rose, i'm going to have to drop you off and make a turn if we want to get out of there quick." [/colour]Rose nodded, placing her hoof on the switch to lower the drop ramp, her white and red medic armour shivering slightly. [colour=#FF8C00]"On my mark." [/colour]1000 meters, 700 meters, 200 meters......... [colour=#FF8C00]"Mark!" [/colour]Applejack yelled, as Rose slammed the ramp release button and dived onto the thick snow, rushing over to the small purple and grey pile a couple of meters in front of her. The general made a sharp u-turn, her days as a pilot during the revolution kicking in, as the jet swung and landed back in the same position. Grabbing a rifle from the racks, Applejack ran to the ramp and checked her corners, as Rose dragged the unconscious mare back onto the jet. [colour=#FF0000]"You're clear general, go!" [/colour]Rose said said as she knelt down and began to pump oxygen back into Lavender's frozen lungs, grabbing some heat pads and laying them out around the young soldier. The transport buckled as it took off, but was soon back on course. [colour=#FF8C00]"Is she ok?" [/colour]The general had to yell over the roar of the engines, but didn't move her eyes from the monitor, concentrating on keeping the jet in the air. [colour=#FF0000]"She's not dead. But she's darn close to it."[/colour] Rose replied, as the transport flew for the field base, where the medical bay was on standby.

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•Agent Virginia 'Applebloom', Freelancer HQ Cafeteria•

Releasing her head, she looked up at York with a tight smile. "...yeah, I'm alright. Just a minor headahce; they've been rather common lately, but don't worry. But, South...really? I'm not even at drinkin' age yet, and I'm more mature than y'all. Anyway, York, I'll be glad to have ya with me. Plus, I can't wait to see these 'kids' of yours..." Snickering at the stallion, she got up from the cafeteria table. "...I'm already packed, just need to snag some civilian clothes before flying out to the train station mainland. You've got an hour before we gotta go, York! Meet me at the loading bay once you are packed." Saying her farewells to the Dakota twins, she picked up her breakfast and threw the rest of her food away; she lost her appetite, and proceeded to exit the cafeteria. It only took her a short while to arrive at her quarters; a moderately-sized joint bedroom and office with her more-than-friendly partner, 4-6-9er, or Harmony to her. Picking up her luggage, she hesitated before putting it back down and taking out a sheet of paper for a note to Harmony. Grabbing a pen, she began to write her message;


I have gone away to New Manehatten for a few days. Something doesn't feel right. I've been having odd dreams; the nightmares you hear me screaming at these last few evenings...I am afraid I haven't been entirely level with you on them. I need answers, so I am returning to my origins to find what I seek, and also to see if my feelings of danger are real. Please, out of whatever love you might have for me, keep the knowledge of my dreams from Him. I fear I might be used. I will return as soon as I find what I need...stay safe.

Forever yours, A.B.

Placing the letter underneath Harmony's pillow, she swiftly snatched her luggage and proceeded out of the room, hardly stopping to greet any other Freelancer operatives in between her and her destination. Goodness, she had spent more time on that letter than she thought! She had five minutes left before she had to fly out to the mainland; she had to hurry. Surely York was there, fully ready, by now...she felt really stupid, but knew that leaving her note behind had been necessary. Arriving at the Freelancer gunship docking bay in a rush, she approached the small auto-return Scout helicopter. Tossing the bags inside, she climbed in and hurried to the pilot's cabin, beginning the flight operation sequence and starting the engine. If York was here and ready, he will be able to climb in and sit himself down. If he wasn't...well, she'd have to go on without him.

•Twilight Sparkle, Outside the New Citadel Infirmary, Room #377•

It took her some time to reach the Citadel's newly-rebuilt Infirmary wing; she wasn't that much in a hurry, due to the fact that Rainbow was most likely still unconscious due to painkillers, and Chronarch even more likely to be in his coma. Supposedly, with each day a pony stayed in a coma, their chances of reawakening grew lesser. It hurt to think of it that way, but it was true; Chronarch was most likely to become a martyr, a way to further unite the Federation against this new Crystal Imperial threat. Despite that...she knew she would have prefered her Archmage and closest advisor at her side. He had been loyal to her when she was the Red Fox, and that loyalty had only grown when she revealed her true self. He was her ancestor; a five-hundred year old pony whose insurrection against Princess Celestia had been all but erased. It seemed that fighting rulers was in her blood...

Taking a deep breath, she stopped in front of the door to Room #377 and saluted the two Moon Guard she had posted to watch over Chronarch's comatose body. They saluted in return, their faces grim. "...has the Archmage improved?" The Guard on the right, clearly the most senior of the two due to the extra length of gold tassles on his uniform, responded in a weary tone. "No, Grand Chancellor. The Archmage was still in a comatose state when we last checked on him...we felt a small surge of magical energy within, but that is known to occasionally happen with comatose unicorns; as you know, of course. My Lady, if you wish it...we will pull the plug discreetly; no pony will ever know, and we will make the Archmage's last moments peaceful." Twilight felt the urge to beat the Guard for his words, but kept her anger in check; she knew he was only concerned for her emotional health...but it still burned her to think of Chronarch's death as a potential political asset. Shaking her head, she pushed past the two guards. "...no, that will not be necessary. If I want him at rest, I will do it myself..." The elder guard murmured his submission as he opened the door for her, practically rushing her inside before shutting the door behind her and resuming his diligent watch.

As Twilight entered and her eyes began to settle on Chronarch, her lips tightened and her eyes felt strained; her heart ached. Lately, she had been unable to see even the lowest Private, or the oldest citizen, hurt or worse; dead. Now...now she felt as though her emotions would shatter. Staring at Chronarch, she picked out the tubes connected to his body, and the beeping of the machines keeping him alive filled her ears. Trudging slightly over to him, she pulled up a chair and sat down, her expression solemn. His injuries were far worse than she thought; especially concerning his right eye and right foreleg. However, the base of the injuries seemed old, and she recalled how he had been wearing an eye-patch and leg-guards shortly after the Equinian Apocalypse. Had he been trying to hide them from her? "...you old goat...you should have came to me and showed me; I could have helped you..." Twilight whispered sadly, holding his left foreleg gently. Suddenly, she realized something: his pulse and breathing weren't in the standard of a comatose state. They were like that of a meditative trance. How long had he been like this? If he was there...maybe he'd respond to his real name. "Re-regulus...? Can you...hear me?" If he was there, she'd have to strangle him for not telling her sooner...! Or...simply cry out of joy. The second seemed much more likely.

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Chronarch w. Twilight, Citadel Infirmary, Room #377

Chronarch's senses stretched far while he meditated. He could tell how out of sorts he was, normally hed be able to pick on an individual he knew from across the city just from their magical energy, but now... Everything was muddled, the only details he could get were concentration. On most occasions, hed simply use his meditation time to scourge his mindscape and reflect on the past. He didnt have that luxury now thought, all of his focus was on rewinding time around his injured flesh and tracking the huge concentration of magic that was approaching him. At first he mentally prepared several defenses, but quickly decided to drop them when he noticed how casually the magic travelled through the Citadel.

His physical senses were equally muddled as well too the point that he could just barely make out a conversation outside of his door. All he knew was that the mass of magic he had been tracking was there. Before he could fully collect his thoughts the magic was upon him.

Chronarch was mentally tense for awhile ready to strike out that the intruder if needed to. A voice pierced the fog of his mind. The sound was much more clear than anything else around you. It was soothing, just as fast as his defenses were prepared, he let them fall, opting instead to focus on his company.

When Twilight held his foreleg, the effect on Chronarch's mind was like lightning on a pale of water. The haze of restoritive trance instantly evaported rapidly restoring his sense. Twilight. He thought.

"It's been some time since I've heard that name." he whispered. A cut on his cheek finished knitting itself closed as he slowly turned his head to face her.

His eyes opened slowly,one completely normal, but the other was wrong... The white of his eye had been replaced by a solid nonreflective black and a faintly glowing gold replaced his amber iris. Small golden cracks litered his face around the damaged eye.

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>Freelancer HQ, Agents York, North and South Dakota

North chuckled as Virginia put down South impressed with the new and young addition to the Freelancer family, "[colour=#800080]Wow, I think she just burned you South. Virginia's got guts that's for sure.[/colour]" North remarked while watching and waved goodbye to Virginia as she was leaving while South gave North and Virgina the pony equivalent of the middle finger, "[colour=#ee82ee]Hey, frak off you and her. The only reason she became an agent is because she's a useful bargaining chip for the RLF.[/colour]" South bitterly snapped back at her brother baring her sharpened fangs at him, "[colour=#800080]South, that's not on. She went through the training and standard procedures just like everyone else, don't judge her because of her past.[/colour]" North reprimanded his sister after her remark about Virginia being an asset used against the RLF. "[colour=#daa520]It's no problem, besides I really wanna see the place again I haven't seen it since before the Revolution. I'll get a few things packed up and I'll meet you there, Hehe yeeaah right...[/colour]" York nervously smirked and was ready to go pack, getting up from the table he finished up his breakfast and placed the used mug, plate and cutlery in the cleaning trays and headed off to his quarters to pack for the trip.

He entered his quarters which consisted of a joint bedroom and office, with several other smaller rooms. He grabbed his suitcase and filled it with the necessary amenities such as clothes, hygienic items and other items he needed for the trip. After he finished packing, he took a quick shower to freshen up before getting dressed carrying his luggage with him, as he was about to leave he took a glance at his wardrobe mirror and smirked at the handsome stallion in the mirror, "[colour=#daa520]Well hey there handsome, how you doing?[/colour]" remarking in a sly and playful tone he then locked his quarters and left heading out to meet Virginia. He entered the loading bay while Virginia was readying the helicopter, spotting her in the helicopter he ran up to catch up to her. "[colour=#daa520]Hey Virginia, wait up will ya?[/colour]" York yelled from across the loading bay, as he reached the helicopter he threw his luggage inside the helicopter and jumped into the co-pilot seat next to Virginia.

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-Banner-Lieutenant Cryie, Chevalier Rally Point for ‘Operation Stonemason’-

Cryie smiled as she walked around the base, an extra stripe on her uniform. She’d been promoted up a rank, and she didn’t plan on making her superiors regret that choice.

She walked in-front of her platoon, 30 Chevaliers strong, part of a banner. She was leading this platoon, and was waiting for the Banner-Captain to give them the all-clear

She stood by the unit, waiting also. She disliked having to go under command, but they were Chevaliers, the best, surely she’d be able to work her way to work solo, and find that mare….

[colour=#8b4513]“Lieutenant, good to see you’re here with the troops, I except everything is in order?”[/colour] asked the Banner-Captain. He was a unicorn with brown fur and a grayish mane.

[colour=#008000]“Captain, we are ready to move. I’ve made sure that our section will be the first to arrive at the outpost, and wipe out any ponies that stand in our way”[/colour] a slight smiled formed on her face, just the prospect to attack Celestia’s world made her excited.

[colour=#8b4513]“Good, we’re the advanced wave, so when we get the word, move out. The Queen is counting on us to make a base, and we had better not disappoint” [/colour]The stallion walked off, headed towards a large tent.

Cryie stayed in position, despite she didn’t want to, she knew that right now, she needed to play nice with those higher then her. While idle she stood, her mind went back to the mare that had gotten away with stabbing her. Would she be at Manehatten? Would they encounter each-other again? She really hoped so, because her hunt for the Freelancer’s wasn’t over, she had been ordered by a Banner-General to find the Freelancers, and she hoped this invasion would bring them out from hiding.

That’s when I’ll do it, that’s when I’ll get my answers, and that is when that mare will pay, because if they send her..ohh, I can’t wait to get my hooves on that mare….’

A horn played, bring Cryie back into the real world. She saw her Banner moving, and she joined in. Eventaully, she guessed her banner was made out off 180 Chevaliers, and they were the advanced wave, being sent ahead of the rest of the army by about 12 hours.

[colour=#008000]“Watch out Manehatten, cause you’ve got an army headed right for you….and there is nothing that can save you from the Chevliers”[/colour]

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The musical mare turned to look at the pony who dropped tipped her a few coins. It appeared that she had been followed by the mare she had decided to talk to, [colour=#008000]"Thanks, glad to hear it." [/colour]Lyra grabbed the hoof of the pony, who had introduced herself as Banner-Captain Valor Bound, and shook it gently, a holdover from her developmental years in Canterlot. It was strange to hear such regal speech from, well anyone. As she looked over the military mare, a smile of tranquility came on her face. [colour=#008000]"It's nice to meet you Miss Val. You can just call me Lyra." [/colour]Formalities were never really something she was good with, but when talking to someone in the military, she felt it was a good idea. Although maybe 'Miss' wasn't the right term, was it? Didn't matter anyway, seeing as she had already said it.

Lyra closed her case and slung it over her back. Though her original plan was to go home, now that she had started conversing with somepony, she felt a change to her plan was needed. [colour=#008000]"So, do you want to get out of here and go somewhere? After all, it isn't really fun to spend free time at work." [/colour]It also didn't help that even though she didn't really know many places around the Empire. Hopefully spending some time with this new face would open here eyes to some new places and experiences. Either way it would keep her from being all alone. Lyra didn't really care too much for spending time by herself, as other ponies just made things more entertaining. Plus she hadn't heard any good songs about being alone, so it was horrible for her musical writing.

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•Twilight Sparkle, in Infirmary Room #377 of the New Citadel with Chronarch•

When she heard Chronarch whisper in response, she felt a sudden urge to laugh with joy, but her smile slipped when she saw the right side of his face. Holding back the tears, she gently caressed his right cheek, a pained and miserable expression apparent on her face. "Oh, Chronarch...what happened to you? I...I'm sorry, if this was because of me. I-I should have seen the stress of your magic...I guess this is another tragedy caused by my ignorance, right? Seems to happen a lot these days... I am so sorry." Twilight murmured softly, her voice breaking at the end as a single tear trailed down her cheek. She did nothing to stop it; she could cry in front of Chronarch...he was family, after all. Withdrawing her hoof from his cheek, Twilight sighed deeply.

"...I feel as though I made another deal with Tartarus. I made an agreement with Freelancer; it will help us win this war, but...was it worth the price? Rainbow survived the attack, and Freelancer is suppling us their best agent as her bodyguard. I do not trust them...but I will keep this 'Nova' watched. Chronarch...you remember Salus Umbra, yes? I spoke with their Oracle, and...he told me something; something dark. I fear this war will nearly destroy Equestria before it's over, and Pierrot may win...it all lies on who finds 'it' first, but in order to do that, we need the Keys. I have one..." From within her uniform, she pulled out a necklace made of magically-strengthened silver, and affixed on a small plate was a glowing white crystal, its illuminating aura powerfully bright. It was the one she had created by destroying the Elements of Harmony; some use they would be...the Key still retained the magical power of the Elements, but she hadn't figured out how to tap into the energies. "...this is the Keystone of Remembrance. I...I know I may be asking to much, Chronarch...but once you recover, I need you to find the other Keys. There are five others...and I do not know where they are, or what they are. This war we are about to fight...we will lose it. That much is obvious. Anything we do is only to delay the inevitable; either we are the first to find the Goliath, or everything is lost."

She blinked after a moment, then looked away full of guilt. "...I know I ask a lot of you. If you do not wish to take this, or can't take it, I will find another. Your safety is just as important as anypony else's."

•Agent Virginia 'Applebloom', Enroute to Mainland Equestria via helicopter with Agent York•

The orange-coloured young mare glanced to her side as York climbed into the co-pilot's seat and made himself comfortable. " 'Bout time you got here, Yorkie. Figured you weren't comin'." Virginia muttered impatiently Flipping several switches and preparing the vehicle to ascend, she made a side note to turn of communications for now; no need for Freelancer to recall her after she left. When, or if, she got back, she would make sure to tamper with the onboard comm-link so that it would appear to be an engineering error. As the propeller blades began to gain lift and the helicopter ascended into the air, she turned on her in-flight targetting unit on the console screen, displaying the total amount of distance to their destination and the estimated time. Growling under her breath, she took the controls and had the helicopter move forward and out of the transport bay of Freelancer HQ. After a few seconds, their speed began to pick up and within a couple of minutes they were flying smoothly. Setting the computer on autopilot towards their destination, she sighed heavily.

"So, York...the Dakotas keep mentionin' you havin' kids. Do you really have some foals, or is it a joke? To be frank...I never would have figured you the fatherly type. Oh, don't get me wrong; you're a great stallion, kind and often sweet, but you seem a bit too goofy to be a parent. Especially when you're drinkin'." Virginia grinned lightheartedly at him before continuing. "...and if you have little foals, does that mean you have, or had, a wife? Again; seems bizarre for you." She leaned back, taking her eyes away from him and monitoring the skies ahead of them. It was a nice day; a blue sky above, a rolling blue-green sea below, and lazy white clouds passing by them.

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•The Crystal Castle, in the Chamber of the King•

"**** it all, Yulan! I demand results! You will find the Keys, or I will find somepony who will!" The Banner-General stood calmly as a goblet of fine wine flew past his head, spilling bright red liquid across the floor. Pierrot, his King and commander, stood seething in front of his glorious throne. Yulan had never seen the powerful Alicorn in such a fury before; but he wasn't unsettled by the sight. He never was. All he could do for now was stand by and remain silent while his leader tried to regain his composure. His name was Yulan Stoneblood, born in the northern-most corner of the Crystal Empire and raised into the life of a soldier. Never had anyone seen the expression of 'fear' on his face...nor would they ever, not with his recent transformation. Officially, he served Pierrot...in reality, he served another. The only reason he had remained as a general here instead of retreating into exile as a few others did was because of orders by his true master. Pierrot was a pawn...no more; just like Sombra once was. Knowing that made Yulan capable of dealing with this new King's various actions. He said nothing as the Alicorn's breathing slowed and his face became cold as always; blank except for those smoldering blue eyes, which carried more sorrow and anger than Yulan had ever seen before. That...was slightly unnerving. He listened intently when the King spoke once again, his voice calm once more. "...I want the Keys found, Yulan. The Goliath must be found if my goals are to be reached. How go your...Seekers...in this search, Yulan?"

The general put on an engaging smile that never reached his eyes, bowing respectfully to Pierrot with his head and gaze lowered. "...they do well, my King. We have Seekers placed in each of the Equestrian Factions, including some within the radical Forgotten Army. We receive reports coming in every day, although Freelancer and Salus Umbra still remain unpenetrated...which is of no surprise, especially on the later organization. Your father's former lap-dogs keep their organization exceptionally tight." Pierrot grimaced at mention of his father, but Yulan continued unperturbed. "As for the search on the Keys, we have some knowledge on two potential Keys, one in the possession of Twilight Sparkle, and the other...the other is within New Manehatten, in display at their Museum of Historical Artifacts; they are unaware of what they have in their possession. With the 7th and 9th Armies marching for the city, we will be able to kill two birds with one stone, so the saying goes. An excellent advancement in both the war campaign and the search for the Goliath." Pierrot nodded in comprehension, another goblet of wine at his side as if had appeared by magic; which it most likely had.

With Yulan's explaination finished, Pierrot sat down in his throne and studied the crystal pony. Yulan had seen that same look in several others that had been above him; the study of somepony's worth, of how much they could offer. He cared little for it. After a few moments of silence, Pierrot spoke softly, as if he never had gotten infuriated in the first place. "Very well. Keep your recruitment going, and continue your search on the Keys. Once New Manehatten is secure, you can use it as the stage for your Equestrian operations. How fares the 'negotiations' with the Saddle Arabians? Have they accepted our terms?" Yulan shook his head, his face an unreadable mask. "I'm afraid not, my King. The Sultan is being troublesome; but the problem should be rectified soon enough." Pierrot understood the reference, and after a couple moments of contemplation, he gestured for Yulan to leave, not uttering a word. The crystal pony suppressed the scowl that tried to enter his expression before bowing, backing away and out of the room while speaking praises of the 'King'. Once through the gilded doors, he shook his head and began the long march to his favorite bar; he needed a drink, and at that moment washing out the bitterness of that encounter took precedence over whatever else needed to be done.

•Frostborne Stronghold, ruins of the Royal Hive•

Misery laughed as she was embraced from behind by one of her newer Chevaliers; a beautiful pegasi stallion by the name of Stardust. Unlike most of her other Chevaliers, he was reborn as a much stronger, much more different creature. He was one of seven unique Chevaliers who had adopted the name 'Revenants'. Stardust, her 'Revenant of Lust', kissed her neck and whispered sweet-nothings into her right ear. If she were a feline, she would have purred. Pushing him away gently, she glided over to the small blanket laid out on the ground in the middle of a garden of frozen flowers. In a dress of blue and white as bright as the frozen flora around them, she blended in almost perfectly. Created by another of her adoring Chevaliers, it was a place she went when she needed to rest. Sitting down on the blanket, she patted the ground for Stardust to sit as well, which he did almost immediately. Wearing leather-padded white gear from his last foray into the winter snows outside the Stronghold, his equally light-toned coat perfectly groomed and presentable. No matter what he did or wore, he always appeared wonderfully...she had spared no time in inviting him here when she felt him return. Leaning against him, she spoke softly; the melody of her voice echoing slightly. "...you've done well, my Revenant. It was a shame you could not 'save' any of the Federation soldiers, but it had to be done. However, I wish you would be more careful...while your siblings are away, all I have is you to keep me company."

The stallion laughed warmly, wrapping his angelic white wings around her and smiling with equal warmth. "...my Queen should not worry so much. As always, her safety takes precedence over my own. If you were prefer, I could simply take you hostage and hide you away from everything...I could keep you to myself." When Misery narrowed her violet eyes and grimaced at him, it only made him laugh more. Opening her mouth to say something, he hushed her with a ruffle of wings and sat her up. "...we have company, my Queen." Standing up and taking a soldier's stance, Stardust eyed the massive stone doors at the far end of the garden while Misery made herself appear dignified and elegant; not like she needed to, anyway. Suddenly, the doors burst open to admit an Alicorn completely covered in black armor, and she immediately replaced her cold expression with a smile. As the black-garbed Alicorn approached, she could feel a familiar magical presence radiating from him. "Ah...you've returned, brother." When he was within a few meters distance, he knelt and removed his helmet, revealing a face similar to her own, with the exception of more masculine features...they were twins, after all. Despair was his name, and he served as her Revenant of Pride...indeed, it seemed fitting. All the titles of her Revenants were; it highlighted their previous sins.

Raising his head, Despair smiled back at his sister, and nodded respectively toward Stardust; the respect of equals, which was returned by the pegasus stallion. Looking back to Misery, he stood up. "I have good news; the detachment of Chevaliers we sent under Luna's command have practically conquered the entire mountain range outside of New Manehatten...and gained us new recruits, as you no doubt have felt their first joining to us. Once the Crystal Imperial armies arrive, the city should fall without issue, hopefully submitting without any casualties once they see our superiority." Drawing a satisfied nod from Misery. They spoke for several minutes before Misery dismissed Despair, waiting until her brother left before turning back to Stardust. "So...where were we?" He laughed as he settled down with her.

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>Agent York, Enroute to Equestria with Agent Virginia

The tan-coloured stallion chuckled with a playful smirk on his face, he sent what was basically a false report that Virginia and him were going on an espionage mission for some time and needed a helicopter. "[colour=#daa520]I need to have at least SOME excitement before heading off on some suicide mission. Besides someone has to cover your six while you're flying off without permission. We Freelancers aren't just a bunch of psychotic spies for hire you know, we do look out for each other and all.[/colour]" York dismissively joked around with Virginia while he watched the scenery pass the helicopter by, as Virginia set the controls on autopilot he sighed relaxingly shifting into a more comfortable sitting position on the co-pilot seat putting his hooves up behind his mane.

His ears perked up listening to Virginia before taking a sidewards glance at the mare, "[colour=#daa520]Oh yeah, that. Well, yeah it's a joke they made up. But it's that I'm kinda good with kids, been that way since when I was a young Manehatten colt. Watching out for my little brother while mum and dad were away. They were military types, good ponies and still living in Manehatten if I remember right. Living in the city teaches you a few tricks that could come in handy for tricky situations, I learned my talent was picking locks and eventually that led me here to Freelancer. As an 'Infiltration Expert'[/colour]" York explained to Virginia a bit about the joke that the Dakotas mentioned earlier, he then delved a little about his history and how it related to the joke before continuing. "[colour=#DAA520]Anyway no, I don't have foals of my own or a wife. I'm just not ready for that type of thing yet...But they're kinda right. I do kinda have my eyes on a special mare, but she's so obsessed with her work it's like she never fully switches off. She's the best gal I ever knew if she'd just relax more, if this war is over and we're both still alive. Maybe I might gather up the courage to ask her out, who knows it might even go places...if I told you do you swear not to tell anyone about this? Promise not to tell, it'll help me out big time plus I'd never hear the end of it if they knew.[/colour]" York admittedly shied up on Virginia, as he fessed up to having a crush on a mare who was in the Agent Fireteams command and rumoured to be in the Director's inner circle in Freelancer. Then he almost begged her not to tell any of the other Agents about it especially South Dakota who would no doubt taunt him relentlessly over it.

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-Valour Bound, Crystal Empire, Club-

Val shook hooves with the minty musical mare, "[colour=#40e0d0]Simply Val will suffice[/colour]." She grinned at the other mares unsure expression, it was always amusing to see how others reacted to the fact she was a soldier. She took her hoof back after the greeting was finished. She was enjoying socialisation for the first time in quite a while. Lyra seemed friendly and undaunted by her status.

[colour=#008000]"So, do you want to get out of here and go somewhere? After all, it isn't really fun to spend free time at work." [/colour]Lyra asked, invinting Val out. She had most definitely not expected that. [colour=#40e0d0]"I would love to, sister," [/colour]She answered without a second thought, [colour=#40e0d0]"you are still quite new to the Empire I take it?" [/colour]Val turned to exit the building with a wave to the other mare as if to say 'follow me'. [colour=#40e0d0]"I have lived here all of my life," [/colour]Val said once they had left the building to exit into the crisp night air, [colour=#40e0d0]"I will show you what makes the Crystal Empire the greatest place in all of Equestria." [/colour]She led Lyra around the city, showing her the glories offered by the empire.

-2 Months Ago, Cargo Train, Inside the Crystal Empire-

Darkness; darkness and the smell of death, permeated the interior of the train car. Within it stood a full squadron of ponies in heavy winter coats, most were relaxing against walls their weapons slung over their shoulders. A few were not so lax in their duties. They kept weapons trained on the form lying in the center of the cars floor, covered by a tarp. It did not stir; nor had it the entire trip, but they were too frightened by what lie hidden beneath the cloth. A nightmare that had terrified all of ponykind for as long as any could remember. [colour=#008000]"H-hey Sarge, I-I think it m-moved." [/colour]One of the privates spoke up, breaking the silence, [colour=#008000]"I d-don't like this." [/colour]An older stallion nearby grumbled as he tipped his hat back and looked at the form.

[colour=#006400]"It ain't moved ya dimwit."[/colour] He groaned, waving a hoof dismissively at the young soldier. [colour=#006400]"it's dead, or soon to be." [/colour]He added after a moment before pushing his hat back down, obviously trying to get soem rest.

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-Banner-Lieutenant Cryie, Outpost 3617, Manehatten mountain ranges-

Cryie smiled as she cleaned her mouth of the blood that had been on it after her feeding on the prisoners that didn’t accept the conversation. She exited her mini tent, looking at the base that had quickly been made over the old outpost. Chevaliers walked around, fixing the damage they had caused themselves, or helping make improvements. Cryie just watched, she had no interest to fall in with the rest, to work as part of the unit.

With that on her mind, she walked towards the main command building of the old outpost, where their commander was. She walked up to the door, and the Chevaliers at the door let her pass.

Walking down the long hallways, she felt how cold the building was, she was already shivering and she’d only been inside for several seconds. Continuing to walk down, her shivering continued, the cold attacking her exposed skin and her wings which were folded on her back. Eventually, she found the door to the main control room, but she paused outside it, nervious.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, more so than usual. She shook her head, muttering to herself [colour=#008000]“Cool yourself..It’ll be fine, I mean, it’s not like she’ll tear my apart for asking something as simple as working as a free agent, right?"[/colour]

Taking a slow breath out, she opened the door, and walked in head facing the ground. She walked several metres, and the door closed with a long bang, making her jump slightly. She could handle fighting, being ambushed and everything, but the thought of encountering somepony as high ranked as the Cheverlier commander.

Bowing down, she kept her head down, refusing to look up, fearing it might offend her.[colour=#008000] “C-commander..I..M-my name is Cryie, Banner-Lieutenant of the advanced force…I-I have a request to make..W-with your permission..”[/colour] She took another deep breath, trying to slow herself down, she could feel her heart go even faster, her wings itching slightly and her next hurting from keeping it bowed.

[colour=#008000]“I request to work alone, away from the main army. M-my original investigation of the Freelancer project has been halted because I was drafted..i-into this attack force, which I am grateful for, but I do not work well wi-th others…A-and, I think…i-I would work better…A-alone…”[/colour] Her voice slowly started to stop working at the end, and eventually, she stopped, wanting to hit herself.

Why? Why did I think this would be easy? I should have died on the battle field, with that mare’s blood on my hooves, but instead, I might die here, by somepony I called my commander….

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Chronarch, w/ Twilight Sparkle; Infirmary Room #377 of the New Citadel

Her touch upon his wound sent an electric feeling throw his entire body. it drained magic from her the amount was miniscule, but he could feel it all the same. The wound was magical in nature, as such it thrived on mana, but only Chronarch magic could cause the fissure on his face to expand. At first, he was simply lulled by the touch. A single glance at Twilight’s doleful exp<b></b>ression was enough to make him shy away and direct his scarred face at the nearest wall.

“Don’t... Just don’t... This isn’t your fault. My injuries are the result of a deal made in haste, for all of the wrong reasons. I was such a foalish colt, but it’s finally catching up to me.” He forced a chuckle, but quickly stopped after hearing Twilight blame herself for what was happening. Using his magic, he rummaged through the bag and retrieved his eye patch. One of his boots was still intact as well so he retrieved that as well. With both his scarred eye and leg covered, he turned to address her. “No. Never think like that. No pony can know everything, account for everything... We all slip sometimes and when a pony is as high up as you they have so much further to fall... so much that relies you it feels like it’s all your fault, but really what could you have done? How far ahead would you have needed to know for it to matter in the end?” He said calmly. “All you can do... Is be better than you were yesterday.” Slowly he reached up with his hoof and wiped away her tear. “Self doubt doesn’t suit us.”

“It’s good to hear that I got her out in one piece.” His ears back and his face sank into a deep frown at the news about Freelancer. He trusted them even less than Twilight, an organization with that much to hide never had one hundred percent good intentions. Extend one hoof in friendship, arm the other. Sadly, they couldn’t afford to worry about Freelancer’s ulterior motives at the moment, Pierrot and his forces was too much as it was. All they had to do was let the Freelancer know that G.E.F. had teeth and would bite if they overstepped their boundaries. “I can’t say that I’ll rest easy with them at our backs. I’d rather be stabbed in the chest if I get a choice, but their resources make them a good valuable ally. I trust your judgement.”

He nodded. “The group that Shining Armor is in, I remember.” His ears fell back onto his head. “You and I both would have been kidding ourselves if we expected it to end in some way other than blood and fire.” He studied the magic artifact with keen eyes. The mage in him was fascinated by the objects latent magical power; the physicist in him wanted find some way to quantify the objects properties. “So that’s what you created with the Elements. And these keys are the method for finding and controlling the Goliath... ”

He sighed, then reached out and gently turned her face so that they were looking each other in the eyes. “Twilight, it’s the responsibility of the strong to protect and guide the weak. In times like these we have to give our everything... I’m no exception. You brought this up to me for a reason: because you knew that I was the best pony to handle this. I’d rather be burned alive than live in Pierrot’s world because the pony you got in my stead was a little too or slow, or not smart or strong enough to finish the task.” His eyes narrowed as he fell into thought.

“You say you don’t know what they are or where they are, but we do know that the keys are related to each other and the Goliath... Tell me have you tried feeding the key magical energy to force resonance? The magical ping it would cause could possibly reach across the nation, causing the signal to reverberate off of similar concentrations of magic and return to you as some sort of feedback... If that works, it would aid greatly in searching for them.”

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•Lieutenant General Luna, Occupied Federation Outpost #3176 Central Command Room•

Luna sat silently at her desk as she overviewed the current status reports and Banner movements in the surrounding mountain range, her mouth thinned to a tight line. Everything was fine, with the exception of one oddity at the northeastern corner of the mountains, where no reports had been sent from and all squads sent in have disappeared without a trace. She disliked such occurances. Picking up a dagger, she stabbed into the small area and whispered to herself quietly: "...that must be taken before we make our move. We cannot afford to leave a single mote of opposition behind us..." She had sent grunts and Chevaliers alike into that void of communication, all of which went off the radar as soon as they entered. The soldiers were beginning to call it the 'Circle of Sirens', due to the odd reports of singing coming from the mountain at the center of the territory. Growling slightly, Luna kept the knife quivering there and stood up. She glanced over at one of the newest Chevaliers, once she had converted only the previous night. He looked forlorn...lost...many appeared that way when they were first 'reborn'. Her thoughts on him were diverted when the doors burst open, admitting an odd-looking pegasus Chevalier who quivered from nervousness and determination; as well she should. Turning to meet the bold mare, Luna lifted her head and stared down the lower Chevalier with brilliant crimson eyes that shined like blood-covered moons.

As the Chevalier bowed, she studied the mare calmly. Then came the pegasus' abnormal request. Luna eyed her for a moment longer, letting the mare squirm, before throwing back her head and laughing at the amusing little speech. So...she wanted to be a lone agent, did she? The Revenant's laugher quieted as quickly as it came, and she smiled at the Chevalier before her. "Hmm...so, you are telling us that you'd rather play by yourself, instead of with others? We respect that. Supposedly, we Chevaliers possess a hive-mind similar to that of the old Changelings...but there is more freedom to it. We've heard of your exploits, Banner-Lieutenant, and we understand that your last mission...was a failure; your first, at that. But...we believe in second chances. Very well, we will acknowledge your request, Banner-Lieutenant...on two conditions." As her voice dropped off, she approached the stallion next to her and lifted his chin slightly with her right forehoof. The new Chevalier kept his eyes downward, and said nothing. "A delightful specimen, would you not agree? He was one of our newest additions...and we consider him our finest. Once a loyal Federation soldier, he now serves under our Queen's eternal graces...is that not correct, Skyborne?" The pegasus stallion nodded, looking up at her with strange yellow eyes. "Yes, Revenant...I am a servant and son of our lovely Queen, mother, and lover. I owe nothing but gratitude to her for giving me the opportunity to escape mortality." Luna smiled and let go of his chin as his eyes lowered once more. She turned back to look at Cryie, and her smile widened.

"As you may know, Banner-Lieutenant, some of the newer Chevaliers, the ones reborn of our blood, sometimes are different than the standard. Those who possess these...mutations...are quite valuable. Skyborne, here, is one of those special Chevaliers. You will not be working alone, precisely; you will take Skyborne on the missions you are assigned from now on. No complaints, Banner-Lieutenant...you will obey the commands of a Revenant. Finally, one last thing..." Luna's horn glowed a bright red as the map of the surrounding mountains was lifted on the table. Pointing to the uncharted spot from before, she spoke with a slight intensity in her voice. "...you and Skyborne will go to this 'Circle of Sirens', and find any survivors, as well as the creatures responsible for ambushing our scouting parties. I am comfident you will succeed in this...but I recommend feeding well before leaving; it may be your last meal for quite some time, unless you find the perpetrators...just leave their leader alive, at that point. Are we understood?"

•Agent Virginia 'Applebloom', Freelancer Helicopter enroute to Equestrian Mainland with Agent York•

Virginia smirked as she listened to York go on about the Dakotas and their incessant jokes. When he finished, she laughed lightly, especially about the part of him telling her his 'secret' crush, as long as she didn't tell anypony. "Yorkie, I'm not tellin' anypony. Besides...I already know; it's Carolina, isn't it? You kinda gave me a hint when you and her fell asleep in my room...would you like to know what you said to me before you passed out?" Leaning back, her grin widened as she readied to tell him what he had blathered on drunkingly about last week when Carolina had been out cold. "You said; 'Virginia, thatsh the mare I'm gonna marry...whether she likesh me or not, I'll get her; you shee if I don't!' After that, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you hit my table...by the way, did the Doc' tell ya if you had a concussion?"

Remembering that night made Virginia laugh again; that was the crazy, sometimes idiotic thing she had come to expect from her fellow agents. She and Harmony decided to share a bunk that night because of their unconscious 'guests'... She blushed slightly after thinking about that; Harmony was so warm that night, so lovely, so... Stop it! Now isn't the time to start getting love-sick! Clearing her throat, she looked back out at the sky once more and at the timer on the control panel; they still had some time before they arrived outside the Trans-Equestrian Train Station.

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[colour=#006400]-Col. Star Striker - [/colour]

[colour=#006400]Augmentation Research Bay, Delta Labs, Equestrian Aerospace Defense Command Facility (RLF Secret Bunker)[/colour]

Another arduous day of PT... long hours of pushing his limits beyond that your average earth pony... or any pony for that matter... but the nightmares still linger... like an erie fog on a cool autumn night... as if they are no longer their to torture him but crush him. He now dreams of Chrysalis' and her inevitable betrayal, casting him aside as she unleashes her changling army once again... Twilight berating him, claiming he is not even half the stallion Lunar Cross is... both mock him and his stallionhood... these dreams are toleratable but... last night... the worst of his nightmares came to manifest... and his broke him... transformed him...

He dreamt of his lost love... the Staff Sgt... Tender Care... those painful last moments with her replayed in his mind but they became twisted and... dark...

It replayed the exact way it did with the same gruesome details until Star holds the dying mare in his arms... [colour=#FF8C00]"You should have been better than this! This was your fault... my blood is on your hands... are you just let me die like this? I HATE YOU!!!" [/colour]she cries with her last breath.

Horrified... broken... weak... the stallion falls into the darkness of his own mind... until... he hits the bottom. Suddenly he doesn't care anymore. His heart becomes locked away. Hidden within the dark, twisted mists of his core. A strong urge for battle pulses through him, wanting to put his new body to the ultimate test... to do what he was born to do...


The Colonel is awakened from his final night of medical stasis sleep inside that blue ooze filled prison. As he steps out he stands upright... motionless... cold... numb... Dr. Xyiance observes him nervously, trembling slightly.

"[colour=#0000CD]I've got great news, sir... um... all the data has been compiled and your lastest test results are far above our previous expectations. I-I think it's safe to say that you are finally ready for the battlefield." *Something is different about him. It's like he is more machine than pony... I'm getting chills...*[/colour]

Striker quickly dresses into his formal fatigues. Dr. Xyiance approaches him on more time as the Colonel adjusts his collar.

[colour=#0000CD]"So... tell me, Star. How do you feel right now?"[/colour]

Star pauses for a second and then coldly respondes without looking at the doctor.

[colour=#008000]"Combat Ready..."[/colour]

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-Banner-Lieutenant Cryie, Outpost 3716 Command Center-

When Luna started laughing, Cryie shook slightly, half expecting to be torn in half, but she wasn’t. But she cringed at how Luna knew of her failure of capturing a single mare. Cryie hated anypony knowing about it, she had tried to keep it quiet, shamed about it, but it had gotten out.

And when Lunasaid she’d agree to it, Cryie smiled slightly, but when the conditions came in, her smile faded slightly.

When Luna mentioned the specimen, Cryie felt compelled to look up, and found discomfort at seeing the crimson eyes of her commander. But she quickly took her eyes to the Pegasus in question.

Finest? He doesn’t look tough, and I’m sure one day, that’ll be me.

When Luna mentioned the upgraded Cheverliers, she took a hesitant step back. She’d heard of them, every Chevalier had, but she had dismissed them as rumors, lies even. Yet in front of her was an example of a half-breed, a living pony with the powers of those who didn’t make it. And he was being assigned with her. Not the arrangement she was gunning for, and if…

. No complaints, Banner-Lieutenant...you will obey the commands of a Revenant.”

N-no…S-she’s a Revenant? B-but, I thought that just….the Queen and her chosen were Revenant’s…Legends, even....

Then she had been given her mission, Circle of Sirens, the place with all the singing.

[colour=#008000]“I understand Commander. I will….Skyborne and myself will leave soon, i-I need to stock up on supplies…C-commander…T-thank you….”[/colour]

Standing up correctly, she took another look at Skyborne, the pegasus’s yellow eyes with her own black and red.

[colour=#008000]“Come on Sky, if we’re going to get moving, we’ll need go get going soon”[/colour] Cryie could feel her wings getting colder slightly, not sure if that was her or the room around her. Either way, she wanted to leave, Luna’s presence was making her slightly nervous. Turning around, she started walking back down the hall she had arrived in, opening the main door and seeing Sky walk towards her.

Ok, so…I’ll need to get my weapons, restock on food cause it might be a long journey. Then we’ll go to this siren place, kill whatever is there and I’ll be set. I just hope this hybrid doesn’t screw anything up, cause if he does, I’ll take his head. Nopony will stop me from making this world pay for stealing my old life away, nothing….

She closed the door once he was in, and they started walking down the cold hall, and that’s when she couldn’t’ help but extend her wings, the bat-like appendages stretching out.

[colour=#008000]“S-so, Sky…Do you know anything about this Circle thing? Cause all I know is there is singing coming from that area…”[/colour]

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