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The Story that has Everything! (Int. check) OPEN to anypony with a sense of humour!

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Come one, come all!

Bring your most angsty ponies, Mary Sues and Gary Stus, snowflake ponies and overwhelmingly gifted and lovable ponies! In this (to be planned) RP, all those cliches and overused tropes shall come to life before your very eyes!

Abandon all thoughts of reality or rationality as you roleplay from anything from the school queen pony to the shy (but secretly gorgeous) nerd. If you so desire, you can even have love triangles at every corner, love octagons if you must!

On a more serious note, this RP will just be a silly, light hearted one that pokes fun at some overused plots, cliched and such. It should not be taken seriously and you are free to be as dramatic as you can be. Anypony interested?

Also, do note that even though your characters will be of terrible quality, a certain standard of RP must be upheld, eg- Proper sentence formatting, correct use of punctuation and proper spelling (text speak is overrated!) and try to minimise your spelling errors, though a few here and there are acceptable ^^ Have as many charries as you wish, just remember to post something about them in here.



Cliche/Trope/Tragic or perfect backstory:

Fill that in and you should be fine! ^^

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It isn't a high school based, but there can be a school if one comes up in the passing mention ^^ I'm thinking that we'll just see where everything goes!

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